a the rights of Ontario agamat the Dom-- the loan companies' business so as 2 l 4 Nflt\ or against any other Province. to place those corporations <upon E& _(11) To enforce all laws enacted for a better footing. Not only are many A the protection of public morality with Canadians dependent for private in-- f firmness and impartiality. comes on the dividend disbursements 4 of the loan companles, but our credit (12) To maintain the efficiency of our ) in the British markets, where there ara aystem of education, and to administer | large amounts of loan companies' de-- the same in the interests of the vhole! bentures outstanding, is in a measure people, irrespective of class or creed. . | at stake. This, therefore, was wirseand . & x.'* ! useful legisiation. | f * % & | _ All this formed a large task, '"d] During the latter part of the recess' there were some who doubted the abil-- | of 1809 careful attention 'was naid to : lity of the Government to carry out the | the framing of measures to be brouxht-" programme. In six months, as owe down in accordance with the promises . Shall. -- show,. ~the .. work. : 4o -- far made hy Mr. Hoss when he was ap-- C * o :: _pointed Premier. Boon after the House as _ the Government is concern-- met the report of the Fingncial Com-- ed, has been practically ac-- mission was laid on the table. It show-- !compllshed. But not only has the On-- ;Jr 'f:e exact ""t'e:;""' 1;';":';"'"' of the | tarto Government faithfully fwifllled the ik r"r:l::';n':"':hm '";';"'w x:: '2! "'t;: \ [ i 5 Imk thus set for itself, but it has per-- generel fAnancial system in vogue, made formed much more. The fAisheries ser-- valuable reécommendations concerning ¥vice has been remodelled and perfact-- the methodas of keeping the accounts of ed since the judgment of ths Privy :'" f"""'"c:' Tt l"" t'"e * WTW':" ho * enaive and concise statement of the '\,ouncll defining the rights of the Pro receiptas and expenditures of Ontarito | vince in that connection. A Bureau of since Confederation. \Labor will, in accordance with legisin-- # s e -- tion pagsed, be itmmediately establish-- The drainage aid act, designed to re-- | # 'ed for the purpose of publishing in-- :::mp: """;: amo:"::rr':gu';t?:: l::: ":; frormatlon regarding statistics relating undertake large works of drainags and ito employment, wages, hours of labor, complete other drainage schemes which 'co--obperation and atrikes, ~A resolution it would not be fair to as@k the munict | was passed making it obligatory on the palities to carry out, has become law, Government to see that the current rate and will operate to the general advan--| of wages shall be paid to workm=n of' tage of many P"."" °f. the Province. | all trades on work done by contract or % * A otherwise for the Province. | 'The discussions on the West Elglnz CC' s | commission emphasized the fact, pre--| viously known, that the members of | One of the most important pieces of the Government and thelr supportets financial work done by the Le:lal_sture deplored as much as anyone else the during the seasion was the pmessage of | UIrrégularities that have taken plnc«.,l an act extending the scope of loan ; 'and showed that g£00d progress is "'"'l companies. Formerly the loan ::om-! made by the commission:. The electlon| ,p""h" '": confnned in their t;"'tn"'l bill provides for certaein amendments i;° ttl. '":r":e" mo":":n"::'r:' ":::. that will effectually prevent the repe--| kn UR e + ( tition of the irregularities that have| 'tate markets the companies not only taken 'place, and provides asdequtate | found their sources of revenue v*ry penalties for offenders. The Govern-- much contracted, but they made serioua mmeht" in chnmon Wilth sil Liberais, is losses. The measure in question nllo:n anxious to preserve the good election these companiles to make loans on the record the Libersl party has so long en-- public securities of the Dominion or joyed. In the debate on this bill it was the Provinces of Canada, and upon the shown that during the last quarter of terminating debentures 'of-- jindustrial a century or moke sines the Liberais| compantes and rallways, and upon char-- have been in bowser in this Province, | tered banks, certain rgatrlctions being ficcor d""' to the ofl'iclal Feturns,. piit ot! mentioned in connection with the last-- 704 returning officers appointed in con-i named collateral. This was considered 61 with " eiections " the i¥eon:| a very opportune plece of legislation. It ;ecton i* wily _ ons' | has bten% was necessary to extend the scope of bibndinatice 9 P L e