' V 'T" Severe on'Retui-uiag OfBeerB. 1 36 likely be introduced. and in all proba- -v' Th t 1 ttl ' h f l m ereurnngo OBI'W 0 as esor bility Hon. ir. M. Gibson will move the! alters election returns is already liable second reading of the Government bill to a penalty of. $'2,000. To to amend the election act. Afterwards this punishment is now added' the Government will make an attempt imprisonment tor twelve months. For t h C itt t S l 'h l baitot-stuttintr a returning officer ren- o reac 0mm ee o upp y, " en, ders himself liable to Imprisonment for the Opposition may spring another a term not exceeding two years, and amendment relating to the West Elgin3 any other person to a term not ex- el 'ti n or ome other matter . ceeding six months. It is now proposed ec o . 5 . f to enact: "Any returning omcer guilty Election Law Amendments. [ of any violation of this section shall be liable to imprisonment for. three The Ministerial bill to amend the years. with or without hard labor, and election act is so drastic in its character ',y2, other Firm" shall le, liable to im- . . . pr sonmen or one year. ny perscn that ittt very tret erity is not unlikely to convicted of abetting in this offence is be the subject of remark in committee. to be imprisoned for twelve months The measure goes far beyond what also. Mr. Whitney proposes. and if, when en- Separation ot Ballots. acted, the law dues not put down elec- There are provisions which render a tion corruption and irregularities. then repetition of the accident which occur- ', the task will be almost beyond human {gdptigsiglig "'15:; at??? otNle,tscrntg,t, E: ' ingenuity. Speaking generally. the Chancery is to keep the documents re- c penalties are increased all along the lacing to the general election separate! , line, so as to make imprisonment tori 'df,',',',', the hire-election rftggns. Itt re-i I . . . urn ng o cer s requ r to a x a bribery comp ulsory. One of the most label to the boxes in which the papers important provisions in the bill is that are transmitted. showing the district which adopts the procedure of the Eng- from which the papers came and the lish law with regard to persons called date of the election. In the event of upon to ire evidence in ri l ti any order being made directing that the th mselveg It , . rid g m us. ing ballot-papers are not to be destroyed a e . s. '3 pro, e that any label is to be attached to the boxes. . person " ho at an election trial answers specifying the tact. In ridings where " truly ite entitled to receive a the returning officer does not chance to 'certificate indemnifying him against be a Sheritt or Registrar. it is required any future' prosecution for cor- that he shall be a voter. Deputy ie- rupt practices. . In the "9-99 turning officers and poll clerks must " PPI'SWIS who SW0 false tu.qtlmony be voters in the municipality in which they will still. as heretofore. he liable they are acting. No returning officer tor Bevin: perjured themselves. 'ls to give a certificate to an agent to The Penalty Clauses vote unless he has ascertained that the . :name of such person is on. the voters' It is Interesting to note how the pen-l 'list. On giving the certificate the re- ' alty for various acts of bribery has turning oilicer is to notify the deputy been increased. In the case of a person' for the polling subdivision in which r ' bribing or corrupting a voter the law ithe applicant is entered. and thereafter already provides a. penalty of $200. Inl [such person is not to be entitled to vote . addition to this. the accused will. onl J" the said division. The oNect of this conviction. hereafter be imprisoned for' 'provision is to prevent any"possibility six months, with or without hard labor. of pers.onatiom , The bill grants discretionary power to -. t the Judge in the case of what might be Grand River Floods. ' termed minor offenders ", that is to say. On account of urgent representations persons who accept money tor their by Mr. T. H. Preston. member for votes. The bill very properly draws a South Brant. to the Government. re- tlistinetion between persons who accept gardlng the likelihood ot serious, dam- ' money for their votes and those who age to the City of Brantford from the deliberately set to work to corrupt Grand River overflowing its banks, Mr. them. The bribe-taker may, in the dis- McCallum, Engineer of the Public 2retion of the trial Judge, be imprison- Works Department. was directed to ad for a term not exceeding six months, proceed to Brantford and report upon or be ttned not more than $200, or be such remedial measures as might be subjected to both penalties. The per- found necessary. He left last night on son convicted of unduly influencing a. his mission. The City of Brantford is voter. besides a money penalty of $200 greatly Indebted to Mr. Preston for Is to be imprisoned for one year, with tho persistency with which he has or without hard labor. The offence of [urged its claims upon the Government. personation is at present punishable "Speaking the other day ttpon the drain- with a tine pf 3200 and imprisonment age hill, which the Premier introduced. for a term not' exceeding six months: Ir. Preston brought the subject of the The present measure Increases the ttne Grand River floods to the attention of to 8400 and the period of incarceration, 'the .House. and he did this in Buch a to twelve months. with or without hard' li'orCible and impressive manner as to labor. The double vote is already pun- iconvmce the majority of members that lshable by a fine of $200. It is now ;the matter was one which called for proposed that imprisonment for six prompt investigation. months. with or without hard labor Ir. 'Do shall accompany the tine. ' 3 r O noghue Resigns. i_.--_--__--; Mr. p. J. o'D.on..otihue, who for some