eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeilies |the -- village _ of -- Vérschoyvie"CIt being _ obvious that two compantcs could not be chartered to build over the same route, the question was which should be empowered to construct the 'rnil\\'ay. The question was still unde-- tcrmwmined when the committee rose. . -- An Ottawa deputation consisting of 'Mayor Payment, City Solicitor Me-- YVeity and Aldermeéen Champagne and | Davis is here to promote the passage of the Ottawa & New York and the Pontiac & Pacific Railway bills. A bulletin on the growing of sugar beets for sugar purposes is in pre-- paration by Professor Shuttleworth of the Agricultural College and --~will shortly be issued. : Notes. f I A deputation from St. Catharines ! has arrived to press for the adoption of[ Dr. Jeossop's bill seeking an amend--| ment to the law which will enable two| Aldermen to sit on Boards of Police Commissioners, in addition to the| | Mayor,, County Judge and Police Magis-- | trate. ' Mr. Aubrey White, Deputy l.'ommls-I sioner of Crown Lands, héard argu-- ments by opposing groups of lumber-- men yestérday morning on the question of whether the dams in the Wahnapitae | River shall be improved or not. | The Hamilton Radial Railway Com--| pany, which contemplates the opera-- tion of a line from Hamilton to Oak--| ' ville and Guelph, was yesterday morn--> Ilng granted an extension of time for beginning the work until 1905. The lcompany wanted the time extended to l190':. ,