l Ind the latter would therefore be tf, , _ India'Famihe Snug-Iii; i disadvantage. Mr. Stratton replifd taco . On the motion to into (Semantics! . 8 I the distiller paid his municipal ti' bill ot Supply Mr. Duff 3%": Bhtutoey no" 9 l, "tttP. Md the tt,g,r,g"trdi,i.d' and t e {to discuss the India famine. which. , Wttrt rea a Bee n . . i . w s worse than any ever ex- _ Premier'Ross' bills Irtis,'peit/,mi,trei,'gt, Erased there heretofore: Not only a plementary revenues ot the viii-m5 were the various churches of this coun- . and also respecting certain ra day i try but also the schools giving towards which have been already explaine a the famine fund, therefore the Ltttiir. ',1.i,tigilobe' were given their secon- lature. representing the whole 'i/tl',',',",',,' i I rea ng. _ hind. Our action n i The House considered Hon. Mr. Hag! 'ttT',1hrno,,talt2eettt'iedl" the ties of a: I court's bill respecting Upper Cana .10 empire; this was an object which would , i," College, and reported it witho.ut amend- still GIG; bring the empire together. I i i [ ment. Premier Ross said we all felt ttti _ Option in Company's License. importance of binding the empire to-t . ttether. Such an act as was proposed» In committee Hon. Mr. Stratton ex- was one that would he a credit to our " plained the measure respecting the Ir. country and-to our brotherhoM, The i censing the extra-Provincial corpora- Government had not yet considered it! tions, and presented the following advisable to place an amount in the] amendments :--It it, provided that with estimates for this object. but since ita respect to a company carrying on ttttstu had been brought up by Mr. Duff it' he" in Ontario when this act is pass would receive more careful considera- t ed, and carrying on also an establish- tion before the supplementary csti- (, ed business outside of Ontario, the mates were brought down. '/ Lieutenant-Governor in Council may ', Mr. Whitney said he thouf'ht the ii reduce the fee payable for its license; Province would be wanting in ts duty to such sum as he may think Just, hav- 1 as a Christian country and a. British , ' ing regard to the nature and imryy.'t-l colony lf it did not do something tor t once of its business in Ontario, and the the famine sufferers. _ _ , amount of capital used therein. It isi ' d , provided also that with respect total Brooks Monument Neglecte . , company not carrying on business. n! . t C t ' Ontario when this act is passed, but sdi,i)u'f,',1"t"L,'itht vi,',1',' tfiiot"gle,ttetc',fl, i': . carrying on outside f,',', Ontariloign is; cellaneous." Mr. Jessop (Lincoln) call.' '.: tablished business. TI en app y g e ed attention to the neglected condition ;' a license under this act, the Lieutenan of Brook's monument, whlch, he said. i Governor in Council may reduce'lhe file [ was in need of some repairs. He also _ payable for such license to moth Slim atl 2 expressed the hope that the Govern-j d' thrashed: iogfa.1Jgi,Pop"ilf'iyhifl ment would me an amount toward al ncss proposed to be carried on t in Ona Eggorrem in memory of Governor iario, and the amount o capi a pro-, The Premier romised if Sible to ': posed t? {be t,2./iti',1t/'oe't11,i:,1 1193;121:3112: make inquiry {grim the 'e)rl'/'?1'r'll'iiJ'i case the egg FU1P. , l": .. f iiir sinner before the supplementary esti-i treq set out in the second part o "t. Si mates were brought in if he had anvl said "hi"? If}, -1ilh'ifith/ii"..1r:'/l'e) .funds for such a purpose. It was Im- lo the act as If i l . . portant. Brock was a. noble man and a ' Eggs'grgthegfgin'ghln'ccfur.pgrirtedoilg'o(')§:i hero. and we should not forget him nor tario, which fees are the same as thel [allow his memory to tro into decay. I tees now payable upon the it'co'ipfm't" I Col. Matheson's Generosity. tion of the company by letters pa en _ g . , i. Mr. Matheson (South Lanark) under the Ontario companies act. thmmht there might he a standing votel Bureau of Labor. i of $500 for such matters. Continuing! In moving the second reading of his 3338:: vtttut',','/'; tit,agotdotl,neut/'i, 'bill to provide for the establishment fel, tional Patriotic Fund. " Ontario ought i a Bureau of Labor, Hon. Mr. Late ii to set the pace in this respect, and he i ford pointed out that such an institu thought $G0.000 or $100000 in a mat- tion was in use in many of the States ter of this sort would not have been a of the Union. while the btate'of Massa- ', out of place A grant of $10 000 was . chusetts led the world in this respect. nothing but. mean and paltry. He 2 The bill was read a second time. thought the Government should in- Successlon Duties Act Withdrawn. crease it to $25,000 in the supplement- _ . . ' cry estimates. , The Premier rith.t.Ir.ey his bill en- The Premier pointed out that the peo- ititle't the succession duties act ot 1900. l we of Ontario had done nobly in giv- . F . The Attorney-General s bills respect- I Ing as private individuals. The present mg the enforcement of certain con- i grant need not be a finality. When the tracts entered into with municipal cor-. war is over it would be quite within i. portrtiontr, also amending the Ontario: cur competence it the necessity called ', irontroverted elections act, were read al for it to ask for a larger sum. The i trecond time. giving of $15,000 now, $10,000 to the 1 h At the evening Betgttiott the House Patriotic Fund, H.000 for absent em- ittrrrt considered nearly a score of pri- Ployees and $1,000 to the Red Cross "it?! bills in g',',',',,',",',."'"" reporting them Fund, was an earnest of our good-will. w t on amen men . I th _ P F Mr. Eilber (South Huron) withdrew gd 3: t"o",',f,'putgl 3:153 ggggaxegg It bill respecting the Town of Wing- request, the House would not be want- am. in tt Mr. Crawford's bill respecting cer- . . _ . . .mm matters pertaining to the City 3" Mi;- 2?if//f3,.', a: assures; A 1'it?'"o "as given its second rec " inserted a. larger sum in the estimates. ;.