, 'mt these expenditures are manipulat- to transport mile can: and light V ed in the interest ot the Government. "tlies, t t t d _ l 83 I ' . l ' r. ar er pro es e .'nst " Bringing the Company to Time. company being allowed to 'lit/tf, p311: . f The sub-committee appointed to deal ' tion of P.t ftreets of Toronto eht'ept on ' with the penal clause or the city's bill ruch conditions as might be presrgibea , / in relation to the Toronto Street Rail- P..r tin-l ity L ouncii. In this Spurs: he 1 way Company met yesterday afternoon pi" actively supported by Mr. Gab: _ and agreed upon a provision to take the I hum of, IVockville. Place of that proposed. This (lot-laws MP. German urrr't,y1, that the 0011113311)! . that in case either the city m. the on," be allowed to make the connectiptu) , poration brings an action to compel the summit to an :lgrrrment between the performance 5,. restrain the violation 0f company and tho city, and if they ' any of the railway eompany's olsligtit- could not ugrei- there should be a ref- " tions, the court shall inquire into thoi "Hive to arbitration. l nature and extent of such breach of; .H.on.. Mr. hurls recognized the prin- l contract. and shall make such order as: mole that municipalities should control) . it may deem necessary in the Interests their ow". streets. but said that thia' _ of Justice, and may enforce the same vigiht "HUSH! for in this case ought to] by. order or injunction ot the court. u, a matter ot arrangement between . . . M the city and the company. The carry- _ Game Dt'aiers Liccnses. 1ai of freight by the Metropolitan Conl- '7 _ The Attorney-Gt-moral will propose a ,l)a}iy WHG 1,yy.ly/cy! for in the first .' resolution to the Hour? rcouiring liun- place by the f ounty Council. The ln'es- 1 tens of moose. reindeer or curiimo to f,','?), application ought to Ko through, .i take out a license. and imposing cm'-- bub-2"" to the approval by the Coun- git tain fees on game dealers. Tho amount! ty (.oum-ll of the number and character . to be paid by the hunters referred to! of the {Right and cars and of the T. . is not mentioned, but the gomc deitir.s'i motor cut to be used. '1 _ license will be: In cities ovcr "NLOWM Toronto Ei'ls Defrarrel t . $25 each: in other cities owns NUWL; , J . t " $10: in othcr cities and incorporated. Tlie Itivortf RIMS Committee will i towns, 5:3: and in villages and tonn-I hold yo; ly more session Io-day,,' .4 ships, Fl. t when the Toronto bills will be, ;.i. . . I taken up. This morning the remain- Q . A Pox: Printing Job. i lug two sections of the Toronto Junc- , ii The Governmoni are cl'fN-ting " Int'ttel "a? yy y,/f'/.ry'Y13s'?? of. j ii reduction in m:r.i-v.minu-v by Wm"?! Jhe dppii 'Hlion to be ullowed to ex-. i down tho sizo of il o (icm'irimcnin! rv~i ".mp1 manufacturing establishments! f3 ports; and mm- 1,itoruttuu, which isl, Ironr taxation was limited so as to l, yearly printml and ais;trilvotod. rrci-) .rorovidr, only toy the renewal of exist- dently Mr. n'arsoanon of Hamilton is! I",,",.',', t'xemptions. The proposal to con- F i not in sympathy with this Trolicy,'fm'l P,ty.? .2111 tax sales made by the muni-l 1 he has given notice of two resolutions? -'tu'palit.y was 11101111505! to apply only to; i which will mid cnormously to tho print-! lth,',',s/t made prior to 1399. I ing bill which tho Province has to pain," l Pt. commllton reported a bill from Mr. Capscullen wants all questions pro-I (thy C tcy of Stratford, asking top auth-' pounded in the House and answers' (ority to Kharmiiee a mortgage of $30... given to be printed in the votes and) Milli) .fo aid MP. George McLatran, a _ proceedings. and this is lo apply tol Iliurmtur'c manufacturer of that city, i; q questions and unswvrs 219 far buck rs? :m rebuilding his factory, Which was August I, 1898. Furthermore, Mini 1tstroyed by flt'e some six weeks ago. ' C'arsca1ton asks for tho printing of an} Assent was also given to an appli- ordcrs in Council relating to the all-i cation from the Town of Strathroy ministration of public affairs in On- to legalize a bonus of $3.500 granted to tario which have boon passed during} the Pain? 1.rphyst!Ting Company, re-, the last fifteen years, l snorting which doubts have arisen. , t l A Iv-law of the Town of \Viarton,' . Metropolitan Railway Connection. t lil'_l'antmg a, bonus of $800 a year for A sub-committee of the Railway! 1'lh'/,'.'i1/',',.'. to~1he IEi.t.y..1o.p, Sugar Manu- Committee of the Legislature yesterday I 'df u/I',"',,,)",.,),',. trfi:i1)':g1r,ap.p"t'at,i/at ' l morning decided that the Motropolitanl - granted c/i:enrptioli ti/uit" t'wés {Br £3 i ' , . Pei' . 2ih' . P-'" ' ctr lt, .' f""' I liftingg Li',',.',")""'?,,;,!:')"",,),'?:)',,.,,',)',.";'?,",'. :31? 1:38" a Site fot their factory, to t them to make (-onnootion with the 1".P. ,' .. u _ . 1 It., subject to such ti-rms as m-1y he? Ventral Prison Affairs. l a reed u on with tho Cit Council, and! . . I tgat in rib:- event of 'a%rs?auv,'.h?/,'t,iyr,l The 'Pllbilt', Accounts gomnnttee muse-'; tgerc shall he referoncc to arbitration.' "fwd a le.',',',',"??, yesterday and investi-) The offer was made by the conumny' gated tteverttl matters. Inspector Noxon! to uithdraw the provision that thoyl It.1..1 Accountant J. o. Anderson gave should connect at various points in cudonce icgurding Central Prison ac- 'ri York County with othct. railways. but f/PP":, Mr. Noxon was. unable to con- 't they insisted upon being able to make tum Colonel Matheson l information i a. Junction with the C.H.it. at North that-tire Independent Cordage Com- ' Toronto. nany. n ho operate the rope plant at the . Mr. Hill, who vigorously charm grimy} '21)}? importing binder twine planed the interests of the County of moth, 3059" y and then manufacturing It, A York. assisted by Mr. mchardson, . , _ . tirmly opposed the right of the C.P.R. ng), J,enl,tii',,' of outstanding .accounts, T, to use freight ours on Yonge strcc-t. 'M: IR :1an were inquire" into. The: i' It would. he said, dcprceiute every (',v,'(1i"'i'el"l, Tris Company, it was shown, 1 foot of property between Toronto and coucnta (3139966)" $1,M2 out of an ac- ..- Newmarket. He had no objection, how- 1995, J/iii',"?),'),) £1333"; to??? (in i a ever, to the company being allowed the ground of interior Iu%tl.v ue. '.