'l'""'-""--------"'""-""'-'),"--" .v, ta The Banatoria Bill. Ho . . l 4il 2'/v'it,"sU',t,'/tt2? 2t/of,',."'et1f 3:133 The bill was allowedto stand in order lishment of sanatorla for consumptives. that a clause might be drafted pro- It enables the Councils of counties. viding that the applicant must conform cities or towns separated from counties t/uieltt,tyr'"1ition" imposed by the _ t _ a . . s '0? rel',te,tte,utr'lhtf,'li'lre,r, tcttiki'ief,'t't',',lt; The bill to enable the municipal cor- provides for the management of the! pnration of St. (,_.atharines to acquire lf,'l"lJld'i'l,, by a board of not more than' water privileges in the city or within GTI trustees . also enables municipall- a mile of it and to generate and supply Aiea to combine forxthe purpose ot es- electric power was up again for con- _tablftrttltttrtrtutatorfa, and authorizes the Mtdetiion. Mr. Se?yt1ee, entered a Lieutenant-Governor in Council to protest against a municipal corpora- t make a grant not to exceed one-tttth of tion being allowed to go into a mer- _ WI, sum expended on the site and not comma or manufacturing business, but , more. than 840,000 altogether. for the Mr. B. B. Osler pointed out that the l, purpose; the site and plans to be ap- powers asked for here were the same: proved of by the Provincial Board of as had been granted in the case of, ' Health. _ Orillia and other towns. '8errittopi . .will be affected by St. Catharines get-', Other Bills. I 'tlng the right to acquire and develop, ! The following bills were introduced:--) water privileges within a mile of the Hon. Mr. Dryden-An act to amend' latter city. and the bill was amended I the act respecting cheese. and butter' 3,0 as to provide that in the event ot manufacturing associations and com- St. (iatharlnes selling the privileges panics, enabli g the assoctations to sell Merrittom should have the tlratt chance and dispose of] lands no longer required of purchasing at potyt. _ tor the purposes of the associations. _ ' The committee approved of a bill con- " Mr. Hill-Co enable agricultural asso- ifirmlng a. try-law fixing the assessment I .cistions to expropriate. lands for the. of the: wel1and House. St. Catharines, l leniargement of site and for means of .at $1Cx000 fur ten yetuw. access thereto. They have already . power to expropriate lands for a site Th. Story ot the Gllphie. for exhibitions. etc. The first chapter in the story of the Mr. Richardson-To amend the muni- steam yacht Gilphie of the Ontario fish- cipal act by enabling the Council ot cries service was told before the Public any county to pass a by-law for with- m counts Committee yesterday. Mr. S. drawing farm lands from towns and T. Bastedo. Deputy C?ommiagioner,trave villages and annexing them to adjoin- evldttrtce regarding the purchase of the ing municipalities. boat. She was bought from Mr. A. F. Mr. Lumsden--To amend the act re- Bowman oflSouthampton in September sheeting the slaughtering of cattle and last for $3,250. Colonel Matheson en- the inspection of meat and milk sup- deavored to show that no expert value plies in cities and towns. It authorizes ation had been made of the boat before athe Council of any city or town to grant being purchased. Mr. Bastedo, while 'aid to private persons or companies es- ldisclaiming any special knowledge L tabllshing public slaughter houses and on the trutrdeet himself. read the i cattle yards. report try Mr. A. M. Wickens, l Mr. Lumaden--To reduce the distance the . Government's engineer and I from inhabited dwellings to which a inspector. and Captain Finlayson, contagious hospital can be established inow of Toronto Junction. and formerly I trom 150 yards to 200 feet. a lake captain of long experience, show- : Mr. Mutrie--To amend the municipal ing that she was in good condition, act by giving the head of the Council, had been rebuilt recently and was evi- In addition to voting with other mem- 'dently suitable for the service. Mr. 'bers. a second or casting vote in case of Bastcdo said she was the best vessel 1 a tie. and gives municipalities power to 'for the price out of about a dozen ex- pass by-laws to prevent the production ',a.mined before purchasing. Mr. Haste- i of immoral Ot' indecent plays and; ido denied knowledge of any political ' shows. l lleanings of Captain Finlayson. l Mr. Taylor-To amend the assess- Both political sides of the committee l ment act try enabling' a city or town to showed a disposition to examine into collect the arrears of taxes, notwith- the matter further, and orders passed standing any omission ot the Treasurer for the summoning as witnesses pf Mr. or Clerk to perform any of the duties; A.F. Bowman. Southampton; Mr.James required try the assessment act. i Roady. (Thatham'; Mr. Lam. "dogmas. . Government Eng peer. an Capt. o n , Considering Private Bills. I Simpson of Owen Bound. all in refer- In the Private Bills, Committee yes- once to the Gilphie. The latter gcn- " terdny a bill enabling the corporation} tleman is to have an opportunity of tl? of Listowel to grant a loan of $10,000i umining the yacht. in company with for the erection of a furniture factory . Mr. Abby of Owen Sound. 3 Lin the town was ptumed.tsuNect to the ' t . "policy which may be determined by Duncan 1tole to Appear. l the Legislature in rexnrd to bonuses. On motion of Mr. Warden. Mr. Dun- A bill to permit Alexander Jarvis Mc- can Bole is to be summoned to appear '5omber of Thunder Bay to practise as before the committee on Thursday next a solicitor on condition of his passing with reference to an account of his for , the final examination of the Law Bo- $35.72. ," l ciety was warmly supported by James i aee.e=.emu"s--P--e-'r-e-e---- . Conmee,M.P.P.. and Opposed with equal t zeal by Z. A. Lash. 0.0.. and B. B. Os- ler, 0.0.. on behalf of the Law Society. __----------.-------------,, is L ,7 _-----.-