the" we. no indohtedneu tit the Gov. mat on account or my twine told during the you was. In onower to a. queution of Mr. mm. the Provincial Secretary Bt0tatd in the Home on Thursday that 1,200 tone of Control Prison binder twine would be availnble for the use of farmers for the' season of 1900. Former: have been! naked by advertisement to send in their! applications up to the ilrlt of June. when the price will be tttred, upon the basis of the nvern'e coat of manure-! ture for the year. When the price is announced the former who doeo notl wish to do so will not be required to; suite the amount or hie provision" orw or. ' In the synopsis of the provisions of the bill to authorize nuisance in the _ eqtahlitsttmettt of uniiorin for consump- _ tlveo. it should have appeared that the; Government would eontrfbute cae-ilfth: of the moi ot Buch an institution. thel total cost. however, not to exceed "All!!! tor any one institution. The principle; in that sanitarin for consumptives may be estnblinhed by groupa of GGiiiiisiii-l tin. and the Provinr'e will eontrihutei to the coat in the proportion shovel mentioned.