The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1900, p. 4

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0 \basis of an attack upon | 6. izt M it A ht Whors + cadrtepini~~ Prpoap e ied P 0 \tration of the liquor license law by the commissioners throughout the Province. {gstead of occupying a judicial position 'the license boards were political bodies. Hon. Mr. Stratton pointed out that Mr. Lucas wished to enact a provision which was repealed in 1884, after ten years" experience, on the ground that it had the eflegat of greatly harassing the license holder. The law in its present form had been in force since 1884, and not a single case of negli-- gence or illegal issue of a license had reached the department. It was proper, therefore, to leave well enough alone. The department proposed to consoli-- date the liquor license law during the coming year, and he suggested that Mr. Lucas, therefore, let his bill stand. Mr. Marter declared that it was known from one end of the country to | Mr. Carscallen moved the secont reading of his bill for the inspection |of boilers and the examination and 'licensing of stationary engineers. In \dolng so he pointed out the existence of such a law in Great Britain, in Que-- \bec. Manitoba, and most of the States of the Union. o the other that the license department was a machine to keep the Government in power. k ko "'T'l'xze"n'{o'tlon for a second reading was declared lost on a division. Hon. Mr. Ross said the bill was far-- reaching in its effect. If enacted it might need an army of inspectors, and in every county a Board of Examiners. It was a serious thing that loss of life should result, however, and he would be willing for the bill to go to a special ecmmittee. -- Evidence might be taken upon matters which were at present in doubt, and a bill might be reported be-- fore the session closed. _ _ _ The motion carried, and the House adjourned at 10.25. t Home for Consumptives. The Hon. Geo. W. Ross, Premier, and other members of the Ontario Govern-- ment received a deputation at noon yesterday, comprising W. J. Gage, Hugh -- Blain, _Ambrose _ Kent, 'I J. Crabbe, DPr. Wm. Britton, Dr. N. A. Powell, Dr. Angus McKay, M.P.P., w. A. Charlton, M.P.P., and others, on be-- half of the interests of the Muskoka Cottage Home for Consumptives. The deputation was introduced by Dr. Bridgland, M.P.P. Addre:ses were de; e Ee Ceceney i n e i o e 0 Wirces livered _ by W.c --Jd.-- Gage, Hugh' Blain, Dr. Powell, Lr. McKay, and W. A. Charlton. The Government was asked to grant aid for the carrying on at Gravenhurst a well--equipped la-- boratory for the investigation of tub--| erculosis, and for an increased rate of| allowance for the patients treated at the Muskoka home. The excellent and important work done at Gravenhurst was specially referred to by some of the speakers who were well -- acquainted with the institution. Mr. Gage stat-- ed that the Government of Nova Scotia had introduced a bill to esta;bllsh in REOVUE PRPWENATWCCC F LCC that Province a sanatorium for con-- sumptives, and provided $15,000 there-- for, and Mr. Blain mentioned -- that plans are now being prepared for the erection of a new building at Graven-- Stationary Engineers. the second hurst for the accommodation of con-- sumptive patients who are unable to provide for their own support. Dined With the Governor. The following gentlemen had the hon-- or of being Anvited ~to dine at Govern-- ment House last evening:--Mr. Justice Lister, the Mayor of Toronto, Mr. C. H. Ritchie, Q.C.. Mr. 8. H. Janes, Mr. R. M. Wells, Q.C., Mr. J. K. Kerr, Q.C., Mr. Joseph Tait, Mr. Yarker, Mr. E. T. Malone, Mr. Justice Burbidge, Mr. Aud-- ette, Lieut. Burnham, R.C.R.J., Mr. o.' A. Howland, Major Young, R.C.RI., Mr. A. R. Boswell, Q.C., Mr. George S. Crawford, Major Heward, R.C.D., Mr. Yarker, and the following members of. the -- Legislature:--Mr. -- Nelson Mon-' teith, Lieutenant--Colonel Mutrie, Mr.' Donald McDonald, Mr. McKee, Mr. Pardee, Mr. Pattullo, Capt. Powell, Dr. Pyne, Mr. William Reid, Mr. Robson,: Mr. John Smith, Mr. Thompson. Mr. Tucker, Mr.-- White, Mr. Morri-- son, Mr. Macdiarmid, Dr. -- An-- gus McKay, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Pardo, Mr. Pettypiece Mr. Pres-- ton, Mr. James Reid, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Russell, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Truax wd' Mr. Wardell. | Ottawa Granted Investigation. Mayor Payment, Aldermen Cham-- pagne, White and Davis and City So-- licitor Taylor McVeity, accompanied by Berkeley Powell, M.P.P., yester-- day -- morning waited upon the Government and asked for the ap-- pointment of a commission to enquire into the alleged irregularities in con-- nection with the civic finances of Ot-- tawa. It was pointed out that an in-- vestigation by a civic committee has been made, but it has failed to re-- assure the public mind and charges of wrongdoing against civic officials to be bruited about. A judicial commission was therefore desired in order that there might be an impartial investiga-- tion and all susplicion set at rest. The Attorney--General pointed out that the Provincial municipal auditor was empowered to take evidence under oath, and it was then agreed that this official should make an audit and con-- duct an investigation. A deputation from Sturgeon Falls was introduced by Mr. John Loughrin and asked for a grant of $3,200 a mile towards the construction of a coloniza-- tion railway from the termination of the C.P.R. at Sturgeon Falls to Lake Temagami, & distance of forty miles. On behalf of the Occidental Syndicate of Capitalists of London and others, Mr. Miller Lash said that if the aid asked for was granted the railway would be built. The deputation were told that their application would be considered. Tuesday a deputation of Coun-- ty -- Councillors -- from -- Oxford wait-- ed upon the Premier and -- urged that the roads receiving Government aid 'be maintained on the county system. Yesterday a deputation representing the Township of Oxford saw the Premier and expressed an ¢cx-- A Colonization Rallway. Maintenance of Roads. 127

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