_ - Q _ n V M . _ l '" Degraded by Hon. tetiaitRllE"'"" that! to the Province control over nail 20 6 Hon. Mr. Davis said there probably ('f,,','l'l'd 'l'JUe/g,tu",ea11't 12.51833 ' was never a session in the Provinee'a Carrying the Canadian flag to-dayF ", history n hen so many matters ot great I In concluding, Mr. Davis asked what mportance to the Province were con- was the policy of the On ositi , sidered, and it was a matter of re- " G . p Bt (mg " Shouting steal was no policy. On: gret , that . the Opposition _ had 'the Government side of the House they :'entbtztngtlhe 283255.? tla,, ttf,',"; stood for development of both old and . matter which had been thoroughly con- "',"iwtRntt,'goive,?P/tn,.rt1 let T/J/sep/f 1i1Ti'.1,,'t,'it.wi?,ets et/d.' months) by the 'way built. the Industrial estab1ishmsants ihiyof the session l 5:31? ling-)3: Icompleted. the country . settled, every member of the House that suchl 'i'tTdtvth,evlrat gaggipslin obey-shop, pus- a bill would be introduced. The -bill,) erdy t Il',','; tow anyone could could have been discussed at either the' to- ay vo e ago met the hill. (Minis-; flrtrt or second readings, or in commit- terial applause.) _ l ut,"; bit thhc f,1?r,i.lodn, deliyed. and Mr. Boyd's Strong Language. '; "towatthethirdreadinethe com- l, plalned of lack of "'llf,'l,'l,'i,,itonne.y Even Mr. Boyd (North G'FC'Y) reiterated the now the Government were prepared to statement that Mr. Clergue had said to 'stay as long as necessary to thresh it the Railway Committee that he wanted gout. Was there an hon. gentleman P0 grant nor subsidy. In all the civil- Hipposm- who would r.tse and say a med world, Mr. Boyd declared. there irailway was not necessary to open 'neyer watr SUCh a gigantic steal as in Iup that country? They would not, for 'this bill. There were only two men on lit would be suicidal. Our trade was the Government side who had "brass" 'enormously increased by reason of the enough to deny what Mr. Clertrue said. (opening up of New Ontario, and as a (Laughter.) He wanted Mr. Charlton result of the sawlog policy industry 'to be brought in to say what happened. was greatly increased in the northern "Let us tight this question out on truth districts. 'and righteousness," said Mr. Boyd. ' . n Venturing further. Mr. Boyd declared Mr. Clergue's Statnnwnt Again. :that "a great many members opposite In reply to interruptions, Hon. Mr. ghad been purchased by these great Dryden. as Chairman of the Railway 'stenls." Committee. said that Mr. Clergue when 'Order, order." shouted a score of seeking the charter said he did not members. and Premier Ross rose and ask for a do11ar--(Opponition laughter) said :--"I ask that the hon. gentleman (r-pectwse at the same time he and his withdraw that statement unconditional- friends were applying to the Govern- .ly." ment for u land grant. . I Mr. speaker-The hon. gentleman is a . Mr. Reid (Addington) said Mv. icomparatively new member. but cer- Clergue said: "Gentlemen. 1 am here lthinly there is no question he should asking the privilege of building a withdraw it. railway without any assistance," and _ Mr. Boyd withdrew the remark, and that "as why he trot the charter. added that this was a Government that Mr. Dryden replied that it was tho required strong language. He asked if policy of the commute: to glvchchurt- 'the Government were going to Sto on ers or ran ways " mos everyw ere. . _ .. . a . Mr. Morrison (West Hastings)---" you "r',i.li,i,'g, 'l,.') ay their JIT/I, {,0 Sim!" khew he was asking for " land grant. iltrf,"t"d'/'otfJT.' one en 0 e PON me w 1y weren't you honest enou h to tell . . , . , ' H . ithe committee? lOpposition fppluusc.)' Mv. "Pm?" (N°l_th "tut" orth) "if! l Continuing. Mr. Davis said the very" the f'y.y:Te.1.et were granting these next day Mr. Clerguc had asked tht. lands not for the purposes of develop- Government for a land grunt. It had ment. but simply to enable'Mr. Clergue Inevez' been the custom to build roll-1 to bring his Prods tte to his mills, and iways in New Ontario without assist? to help him to build up the fortune he lance. Did the Opposition want to take1 was yTu.mulatfntr, . . the position thut they werc opposed to!, A division Wus then taken, and while any grants to open up that territory vi waiting for the whips to return Captain The country wanted to know how they:' Robson was culled upon rot' a sons. and stood on the question. It they took; sang in a stirring manner "Soldiers of Ethat position they would not return] the Queen." 1 lsupportcrs from any constituencies in The Division List. 1 I I the Province. _ l i I Mr. Whitney-That would suit you. The motion for the third reading was .(meghtt-r.) I adopted on the following diCysioy,ir-: I Mr. Clergue, Mr. Davis wont on. had) Yoas---Messrs, Auld. Aylesworth, Hari-", lmade it clear that unless the railwayl her, Beatty (Parry Sound). Blezurd. was built the proposed industries would Bowman. Bridgland, Brown, Burt, Car- be impossible at the Sault. Mr. Davis: penter. Charlton. Clarke. ('onmems read from the bill to show that the rail-l Davis. INekenson, Douglas. Dryden: ' 'way company was bound to locate av Farwell, Ferguson, German, Gibson, . (staidtn in the centre of each block when Graham. Gulbord. Harcourt, Harlin {requested by the Government. and on. Hill, Hislop. Holmes, Latchfortt, Leys, 'nlans approved by the Public Works: Loughrin. Malcolm, Mutrie. McKay, . ;Department. I McKee. Pardee. Pardo. 2,1t,e1ou211t, q I ton Richardson Ross Russell, m ' A Good Bargain. l ' , ' . , Stratton. Taylor, Truax--4tl. I If they got the railway built alone Nays-Messrs. Allen, Barr. Beatty "or this land grant. it would be the (Leeds), Boyd. Brower, Carnegie. Col- 'cheapest railway for the Province since quhoun. Crawford, Dempsey. Dutt, Eil- liiiiii'iiG.iiiiG. Another provision re- ber, Fallis. For, Foxr Gallturtter, Hoyle, -----uLLuL-reitiisosp_etyi_ti, Joynt. Kidd, mum" ,