-_l-il"ll-"""""""-"""t'rrreC=u-c-r-:s-"-r.:rdrs the benefit of Canadian- on military . Sanitaria for émumptlves. 164 service in South Africa. This was H311. Mr. Stratton moved the second amended to allow municipalities to] a? 2,f tti/Ulla,,',',',",',,?,", Provincial spread such liabilities over a period not; . I B ment of sanitorla u, . , for consumptives. The intention is that exceeding ten years. the Government shall appropriate one- High School Expenditures. r t.ittlt of the cost of erecting a sanator- ' mm by municipalities. such grant not in the absence of the member for to exceed the sum of $4,000 to any on, ,East York, Hon. Mr. Harcourt moved institution. The Provincial Secretary the second reading of Mr. Richardsons said the bill was for the purpose of bill to amend the high School act by meeting the wishes of a very large pro- providing that cities and towns separ- portion of the people of the Province ated from the county shall pay the and wt" in line with the, humane pol- some sum for. high school purposes as icy pursued by the Government for .they would if not separated. years past. ff, Pt, feIt,'igd%ct1,'lf. ' s M. aid in arrest ng t e' ravages o con- Summoning JUN" sumption they should not hesitate to do Mr.. Tucker (West Wellington) moved so. h the second reading of his bill to amend Maggi-g, Fay and Barr highly" com- the Jurors act by providing. that Juror! mended the bill, which was given a may be summoned by registered letter, second reading. saying it would save counties perhaps 340., a "an . Ontario Companies. Hon. Mr. Gibson said that while the In moving the second reading of a object was a meritorious one, yet there bill to amend the Ontario companies were ditPy.lti,es and perhaps lack of act, Hon. Mr. Stratton explained the safety which he could not see his way nature ot the amendments proposed. through. On his suggestion the bill Companies would be given the power. was read and referred to the Legal when they had accumulated sufficient Ccmmittee. ' funds for the purpose, It/r commence re- P y y ' , tiring preference stoc upon a two- _ who , illages. thirds vote of the shareholders present A second reading was given Mr. l . in person or by proxy, and approved of Holmes (Haidlmand) bill giving midi-l by by-law. There were provisions re- tional powers of local se1Kirovdiatmentl moving from the courts the auittt which to police villages or villages not large had been brought over the uric of the enough to be incorporated. The Pro- word "limited" in connection with the v.lncia1 Js'ecretary commended its provi- title of companies, leaving it to thel moms ath, beneficial tor many hamlets. Judge to ttx the costs as between thel and it was referred to the Municipal; plaintiff and the defendant. Where any Cirnmittce. . _ I individual desired to conduct business! _ Sl; l . _ 7 i. as an incorporated company he would l ' aug itei Houses. . be allowed to use his name with the, . kit'. Lumsden'g hill 0 ..i word limited spelt in full. as. or ex- _ m. Councils to aid prt.fu'ttf1',f,,t.ge/firl ample: my Ctungca11en, Limited." the construction ttf.reUuirttter houses or Where a company was incorporated in nbattolrs and cattleyards without the tttity wine, "The Henry Caracailett Com- necessity of submitting a by-law to Gl Dam" Limited." the word "limited" 'ratepayers, met with general opposition might be abbreviated. The Government and was withdrawn. , were put to great expense in providing . , accommodation for the returns being Fire Etreapetr. 1manic in "increasing numbers by Gorill- Mr. Car enter's ' ' ' _ pan es. hese/ returns were frequent y means J/f/g,' 'J22111teUtttheep,"hg referred to. and In order -to meet the stuirways. which lnuy be approved of expense a nominal fee ot 27, or GO cents by license inspectors, to be used in con- would be charged. . ' nectiun with hotels and like buildin s The bill passed its second reading,) led to a discussion on the whole Ill'?,': after some remarks by Mr. Foy in tav-, Jty.et of tit-e escape-c. . There was con- or of adopting a clause regarding the siderable diversity of opinion. and the word "1imtte.d" and then adhering to 'f,Tiilif, alpinkim was that it would not it. . ' 7 " V se o Eve license ins er ow. 7 _ _ . _ power to do away with t)'JilTt'l'iTi'vat,1e. House In Supply. "lbw till was sent to the Municipal The House then went into Commit. c"st.%t),it ' . tee of Supply, and made excellent pro- ti it. "fumes bill to permit canvas bag guess in the Public Works Department. f-H-It escapes to be used in shops and Before adjournment the Premier an- at mics " ent to the same committee. nounced that the House would sit this G ,. evening and then adjourn until Tues- ovepnment Measures. day next. Mr. Whitney said the ma- l {titer spending some time in Commit- llority of the members would probably "re on Private Bills, the House took Iii;:?, the city this evening, and would,! no and advanced a number ot Govern.. be disappointed at the fact ' of the Input measures a stage. House sitting at night. He again ask.. Amendments were made to Mr. Hap. ed for the early introduction of Gov-, goon s bill to lmprme the public school ernment measures. . t (i 'a',',utt"i',te"1,1,tei,'.1g fifteen years for twen. I The Premier replied that he hoped to t'?iic'elnt' f'lpf'rio'd to be. served by an have them all' brought down, except titled t cache: before becoming en- j perhaps the subsidies, by Tuesday next. '/,',','ifi'dlfl athgrant on retirement. and .The House would doubtless conclude ht athl h'd at tho amount to be spent within two weeks after the Easter ad- il; tettte game? by school boards iotrrnment. Bhnll not exceed $200. The House adjourned at 5.55.