, h educational institutions, although it I NO MORE PRI'ATE BILLS. myay not be Immediately contiguous to' - the college. The second clause pm- General Law TVett Govern the Mgttter vided for the exemption of funds held of Bonuses by Municipalities on by trustees i'or "/y'f',.,'rit.1/lc', Dilrposos. "' y "terd" '. boin' ti":~i!:'llt'tl in part " prtwent I 10"". Decided e . ' I (-oulflo "ssevsttient. Mr. D. F,. Thom- l Tht Municipal Committee yesterday} son. QA'., promoted the bill. while Clty morning resolved upon the adoption of Solicitor Caswell opposed it. In policy in regard to tho question of Mr, Foy'u bill, to t-xompt the, prop; IliOittts.t-s to industries by municipalities. this); It',,.',)",,",',"',':','.:')," si,1//,,'.eit1'"v:"ittrul';)'ft')')?. The zziattor "arrtc' up in connection with) tttents, linulting the bill 'uppllt'ablr' to Mr. Prrden's bill proposing " l't'illl'll Children's Aid Snviwtios "tcoivortiterl in Ito the bonus; law of 1885'. ( the t'vtrvittre, and :s,r,'cyiv,,.iy,.'i, that it'll- ' Tho Attorney-General said it "as not _ ',1r'v'"'ir,,t'd'l, b ' NH mph Iittt:it h d " t . . necessary to discuss the principle of: _ eez.=e.retr.uteeerer-e'"-"ri-= I Ibt-nusing. as it seemed to be clear that] 'a majority of the committee and ot! the Legislature were in favor of' o re-i turn to the bonus laws. It was quito clear that they felt that the present Fystem of bonuslng by special legis- 'latlon by way of private bills ought to he done away with. It was merely a question, therefore, for them to con- sider what the provisions of the gen' era] law should be. Mr. Pardee's bill was practically a revival of the old 'bonus law of 1888. which has been Il.'-} pealed in 1892. The addition of \"dl'l-l ous restrictions to the law -uf that; time had been suggested, and it was for the committee to vonsider \t'hut' these should be. It liu-l been sup,'- trested that a Irctventa,'2st', say one-tiii; iot the tuatepuyt'vs should huh: inm't-I' Ito prevent at bonus being sulmiittt-rl.I and also that " twin of oiw-tiftl: of! Ithé- t'utépayois should prevent a by-law if",",','. being carried. I _ Mr. Patttullo took practically thv-l Ismne position us My. Gibson. \Vhllt-i tot-powd on printiplo to bonusing. and] It-spet-ially to bonusing by way of pri-I [vote bills. he favored a gonoral law it who; were to have bonitsing at all. I I Ant-r considerable discussion a vote; lwas taken on the main provision of the :biil, which will now provide that at bonus by-law can be t'arried by a too- thirds vote of the naulified ratr'pavyr-s, with this important proviso-that a three-fifths tote will carry unless ont'- .t'tt'th of the' rattvpayors vote against tho ibnnus. Th,- other provisions of tho bill are to be rcrised and submitted at a, further' meeting. 1 The Attornoy-Getwrul made this im- pc-t'tant statemcnt.tliat when the Legis- tlttturo udoptt'd this hill they would adhere to it in future and allow no more violations by way ot' private hills. This statement "as applauded by tho mmmittvw. it is also tindwt'stood that the comttsittoe'.c, dotinition of a bonus will int-lotto loam-v. latttcl grunts and exemptions. V Col. Mtttrlv's bill to rogulutv tvart-l-l ling on public itiglmuys by requiring. that portztult- and traction "upiiru"s tratv-! olling on tho highway shall stop and mulw no nuiso nits-n passing: veuiclos,; and shall (-urr)' lights at night. out} ryportt'd. with thi- exception of that clout-w regulating thelr Sim-ti. Mini Donald (iulhl'iv. out. Guelph. turnout-HM in support of the bill. i The Irriruirrls1s involved in Mr. Pat-I titllo's bill to tun-ind tho assessment,) tit-t W"te :tripiow-d and ths. "ill re-l ported. The tirst ('llllSt' provided fov' ttu. l-Xt'xmntimi of all proport)' ownt-d