iishment of two more Trmlliiit! . 'tlr," at the mouth of the NW River in Thunder Bay district. and the other at S ATURD AY APRIL 21 Mattawa. in Nipissing. The western H . concession. in the name of the Nipigon W, -_.__.___.-_. Pulp Paper ' Manufacturing Com- --aa.t--s-rs--a--"---r----=Ta=-"-'------" , ' . i - pany, is a revit al of a concession q I . T granted in 1895 which lapsed. .The i I 4 principal parties to the agreement are t l Messrs. John Flett. Toronto, merchant: James Whalen. Port Arthur. lumber-i ' man: - Waidner. an American pulp' . ' mpitaiist, and N. W. Howell. Toronto.' to. T They will have the right _to cut pulp "ttil on the Nipigon River and its tributar- ' '.a..U. 0 " and the right to reserve 40 square " -.'. miles. The second concern, the Blanch . .. - River Pulp & Paper Company. which . is said to he backed by The New York A M b h World, will operate on the fl"/i',', its; ream n e or and its tributaries. Mr. E o t . g e ts Just ade y t Langley of Toronto is one lf/It 2ligi; ' tors. E'1('h company wil eve. op T Ontario Government, water-power, and each agreement ex- tends tor 21 years. They both agree to .__._.__ tspend $250,000 inside three years in , the creation of a. {31". an: to employ Il " , least y , men. he ot er terms ant 1lATTAWA AND NIPIilihN. conditions are practically the same as In the recent Spanish River agree- ' -------- than: _ r Going to Paris on 12th of May. Eon. Mr. Late-hand Introduces Hin _ Speaker Evnnturel heaves Montreal Labor Bureau Bill. and a Measure for Europe on May l'.'.hI.J in "leg, to represent Ontario at the aris Exposi- to Prevent "reathe .tlon- "He will sail on the steamer Par- isian. and ll ill tlrst go to London, where -r------- he will spend a week or ten days. The order, in Council appointing Mr. Evm- It is expected that the business of the Wil sr,.eu'.',"T,t/ltvii',f, 12," Pi';":",?..', yap; l ' _ , _, is or th s rovince as to e rat ttec i Legislature will be brought to a close by the Dominion Government. and his. either on Thursday or Friday next. Mr name will be added to the list of Cana-' Ross gives notice of morning sessions gian ',it,ye,',et'/,':'otrt,"i1 .t,'g,,t'1'.'i This is! . a, . ' One th on er to gve nturo's many... commencing on Wednesday. Remark- sentative tho same status as the 0th": able progress was made at yesterday's. tomtuirttioners from Canada. I Q . i r . L, " sitting. sexual measures of a publi A Blow at the Sweating System. character. which were deemed inexped- A bill , t od d b H M L t I -..-. _ . 'o.. nr uce y on.lr. atch-i lent to pass, W6 '."f y.'.'.yyy1l.r.fey.'f.tf? l ford to amend the shops regulation act' ed. and others here wlthdratt n. so that} should be a severe blow to the exist-,' there was a rapid clearing of the ordcrl 'ence of the "sweating system" in the! paper. A number of Government bills s','Jhvoi,'lceion'trhi,t111p'c7"t't', that etéeryi . . . I pr ' or ne menu ac- " ere put through the committee stage, .uire. improvement or alteration of.I and now stand for third reading. Hon.' clothing. or parts of clothing, shall; Frank Latchl'ord introduced two bills We? J: "Pith?" register.d prominently} . - , pot, e . o e names an addresses of whieh wilt occasion much pleasure to 'all persons to whom such work is glv-i labor men. One provides for the crea- 'cn out to be made, and each article. sol tion of a. Bureau of Labor for the Pro- Tffe, iftel. bear upon a label the name vin . l th the . ( , att s tress or number of the person .oe' am e o Trhis aimed at the risking it. Such articles shall not he " eat " system. e Premier gave a :posed for sale without a, permit from further explanation of some amend- e inspector. showing that the place; merits he proposes to make to the rail- manufacture is in a thoroughly cleani way act. among them being one to pro- 'd sanitary condition. When such an) ride for the payment of the current ti.cie ot clothing 18 found to have been: rate of wages on railways subsidized, _','le.. under unclean or unhealthy eon-l by the Province. The evening was! cies it shall be seized and impound-: spent in considering the Attorney-Gen-t ' And a label 'innanitary" placed on: eral's bill for the consolidation of the after which lt shall be disinttrcted! game laws. Most of the members had the Board of Health at the owner's? gone home. however, and business Wtt.g Dense. The Board of. Health, if they:' despatched with a bare quorum. . fit. may destroy articles of clothing' - . 1ich they find were made in a work-, Two New Pulp Mills. in; tenement or dwelling. where the" The important announcement was pector finds evidence o.r unclean or made last owning that the Govern- healthy conditions, or infectious or went had Just concluded negotiations itaglous diaeaees. r"iivt_htrr,w/,unu"r'i"M1,gtip'puu1r,, 2','l"',','an,,t" ', Mr. mus Dentat. in New Ontario- The carrying o'l,'t"',T. 21h;°p:m"8 oCthe House Mr. Hill these. agreements will mean the estab-i " or y, rising to a. question of "##fl