_ tuna. The minute W the rr l lounge in the bill was distinct and free (you not avail YOUNG" S' the whole ' t) .' .trom doubt. Even that clause was to Mr. Lucas 7"Stl'"t',t, ad wt" D Esome extent an interference with the agreement. and said th s ro g contract. !simply a tramway taming products to. , ' Mr. Whitney argued that 2',', fi,tur,', ithe Clergue works at the tfoo. in the bill was just as object ona e a ' essar . the amendment. The etteet of the l Concessions Are Nee y ', Judgment ot the courts was that they l Mr. Russell (East Hastings) support- would like to make an order compelling ed the Government's policy in opening ': .thc street railway to live up to its up New Ontario. ond said it would be i agreement, but they lacked the lcgisla- Iwarmly endorsed hy the people. The ' tive power. The. clause now in the bill 'e'ranting of concessions was no new _l would not improve the matter at all. lthihlt. All Governments tad made " 'gut. . P , . inoncessions, even on a muc more or. l The Powet Already Exists. 1osrral scale than this. He instanced ! Hon. Mr. Harcourt argued that the the action of the French Government' l section in the bill was as clearly writ- with resnvt'i to ('anada in its early his- -, ten. as free from ambiguity. and as de- tory. and the large grants made by the l finite in its aim as the English Ian- Hritish Government in South Africa for _ guage could make it, and the the purpose of developing the country.! _ court V could give such remedy as In tho past it had been quite common,' the facts of the case would warrant. to make land trronttg in Canada. one ofl . The contract certainly would he varied the mosfnotaNe being that to the Can-I , by the introduction .of the words pro- adlnn Pacmc Railway Company. The} i posed, "notwithstanding any 1,ylu of railway would go through a countrv! . law or practice to the contrary. whieh had been comparatively well; i 3 Mr. Crawford 'spoke in favor of the h"J,'l,'i,'irl'i m," and explored try Pet,) i ' amendment. Those opposed to the use Doctors. The Ottawa disaster hadl T I of the words evidently did not wish to thrown a thousnnd laborers out of em'l E make the operation of the law as simple ployment, and hence they should wel-l _ , l as was intended. ("map the (.Memrleog of Mr. Clersrue,', ,' 'vi i The Attorney-General remarked that which would employ tut many artisans -,: I' g the clause in the bill would compel the and orierntives Toronto stood to stain a ', extension of the company's line otrali- i'. _ b . ii, 1evplo ment of the. l , ' . . , _ d would largely J . e r p . l , " 'ei; 'l,hU"tiiWJee/ltdTt'"'t'C, agree northern rerions. and so did the towns ' apply o a o c' ' " _ " T . . ". ment with the city. h t? along the Georgtan Bas E Mr. whltney.--Yes, w y no . , , q . 1 Mr. Gibson.-" takes out o; the hands C ol. Matheson 5 Criticisms ' of the court the powet' to give any Mr. Matheson (South Lanark) con- l form of relief. demned the Government for brlnvinrz , i The Speaker put the amendment and down a bill grunting 1.500.000 to 2.000.- ' Mr. Conmee called top the was and mm acres of land in the. last 48 hours . , 5 nays. and was supported in this by of the session. Now tho Government Mr. Whitney. ' ' hurl renewed the debate deliberately at i The House divided on Mr. Barber 5 a time when momberq were abrent from , l amendment. which was carried by a (the House. Ho did not blame Mr. ir l i vote of '52 to it. ('lvrirttr. for getting all he could. butt , i The hilhwas then amended, ond read 'tlu- Ministl'v should. he censured for. I l a third time. Mr. (.1',tyySt regretted giving 9., much of the country away! ' u l the action of tht. Iosp,"isluture, "Tau": when the railway could have been se-l l 1 he said. it would enable a neo cured on terms more advantageous to, 2 I contract to be mnde by a city to replat'rt the Province. What must they think 1 i t a bad Ot" Lmprovidcnt one, which might .of tho 14ovcrnment's notion in makinlzi E i be made by neglecttu1 Aldermen. lthls 'rrortt.when a year ago Mr. Clerettoi .. 3. Grunt to the Sufferers. l osemred the Rnilway I'ommfttee that het ; i . l.. I would not "wk for a land grant or cash . A resolution granting $2G,10) was subsidy ? The industrial condl'ions in , i then introduced and passed. (',",i',-'i'e:.I io pulr, had 'r.retly chatteerl. i Mr. Berkeley Powell thanked the Pulpwood. which formerly was worth . ' House tor its 'reneroslt.y. He said hlan.. l:,',.'..:") 2.G cents a cord. now cost from , kets and food "ere needed badly at " to $7 per cord. The (mournmpm . ; once. He read messages from Ottawa were mnkim: n present of 30.000.000 giving further details as to the sufferers cords of pulpwood to Mr. Cletpuo. and the arrangements for their relief. Estimating the quantity of pulpwood , It was stated that 3:000 hrouseg had at five cords to the nr't'th the Govern- been burned. and Lulu) people, half ment Would love $3000.01") in dues, or _ lot whom were absolutely destitute, had H.100" per mile. It must be remcm- ". been rendered homeless. bored. too, that the swamp lands were l l Mr. .whitryry said that in View of the not included in the grant. so that Mr. t 1 appalling circumstances .'.f. this fir:- l('lervue would have the nick of the I there ought to be no cavillin,q over tho imilpwood lands. Valuing the lands at p . amount to be. granted. The Govern- I sr, nor acre. that would mean $7.5(NUNNL i ', ments resolution wu.q eminently pro- 'whlch would leave n surplus of nearly '; 3 per. IRRJKMJNIO after building the railway. 1 The Algoma Land Grant. (There was no condition whatever as to l [ . , . " ; Mr. Lucas (Centre Grey) Tn-tfc!:), a}: rl'IG.at ))11l1md,11vee,r,'itnt,1eTi' (guild 1:3: _ the debate on the bill granting 1,.50ih000 made any provision for the building l ( acres of land to the.. Atmtma Central of stations at a certain distance apart; l é Railway. He complained of the attempt they mlcht be placed twenty miles l a to rush this bill through the House and". He thought the bill should be I lwlthout discussion. laid over for a year, to give the people i The Attorney-General-You had the a chance to consider its rovislons I E [d,'gl'r'dt'l/v' in committee. Why did - . p . l I