The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1900, p. 4

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No changes wore made in "'lm!i&'i'.f omm l ie omm I hi asking Tesallsation of its by--law eP o ffeq bsd fifefStosa mat they ' 'to provide for the raising by deben--, Tt nle . He believed he had made 6 ; ture of $200,000 for macadam pave-- clear to Mr. Dryden that their pair l 3 | ments in that city n;as &f Imtr th'; ?"Y' but he would give i| $ * e Minister of Agriculture the be Alien Labor Bill. ?f t'hehdoubt and withdraw hl.b;r:tt'l; Fee uk hk C = rom the division list . _ Mr. Wardell's bill to prevent the em + pl:»;r;nentlron public works and works '{'his made the Government majority \| ordered by the Province of alien lab-- seven. * \| orers from the United States was dl-si Tieiererencoenecccreenammenintes L cussed for a time before the Specia ROADBEDS OF RAILWAYS. Committee and its consideration defer-- e red until next week. : | Mr. Conmee Wishes to Assess Them Hon. E. J. Davis Chairman. | to Their Value as a Right of Hon. E. J. Davis was elected Chair-- Way. J man of the Municipal Committee yes-- The followin y y s j terday murnlng.' ®w+6 § new bills were intro 1 Mr. Joynt's biil imposing a license fee ced :-- I of $20 upon lju('lji-l)e?litllrtsb\\'u_:na:lilé)g'r'(':g Mr. Conmee--To make similar pro-- ; J to stand so t.hat lt.ln & e cons w | visions with regard to the construetion | at the same time as a bill by Mr. of ditch | Pardee increasing the fees upon ped-- ches for railway lines as was made * Ciotonet Mutrie's bill making it clear by Mr. Conmee's act with regard to the Colonel Mutrie's bill ma _ cleg constructi that Municipal Councils can aid in the througt on £ of _ municipal _ drains establishment or maintenance of militia ough railway lines. _ «~=~ vands went through without dlscl;sslrl;?. Mr. Conmee--To surrender all the real Mr. Burt's bill providing for the = and personal pro ravys | ennial election _ of _ Councillors and o 't:'iess pY ('Jperty of railways liable Reeves in every municipality, excepting oc(:u 8 Y mf:'nt. and to assess the lands | towns and cities, was regarded withn fa-- pied by the railway for its roadbed . [vor by a majority of the committee, :;' their value as a right of way through |but some members seemed to think it l]:i municipality. | was a little in advance of public senti--| t i" Lucas--To enable municipalitles | ment. The bill was allowed to stand g ssue debentures, etc., for sums less in order to be discussed with other :"_'" $100 principal, provided the in-- measures of a similar character. | t;xest combined with the principal in The committee will meet again on *1"' debentures amounts to not less than | j 'Tuesday next at 10 a.m. $ '(\)l': Richara _ I alr, Richardson--To provide by s s O ed. > P e by con a l Public Accounts r'ganiz | }}.:)lf,""",',' by cities and towns sepfrate |_ The Public Accounts Committee or-- rund. 1! e county to the high sehool | ganized yt'Sli'Nlig.\' mornIng . _ and re-- s "3 n the county to the same extent | elected Mr. W.A.Charlton C huhmun."I'he s such city or town was not separ-- Premier was present in his capacity as ated from the county. Provincial Treasurer, as was also Hon.| Mr. Taylor--To provide that where Mr. Stratton. :;:' d"?lnuz(t: by--law has been set out on » s e plea of the drainage re shery Resources. Alygt ge referee, or | Ontario's Fi ¥ where upon such appeal the initiating | __The first annual report of the Ontario municipality abandons the proposed | . Fisheries Department will show that drainage work, the opposing munici-- " |therc has been an increase of_ovcr 150,-- pality may pay out of the general funds 1000 pounds in the quantity of fish its costs and expenses not taxable ' |caught last year, as compared with the against the initiating municipality } previous twelve months. The estimated Mr. Holmes--Relating to th > & % l\-ame of the catch was over Sl,.'.()fl,M?f), tionment by the Township e(:')l:fl:oc';i i More than 2,000 mén are engaged in among the public school sections in th j i 7 e ov 'e M . 'the fishing industry in the Province, township of the principal and intn Et! R l with an estimated capital exceeding of investments held by the c0rpox':€leosn " | I$700.00"- for public school purposes. 9 | Goderich Wants a Hospital. h.\lr. Carpenter--To amend the act for * The people of Goderich are consider-- :l; 2;103""0" of sheep and to impose a h ing the advisability of establishing a Mr. _ Wan | hospital on the joint stock plan. eg' ardell--Compelling -- trustees OSI heretofore appointed by will to file an Cold Storage in Municipalities, s account of their dealings with trusts ' B c s k property within six months after t o [ ready * Inesiadowed, .. emponwering |passing of the act and @ll" trustees \ municipalities to enact cold--storage :'(l»lxxl;t 'h:-\(re '%t)"_'lll to file an annual ac-- | stations to which the Government may atlter. f \contribute one--fifth the cost, which Te temmmnee \f{fth shall not exceed $500, _ Mr. Dry-- den's bill giving similar powers to in-- dividuals or companies was introduc-- ed several days ago. . " Mr. Hoyle Explains. |_Before the House adjourned Mr.! \ Hoyle explained that owing to a mis--| understanding with the Minister of f Agriculture he (Mr. Hoyle) had voted | | in the division in the afternoon, while;

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