- , ' party. and that the inhabitants are the late Hon.- Mr. Croohii. Cite! 4"" T " trumeiently represented by the muni- tice MOSS and Mr. Edward Blake. Forty 8 l 'r, cipal corporation. Mr. Gibson sug-' 0f its former pupils were now "tstint' l l " gested at the interview that if there in South Africa for the Queen. Lest Was any doubt upon the point he would' Yt'al" more than forty tof its boys 'eta-l make it clear by legislation. That was iricvliated at our leading educational, Br'oepted by both parties as a reason- institutions. The bill proposed the ap- ahle result of the application for the pointment of a body of seventeen gov- ': i,1t,it,'irtn'ii'f,-',p"i'i'y'p fiat. and he is now' _.',g/i',tis,.ntivn whlom would be tves'tsg hi)? it out to t is . . not or y ant managcmen . ' ' ' put he promise into effect. these would he ex-omcio, as follows:--- . i _ Solicitors and Clients. The Chief Justice of Ontario, thefMl'n- l , ' . . inter of Education. Treasurer o the _ T w,"aoginaiv/1,1: CHEM" 1S ttoySt.o I"??? Law Society. ('hancellor of Toronto) hich will provide that Solici I T' 1 l I" id t f To 0 to P a d tors may enter into contracts with n vers ty, 10s en.o . .r,n. .0 r y,, their clients as to the amount which of Trade; and the Presxdyent of impel; the h ll , C. J," ' " . " Canada College Old Boys Association. rations :nd 2113139. tot (width ly? liti (if the balance three are named by the! i 66 based to 'l' t',12iiltfrt,tx"i",n'laiToennttt', Old Boys_' Association. and the balanee' i inccess of tho litigation. Th; can; by the Liprrty"int-G?vfaTor in Councn. l tract, System is no": in vogue in the two of the latter 1li'Prl,e retire HI: t State of New York, who". Its operation quaint" , f,',; fin-LEW? prom-1ft}; (',ltn.'",',tit.7r,t l ls: said to have been Huccessful Ono (onus "'. y. Syl??, "acres 0 am . ll tc T rtsult will ho to chm w" tho .eoct of with buildings was. Valued roughly. hi I litigation in the Ji,')')"?,;. small techs-or- '/300,01lrl, andw' Js"gtst4 sCtC'ut"ttieFor -' . ieH. in the event of a dispute between 1r,T;rn,t,i,nf,o1o,vif","/'"ie' i, , T13: Player" 't lu'vytst.' or client as to {bring the matter' A. . , Ypo eca e or, a V _e' - - any other purpose. , wiil be adjudicated upon by a High . g;'u{t Judge if the amount in over Endowment Promised. _' if)! I ttr q . _ ' .- f "A . . t'ji),'t:rat"dl'i,,',1,f"ir"s I'o'.iri: Jurlpi if Docenil)' prominent friends. of the l - ' i ruling», to tho number of fifteen or in I'rorogation Next Wiurk. i twenty. had pressed the college upon . The Premier moved that cr' and at-i iliie Government's attention, and ',' tor tir-day H-n'ermiient business shall ithr'ouvch their. efforts the endowment I. I lime pr'ecedetsra (n'vr all other husi- ,"'1!S~=_Lbout to be immediately increased INNS excepting private hills. He said ,by .SN),to). The tie between the coi- T LL33? if tho lions»: sat until a I'eason- glege and the State. was being cut when . _ at 13' late hour tit-night there would be Ithe fortunes of the coilep,'rs n ' necessity for a sitting on Saturday. '"N'0 at a higher ebb than [ Any legislation yet to he introduced by "et.' before. Last Fear the resident til? Government would he brought in pupils nuttsbtured CII);!, computed with .i this Week or early next "wk. The bill IPO in 18.9tt, and waa steadily increas-. to authorize a Lind grant to the Ai-i irog. This was in spite of an increase .Wornft , Central Railway might Del in the fee from $240 to 34300. Last Year wrought down before the close of the; there WktS a surplus of $3.43L This "U" piisc".'.t sitting. There were some pulp"! 'te;re would "WNW"? favorably "NH Wood agreements which would he sure; English Ivsidenrw schools. and ttttdet' ' {Hitter} to the House on Monday or! the new regulations would be modelled Tuesday. The probability Wm: that the in part after Fiton, Harrow. Westiuins- l House would close some time no" tel'aud Runny. The last clauseprovid- Week. . l ("it that. 3501"?" shall he subscribed for Air. Whitney saw no reason why; the permanent fund ot the college by, {hard gnomd-noL Ls.. a Friday night; Octobt r i next. after sshich the act} ' Shims. and In view of the Premier's will be put into force by proclamation.! Hatement ream-dim:r (hivernmt-nt IeRis,-l Lotion. anticipated no sli.ulcult.v in wind-i Mr. 1Vhitrwy Approves. mg up business next week. i i _ C _ i Mr. Whitney declared his hearty tl'P- i lmpmtant Katina? Amendments. 1 prorul of the bill. He had always i Premier Ross introduced a hill m', thought that such an institution pro~ l alvpnd the act rospm ling certain voil- 'twrly managed would he of great value 'c,' ways. The trtunvlsiicrv.c, he explainmi.' its) the people of Ontario. He hoped to ', would apply to all raihvays whose nub-l ': live long enough to sec some such step. ', silica were not yet earned. in whole ilierhaps not Sn drastic. taken in tuttt- l or in part. The first "lists.-;" provides. function with the university. [ for special rates to settlers or prospect-l _ Mt'. Matheson's hill respecting" 1ti (one. The second clause provides thatl Town of Silliili'S Falls "as read a third l all employees. includingr latrorerq and time and passed. l, servants. shall be paid the current rate t . i of wages. All railwov supplies shall _ The Printing Contract. 3 . c , tlt . . - ' . _ ' a ., ',, i)flirqu;li:1lil'hcélgirglggedhhs'Egocirieqdhitg iP,t motmiroi .Pret11iy Ross. the! ». the Dominion act. ' . I,":'.-','.'",'.,",,'.",",,',') wi,ih.wavwC-t Bros. & Rut-i l - 'ew ti-r tor the printing and binding of pub- I _ Uppcr Canada College Bill. l}i)c documents was adopted. The) , t , f ' _ 7 remier announced that under this': c,,)' rd,.1c,e.ri1e,,'rR,'gfi.o1',1 iandt.ryle,7C1,zet) bill new contract, v.hich was dated July; il, le Hi IW') -anat ru o "We. the 2N, 181)", the printing would be done at: :1 rt'iwt ot' which is to separate the college about glitiiiilti less th t , th id 1 il from the State and appoint a Board of 0m. is', "."' . F-., . an um et t o , ll . . ' 7 . . . . . , l. Matheson (South Lanark). Gos exams on condition that an endon- "nil ler .i, .- , - men! o:' $3i)_tl00 is raised In doing so IV t e t H idling that none but an ex- Mr. Hart-our. referred to. the long and pert .could comprehend the details, . successful career of the colle e dat- ne\ eithelcss declared that the fact that, ifaiiijiri rk."i and having anglong 'its the various tenders were very close Ini . l head hoys such eminent Canadians as' amount Showed that it was probably al T t - I better agreement than in former years.i F