entrust... APRIL .38., LL-L---------"'"-"""""-""""""""- . l 4 ' Ontario Legislature Gets Through at Eight O'Clock. _ --------. l v T T PR0R00ATI0N 0) MOR DAY Sum of $25,000 Granted For Relief ot the Suit-refs by the Fire at Ottawa. q-.----.-'-.""-. i The business of tho 'Ontario Legisla-i ture was brought to it "lrr.uc at 8 o'clock lust evening. This result was achieved by sitting continuously during the day, and not udjournlng tor lunch- eon or dinner. t'sn.scriutmtly, when the last measure had been disposed of and' the House adjourned, everybody was; tired out. Nevertheless the legislators' sang with genuine heartlness "God! Save the Queen," and afterwards cheer-l ed for Premier Ross and Mr. "'hitney.| Then for a few minutes the. air was thick with missiles. as the members.l glad as schoolboys released from school, I hurled blue books and bills in every di-l rection. Before adjournlng Mr. Whit-i ney made a reference to the death of the late Sir John Hagarty, and bore. tribute to the sterling qualities of. the late Chief Justine. His remarks were cordially seconded by tho Premier. The House. will he prnrogued ht il o'clock on Monday afternoon. The Money Voted. ' 1n the House this morning the Gov..) ernment introduced a resolution grunt- ing $30,000 for the relief of the tire sufferers. This was carried, Hon. Mr. Whitney expressing the opinion that the resolution was eminently proper. Mr. Berkeley Powell read a telegram from Ottawa stating that between three and four thousand houses had been burned and about 10.000 people rendered home- less, one-halt ot whom were absolutely destitute.