l Di l rt New Rapid Transit Company. _ i " ite on Court Nqrw T attr. ' "The bill ot the Toronto Elevated Rail- 1 56 i Mr. Carscallen (East Hamilton) mov- way Company has been redrawn after ed the. second reading or his bill to undergoing considerable amendment.: amend the Division Courts act by per- The title has been changed to "uni mitting it new trial where the amount act to incorporate the Toronto Rapid Involved is Sill", instead of only where Transit Company," and instead of ask-| it is over emu. as at present: and ling for power to construct and operate! also providing that where there is a elevated railways and surface street; Jury the place of trial may be changed railways within a radius of 30 miles! to another division in the same county of the city. as well as in Toronto Ii or in a division of another country. The self, the promoters now do not seek. bill was read a second time. ito go beyond one mile from the city The Home adjourned at 4.50. ilimits. In the first bill power wasl . , _ . asked to operate by "either steam or Hogs rm the \mlhuest. electric power or any other motive. A considerable movement of thor- DOWN. or partly by steam and partly ouuhbrcd hogs is now going on from by electricity." This is now rostrici- I Ontario points to the Northwest for the ed to "by electric power or any other improvement ot the stock in the Terri- power." Provision is made for the torics. The breeds are chleti.v Tam- submission to the people of tho question'; worths, Berkshires and Yorkshires. of the expediency of operating elevat-l MP. A. P. Wtrstervelt, Secretary of the ed railways in Toronto. Should thei Live Stock Association. has been en- vote be favorable the company can Cll,tl gaged in buying the hogs, which are crate. subject. however. to such ngrec-, purchased directly for the Government ment as may be made with the munici- l of the Territories. Mr. \Vestervelt tality. went to Guelph last night to make fur- v te ther purchases, and hopes to send for- Pio er. ' ward about 225 animals this week. The A deputation from the City Council! most of the stock goes to the vicinity of Branti'ord will wait upon the. On-l ,of Calgary. turio Government to-morrow and; "N . . urge that a grant be made in aid of _' Charter Rex oked. works for the. prevention of tloods from l, The charter of the Vermillion Min- the Grand River. I T mg Company, holders of a strip of land The Canadian Pacific Railway has west of Sudhury. has been revoked by agreed to the same reduced rates 33' the Government because of their non- last year for the shipment of stock to compliance with the twtrulations m the. the Winnipeg and Brandon Fairs. to be way of development. The revocation of held in July. These rates are a. Caro the charter has been under considera- and one-half for the return trip, which tion for some months. and is in no way amounts to $72 for one way. _ connected withsnotlon which Dr. Prue Hon. J. R. Stratton will invite the has on the order paper, as was alleged members of the Legislature to pay a by a morning paper on Saturday. visit of inspection to the Ccmtral Prison - . 1 . this week. T , ermllion Chatter Lancellctl. The following License Commissioners The charter of the Vermilion Mining hare been appoin'tt'ri far Was: V'l'wk :-- ('mnpany has been cancelled by the David Norton, John lines. Jonathan T. Government. It was taken out in 1897. Farr. when tho company acquired between A deputation from Sudbury will wait 2.000 and 3.000 acres of nickel lands. on the Government. probablv lo-mor- It was stipulated at the time. how- row. to ask for a. bonus towards the ever. that should no development work iyfy'1i"1t,'y"t.,i,'y? of n railway from Sudhury tut, done within a specitied period on the il,',' Luke- Temagami and also from Sud- Lands so acuuired the charter should be. Huts" to the Georgian Hay. forCcited. Complaints were made to I 1"..e=T.==".gr.e'ey.riere..e..eet tin Govcrnmcni that the tompany had I done nothing under their charter. until. these statements, having been verified,' action has been taken as announced. _ The Government acted so promptly m: _ to anticipate any sale of the lands lo the mmpany and the consequent escnpe . _ from forfeiture. had such been in con- N templatlon. it the lands are sold l again they will be made subject to the " condition that the tvtlnlntr must take "s, place in this country. It is Said that, \ lthc stock of the Velmliion Company i "i, is held by the she reholdors of the (Innu- I t ' dian Copper Company and that the lut- l ter attach little importance to the lands iof the former. The i'nnadinn Gopher. {people are reported to have stated that. . although thoroughly tested. the. lands l are not worth developing. It that is t ithe case, then the action or the (low ernment is ot comparatively little Im- jiiiijriiie By other authorities. how- ever. the lands are cottsiuercd to be of almost fabulous richness. . _---------.--------, ___-___.-.,,,",,,).-.