"__ r. lotion tttlt', Dy when?" m . Historical Society Grant. recommend " mg w itiiiii5iiiii?, " et b ' Mr. Andrew Pattullo. M.P.P.. lntro- not less than 81 ' 'rr.' tor 1 be) wr _ duced a deputation reirretsentipq the tive years on beet sugar bounces. be- i' Ontario Historical society to the Gov- ginning with one cent per pound and _ ernment yesterday, afternoon. Mr. J. ending with 1-2 a cent tn the tttttt ' '1; Coyne, St. Thomas. President; year. A careful consideration at the .' Chancellor Burwash ii2ltot,trit,3,'e, matter was promised. I nd Miss Fitz on, o .. . . {13:33}; deputation, asked for an in-' Antt-vacchustionitsta. _ A crease in the Government 3mm. frtt't'll I A, deputation of anti-vaccinationists $500 to $1,000. chiefly to astriat m 1 ', Ipressed for the repeal of the provisions publication of historical documents. _ee--l in the law requiring the compulsory eluding some early letters in connec- {vaccination of children befote- enter- ii' tion with the Talbot settlement. ing the public schools. Those present [ i were Dr. Sparrow, Dr. Becker, Dr. ' r; Inspection of Boilert9. Evanii'i 'eue',tg',pli't; E. 1ira',t't."1t. z ial committee appointed to son. " eanor nnox. . " . . i d2tdr4"r'. Caracallen's bill providing! Nasmith and A. Ray. Dru. Sparrow. ", l for the inspection of boilers and the! Becker and Lennox were the speakers ii , licensing ot stationary engineers met and took the ground that the question .9 " yesterday morning in the reception of Vaccination should be viewed from a " room. Mr. F. G. Mitchell of the Lon- scientific standpoint. It was not, they l C:" don Supply Company was examined rc- contended. a preventive for smallpox, t .T specting the_necessity for such a bill, but frequently led to the persons . I a and gave very strong evidence in ital treated being inoculated by loathsome ', favor. The committee adjourned until diseases. ThePremier asked to be' fur- 1 I , '2 o'clock on Wednesday. l nished with further information on the ', j, Grand River Floods. i "We: d H . 11 k . I I A deputation from the City of Brant- on on 05min n rmary. I! i . ford, forty strong, and including Mayor tTi,td'aT1f,l'f Seeiret'ary ti: desirous ' I ' l o u ng an equppng e n rm- Jr, b'f"i'g',hl'ltiP'a" 1:38:33. /,lg,ti,rett',r"ii'e cry to be established in connection; , City Council and Board of Trade, held with the London Asylum, in accordance an interview with the Premier yester- with the most modern principles. and, day morning., The deputation were Dr. Buck, Superintendent of the asylg accompanied by Messrs. Preston, Burt um, and Mr. Heaks. architect of the and Carscailen, M.P.P.'s. and as," Ontario Public Works Department, will ed for Government assistance toward shortly make a tour of hospitals in the _ preventing damage from floods on the United states for the purpose or gath- ; Sp,,",',,", River. The appointment of a ering the necessary data. [ comm salon to report on the causes at .M . the sioodtg was also urged. Mr. Pres.- unlcipal Electric Plants. ' ton opened the subject, and was tol- There was a battle royal in the Muni- lowed in turn by D. Burt. M.P.P., Mr. cipal Committee yesterday over ' Carscallen, M.P.P.. Mayor Cockshutt. the three bills amendins the . City Treasurer Bunnell, t'ity Engineer lConmeo bill, which provides that . Jones. Secretary w. E. H. Massey. C. municipal corporations must buy .. y IH. Waterous. B. S. Haimlton and oth- our. existing plants before they n" ers. It was shown that Branttord has [can engage in electric light, gas " already expended fully $100,it00 In :and waterworks enterprises. Bills in H , ttood prevention measures. and another !amendmcnt were submitted by Mr. l . large outlay is now contemplated. The! .Graham, Mr. Foy and Dr. Bridgiand. , Premier listened most attentively tol Mr. Graham explained that he be- l . the discussion. He intimated that a; lieved in the principle of the Conmee i ( ' fair case'for the appointment of a com- ' bill, but wanted to make it more waik- . ' mission of expert engineers had been able. His bill provided, among other i made out, and promised careful con- things, that debentures might be 18- ', ' sideration of the entire question. mad in equal annual instalments; t, p The Government will most likely ap- that the corporation should have been , _ point a, committee of capable engfrfeera supplying electric light or gas within i, I to inquire into the question ot the the year previous to the date on which ' l damage resulting trom heads. . ttet'?l'en/f1,te,i2, bbesitii. proceedings: a tone s ou e on gene arbitr t . l Treatment of Inebriates. Instead of three. as provided in attic ( Dr. Rosebrough, Mr. _Htyttti1ton Cas- Conmec bill: that the arbitrator should l sels and several. medical members ot httve power to award damagesto ty _ i the Legislature waited on the Govern- company tor that part Of its works i ment to again urge that measures he which the corporation did not take ll " taken for the treatment of inebriates. f',P/' that the cost ot the arbitration , ' They suggested the probation system be limited, and that the municipality for all cases of drunkenness, with a .e given three months in which to ac- 1 n system of tInes, imprisonment for con- "ll or reject an otter or award. , firmed drunkards-and a grant to how. lity Solicitor Gaye" appeared in ' a pltals for the treatment of dipsoman- sunport of Mr. Form bill, the tenth rr a lacs. T clause of which practically exempted ij, jg Toronto from the provision or the Cone , , . .Beet Sugar Bounties. mg; big.B j, '- 7 . ' ion, solicitor for the El tri " Messrs. Edward Gurne ' Hu h Blain r r . .. 9°. e , and Edgar A. Wills. 's'.lT're,'1','ttt"ld the" fdfle, fity',yg; tgaftt they"? bill W" ' ', Board of Trade, waited on the Govern- 1"/',rl"e Gtrtieegtegt,tt'etttttt de- li - _ orgbr V ment this morning and arsed the "'0 pany or to make its 't'f'u%Udfflui'llht il