I so n I of Mr. Preston's-resolution in-', Government would take power try or: ( ; tP,t,t e tier in Council to impose the fees only C l l, Premier Rorrs--Barkis is always will- on the amount of capital invested by 1 8 t '. ins. but he is not willing to be forced. Lever Brothers in Ontario; Foreign _ Mr. Carscailen--The bill is not print-g corporations who had travellers in the . ed. and I object to the second reading. Province would not be infected by the ; "It's only to advance the bill a bill: only those which had established} F 'ttarte," called out the Attorney-Gen- {agencies in the Province. The bill was , eral. ' tread a second time. "I don'tr care." angrily replied Mr. i Hon. Mr. Gibson introduced a bill [or _ _ Crust-alien. "I object to the second. tho enforcement of certain contracts l ve'adintt. _ entered Into by muntcipul corporations. . ' The bill "'35 allowed to stand. '; tefetring especially to the position lie- 1 i" " t tween Town " and the Consumers' Gas ' _ [ M To Enforce Amt; 11191113.) t l Company. as" announced in yestevdas"s T r. Marter (North oronto in ro-. Globe. duced a bill to amend the /ly,',i,rtttf,' 1: The Game Laws. t act, which is aimed at insuring t e ' _ 7 ' . . . - '! ',irjjj1',1ieriitT"ltgrea,ta/ep"ithc,11lfead. ',m'2yl,o/""t'd'/"i,'il) T: t',gi1','ltiai1""l'lli i . . . . - iumend the game laws. Mr. Charlton .ments Into winch theyunay enter with (South Norfolk) tried to obtain an " a ginniclpality. In domg so he refer- amendment providing that no deer be igali$a§lhec§§§a$fym§hlflggifisggef; taken in the water, but the law was: _ ' . ' . 0 l . allowed to remain as it is. Upon Mr. (tr,',,',"',':',',',:,')"?,',',:?,',-,,'.:)',!,!:.':,",,:'",",,),!.'"' o",', /ti'rt1r1tpi1i',)',iieilirfi'i. the clause geJPtl,t,-, l,, I'reference to the Court of Appeal in ma-' 1i,y,',eth'riflft'i'tSl",'fi'lft, tfe1e','.l'le,1"'t1', J.lt ' {Jority ot the Judges held they were not l, vutt' preserves was struck out. l i,p,',l,','et,g,ef,t.tto, on-eot a specific per- ', Mr. Puttullo (North Oxford) object- it f "pdl,"';",', maths agreement. cd to the provisions making the pos- Icourf 2:51" .menlt Dioxidesth thatl 9"; session of guns or decoys. in or near; l (breach or vi "Wt?"e Into . p t a by!" where game was found, an evidence of , 1 hi ntion Oda ~0nti) ..Cv.enNI S or 0')" shooting or intent to shoot : the pos- l if": 'fll ("tin ',",'J/k1innua'."', "t--, The J/P ; session of firearms near water as evi- i i 's'lyiitd, "i'Jrtrgu'dlle'eirotL'lll, ff/dir J/ dence of intention to capture deer while 5 ithe complaint of 7th dart; 'l',' the ill or near the water: also the phrase '!,: !action that tho iii.u/rfov'jiiiiir'makt is making f/i",".:"',',','?,,',',' tly:"","),'),', wit- i, I I . A F ncsscs ugains t emse res. , e ttor- f not being carried out or obscrved di- V , ', . . " ' tie) -Geueral replied that such provi- , rectal] __. . s . 'BW' ..' . . , _ other 'hi/Pte/ries,',' as: 'll"11f.i. 0119:3221 Horns IN ere absot'utclly necessary to the; . of this court, n ' _ . . . en orcement o the aw. Mr. Charltonl F order may be exfniczllwt'b $233313: Je' .also .tgg',y'l.,v, objflotsld to Ithe mansion; , tent as a . . .. _ regar ng compe a e wtnesses. and f, granted ttpvaig2,etctti,',',gnotnuy,1Qoar't'"dr' lcited instances. of its abuse in Norfolk' i. such Sheriff or otncir or upon such [\'mmty, where respectablepersons had evidencn as to the court may be deem- lbcen subjectcd to great indignity by ." ma reason of lt. He prcssed stronglv for ed propel - - . Hts rejection. , F Fair Board Representation. l The Attorney-General said it wast Mr Preston mouth Brant) lntroduc- useless to try and enforce the game; T ed a bill to amend the agriculture and {81' . "A"??? "1939 ' hroyisions were: arts act by providing that electoral di- 2',)jlll'f,' goingmgin T,', 'Jit'ff1,y/t'fg the: vision agricultural societies may in- the bill ' - t hm! crease the representation on their . . ' r . . a .' Board of Directors' by admitting there- "£39336; te,',tgettri1,,tpe2.e committcu, to representatives from Municipal it was agreed to call the Public Ac ;Cottncils. Boards of Trade and other counts "Committee for Tuesdav Lwhe- agricultural or horticultural societies M Matl . id h h "' . a n tin the division, ot' adjacent thereto, "Jan 1t,'l,'t'iof,1eT,.U,'ft oped Capt. huh. and from the different live stock asso~ r 7 H . - " i/tled,',),', authorized under the agricul- The House adjourned at 11.15 Fm. ' I ture and arts act. Mr Wardrope Resigns. l, Forei n Co V. 1 . i .Mr. w. H. 'Whrdrope yesterday re- i Mr st,.',?,":',"',",, \::Utl:t ons. d l S'gtnedBlllls 1:08itio?ttas CleMrk oévthed Pri- I. . . o . e second r93 - Vtl P s 70le ee. A T. ar rope ling of a bill requiring foreign corpora- has filled his present position for seven tions and extra-Provincial corporations rcssions. to the eminent satisfaction of 'doing business in Ontario to register both the public and the members, and and take out a. license. in tho case of his withdrawal will be a cause of re- lcompanies irtoovporated by Dominion gret. Mr. \Vardrope found that the get. or by the late Province of Il'pppt-i lengthy duties of the position interfer-l 1 fanada, the fees to be paid are $25 ed too much With the regular ractice' ': when'the capital stock does not exceed' ot his profession as a barrister :31 Ham- / a $100,000. and $50 when it exceeds that; Ilton. . . _ amount. In the case of all other cor-g I Mr. w. A. Russell, barrister, of l poratlons the fees referred to are" \Shediac. N.B.. spent a few days in the: doubled. Mr. Stratton explained that city this week as the guest of his. it was intended to make. special oro- brother. S. Russell. M.P.P. He vision in the case of Lever Brothers. visited the Legislative Assembly . . , and which company had " capitalization or' was honored with a seat on the tlooy of $13.1Kll.000. it was desired to throw no the House. , {obstacle in the war of these gentlemen ., i :coming to Toronto and conducting an 'gr-Trai-iii-iii-ra-a- =ara"ra'aTA-Gi"GuTiira"'i'i7it _ i iimportunt business. Therefore the I