that [and been made. it only comprised S',vgftm,5'lta'g'fft' ttlittle-"',""] B00,000 or tmo,000 acres at the very tt Wm tt T ,. . _ 16 '/ 0%3633. [e,vi?sotajlt"l1t beige?! Ji,; Precedents Disrexorded. l 01 ' an Cit ' acres', " ' ' . spruce. Was the policy that would er- The Opposition a voting for the other foot settlement, give employment to our concessions was no reason tor support- . people. furnish a market for our nrn- ing or opposing the present one, which rr ducts and supply tvattir to our railways should be Judged on its own merits. Ho , innt better than the iaissi-z intro paltry thought the Sault concession was wise, , i 50: tht' Opposition '.' and was scarcely prepared to say they E '; Mr. Ross said he did not understand erred in supporting the Sturgeon Fill)! 1 any opposition in it matter of this kind great. A: to the Nipigon. he was glad l, any more than in the improvement. of iit had collapsed, and the House would i T" roads. the drainage of the country or View more of that before the end of the f the development of northern (Hilario. (ie',.!,'.',',',:, No more concessions should i He had thought it was ttw policy of ', e granted until the people as a whole r the hon. gentlemen opposite to be pro- Wad a better 1rnowledtre ot the pulp re- gressive. Hut under the Irutdrvship of V5.0???" of the country. Mr. Whitney _ l Mr. Whitney a change had t'oiiie over find the Government had contracted the , -',', their spirit. They were not 1vt1rage- habit of arrogating to themselves pow- t, 'i 7 ous, and they would be doomed to tttte et' to do things during the recess by or-; l Ili, dergo forty years in the wilderness of der In Council, and when the House Ig ii', Opposition. (Ministerial applause.) [moi forcing their gupporteta to swallow l "The country," said Mr. Ross. "does |"jhatcver they did., The result of this ' .not want a pusillanimoqs Govvrnmeni. iras that the Government held capital-' . I may hure an Opposition possesssing i at" who were seeking concessions in. . ; .i-mme of those qualities. l do not be- the hollow of their hands. and could i "have it has, and until l we the hon. ye.yr) them to yield to improper de- igr-utieinen oppohite rise in their plint-l months. Some revelauons might be , land one by one vote against this tuU'i't'- made In the not distant future as to i _ 'iment I will not believe it is possible. thotrangactions ot this ohnractcr which I "two little pulp mills are sutlii-'ieut for had gone on. He was glad to hear that 'I our ambition; that and nothing tur- Mr, Ross wanted an investigation into q i ther seems to be tho policy of our Irp- and explanation of the extent and value position." it'heers.) of the timber resources of the Province. ' . . Perhaps on account of that statement I _ Amendment to the Amendment. I',' (Tight finidbhimsolf in a position to .. era w ' ' . Premier Ross concluded by moving 'I'egalhd. (lie tt'Ltlt,fiovt,rng1,gutsi,,n "le, thr following. amendmeni to . tho itefms and Conditions; of the conti'dct Iattumfmeut ofiered by. Mr. IN hiiiiey Ibecmise, as he had already said of the i tavoriug public cH.etti.en, [l MSW?- broad question of policy upon which the "In."f such cont"'ss.t.otts 1" JPi,il?////":",'i. iOpposition had taken their stand. {Whining that until. HH iii" 'f "any? i The House divided on the amendment ' iturthor experience in the 'bilil' .iin i. l:1k'- _to the amendment. which was carried 'position of nulnwumi, it is found lilil('- on a strai ht , . ', i _ ' ., . . . . . g party vote, amid Minis- itinuhiv to tii',titl.11s"thTnf',fy _,',t'/"1'r"iit'r",'i)" tonal applause, ot 4fi to 39 the main on the sub i-ct, tic "(intro " c m ' ' . ' _ 'amnunt ot dues which may Le j,',l',.y'iti,dc' "2:33: being carried on the same dl.. 'including the diver to int-rump tie T . "same from iiincpto timc, 3:4 troll as tho The House adjourned at 10.30. i- numerous advantageous stipulziltlims on Railway to Parry Bound. "malt of tho Crown crmtuilurr in thc p n . '_ q ' 0 Laid :igi'ooin(~nt, amply safeguard the euAu',t?gutti1t,1',,n, (10m Parry Sound wait- bost interests of the Provlnrt and [ihllll l,) e Si1vftrPrgl,t.?ttstti11f,,y, and that every facility should hi- afforded yards toil, 15yhe.t, of $5,200 a. mile to- foy encouraging the establishment or railway 'll, construction of a five-mile important /nnnvtacturinp: and imlus- mine Utor/1"//lef,t the McGowan copper, trial enterprises in t'w 1vrvtlverly and Parry So d f, Ottawa. Arnprior &i i unorganiznil portions: of tho Province." of the tinmi'i .uulway. Consideration ' Mr. \Vhimoy Sm ..., His Position. deputati'p epy? was promised. The I Mr. \Vhiiiie." rant-i liw position tiikmi: 'Iieattv "ll were introduced by Mr. / by the Opposition unis. sin-ii that it 'lldi "in Jiii's "LP-Pu and consisted ot away with any criticism of ilu- inn-gain; rim") 'ic. 0"" A. Johnson, John MCLen- 3 It was to mark a new out in tho tleulitttt' "diiii' ".leiden," of the Board ot Trade, l with the public domain of our i-ountry. torne 7- ' Haight, County Crown At- They did not need to go outside the I ey. buildin to see that the hon. members L , . . , . 'oppositi were not all with the Premier. '"fecPo" ers fot Rails aye. (l, 'The Premier seemed to think he had In t.he Railway Committee yesterda / the country" with hinr--htt who hud thvi morning there was considerable (littery ' other day sat in four and tin-minim: and "me ot opinion over a bill to incor :" l had bogged for tlr. suspension vi tho ttttt the Superior & James Bay 'df/Rel?. I ii'iiii'ti in tho Huusn in ortlsu. to in-stiwnv _ ty run from Rossport u. zinc . lulu), . , " win. Tlux Ctp',"'sitio'st m lu' ili'i'ltH- " district on the north 330m of Lair: nrng I in; putting" ohycturlrry', in Ills ram: oi' d, -, periot1 to the mouth of the J1rnltf/jent't1.: i: twinning: tlw v'oiiiiii'y. 'l'lwy Trtlt' in"? er. The company wanted the 1.11 v- I inn); orst,i.tlre, in tho new or uivinul engage in mining and smeltin [ll,', t tol (array' lair-tr Slit-v9 of public tvsourrv.c.i the Chairman of the c'(',',fi'n','i"d'e'e' Miami" "i l(t)p;msitiull unpluu'so.) Thu I)pposi-l Mr. Dryden, and the Attornp ("a on. ft itinu simply said that the time had come: took the ground that it was Is - fuel" l , 'whun the public domain should not be, thts rtiognlzed policy of "(untimiy to ; I given out blindfold in secret contracts,' ttlt-tlt ttt grant such Citraordim Got an , l when the people, in whose behalt the! hi" ill] s", railway hill. (2'/lffl,'o'l?l?/d'oifi. ' . V C V 'ttltristnleltgiat,',te1 smelting enterprise , separately. The prin- l.