',.-a w . _ _ ,....._.. new, _ . . ' ' New Kornber- In 'e 'r. iwhatnot toe doom ' I of, _ v. , . u,, {a ('7 i The speech concluded Mr dgz The not fttr technical 5 I'uhdrew, followed by his. I will. it is 'ltated. be three timed as , The Speaker took the chair. and mod lam a last year. This. Mr. Har- I notices tue If/tgt.'"', thgtrxd oc- 'ihues't'T," ti? due 1:0 thet td"ir,,"gyt'"g ", . curred du " t e year n o Reno Jn e wor on C e part o A frew, Welland and North Waterloo. the lush schools of the Province. "1' The new members tor those constituen- look forWard to technical instruction In C cies t,Tivt.hg,' introlguceld he', ie,',','.",', : as? gush ",ttol sl' o,'lttr/oo, at a very Mr. J. V . unro. on n rew. y y av." ea r. arcourt yester- Hon. Mr. Latchford and Mr. Loughrin. day. Some amendments to the present Mr. J. T. Gross, Welland. by Hon. Mr. act. which make '. it Optional. are prob- Harcourt and Mr. McKee. able at this session. with a view to en- Mr. L. J. Breithaupt. North Water- courasins technology and to assist in loo, by Hon. Mr. Davis and Mr. Bow- administering the present law. man. . ' Premier Ross then introduced the To-day's Debate. customary bill to provide for the ad- The Speeches by the mover and sec- ministration of oaths of office to por- 'onder of the address from the throne. .sons appointed as Justices of the Dr. Bridgeland and Mr. Breithaupt. will Peace. be delivered this afternoon. and will I V Resolution of Condolence. probably be followed by Mr. Whitney , i l ' -.. t and the Premier, who are expected to The Prem or $150 sari! not? fl,), a wind up the debate to-day. The House gi'tuttioons, 'b.el'fnllT 'il' Sins Nil; 139-3? 3;; then probably adjourn until Tues.. itGii Edward VII.. expressing the . heartfelt sympathy or' the House in the Provincial Board of Health. . death of her late Majesty. also convey- The tirat quarterly meeting for 1901 _ ing to his Majesty their congratula- of the Provincial Board of Health com- . titan]? upon shea,'."""""""" to the throne airmail) .v.g.'lN/t,v, aft;x;irgon, the Presi- f, o s ance . ' r. . . aux o - After the Speaker had drawn the, living the chair. In his 'h"giu1Yat1ie,-, ' . members' attention to the necessity for the Chairman said that the efforts of ' ' taking a new oath of allegiance. the sanitarians were at last receiving pro- . House adjourned at 3.35. t"/'f,y,ft,a"'ttot? friom the; Public, and s . Government Bills. ( few years ao- ay n a pos t on wttich a , so seemed. to be be ond _ ', Notices were given yesterday of a . their reach. During the past year tyhero large number of bills to be introduced had been no tMtrious emergencies to deal by members of the Government, as fol-, with. although the year had opened _ 1owtc--. and closed with smallpox epidemics. 5 . Ti, 'sth"; Em gresdétg 1e,.i'fTAf.."iiti "giggling"? ttlligtg'htbwlaikg gt this} dis- b. to his a es y ng wart ' .2 ' - ' We. a een t ous-' for the improvement of public high- ands of "1808 in the United States, ways; bill for the encouragement " though the death rate of 4 per cent. the trade in dressed meats; bill to was remarkably small. He referred mi amend the audit not.1 t Bill f i tpt. 8123331: "f, 81:21:33}: at Wiinnlpes. _ Mr. Davie, on Tuesday hex ._ or; ' or am an other the appropriation of certain land for', 'ti'i"'g',t'Q to :11; vigtorous ,'",'d/p"tT,7,',t r ' the volunteers in South Africa and the [ , I' tires a en o cape w t them. active militia who served on the from Continuing. the doctor said that al- tier m 1866 ' though there had been outbreaks int ' l Mr. Harcourt. on Tuesday next---nill twenty distinct centres in Ontario. the I Ito amend and consolidate the high, 333:? g, 12831"! te, tde,/t"r,':litt,mtgt, ( Ischools act. l . . r 'ce a ea w t t " , r I Mr. Dryden. on Tuesday next-Bill to! iycrutltu'r'1',"neflrt; and had succeeded . . _| '0 gen samn oute. i- :. tgrglethtt,/a/itaonrle/'dl(itri, 'l" beteot rigt demic. Such a. il,',',',',','] "ftl'Jw'df," (The h 'suzar. thought. that the board and the muni- Ek, Mr. Stratton, on Tuesday next-BIG cipal health authorities were working r" Ito amend the Ontario companies not} together very harmoniously. In re- . o amend the act res ectin extra gard to other contagious diseases the gl 3 i l l bi? t tr d year's record had been satisfactory ov no a com an es: ' o amen 1 i . and consolidate? the laws respecting li-l, tit,'iltt J,T"ioateear'2h,t,e,l1h "had "r, quor licenses. i C " preva e ce. r.?. Mr. Latrhford. on Tuesday next-Hill' fact, diphtheria during 1900 had shown to "amend the fisheries act. ', 3 falling ott except. in the City of To- The bili to consolidate the hizhi gl1t,t "mg"; t3? deaths Egan $151613" _ . e reac e e remar a e ota o schools act is one introduced every few 140. Tholtotai number of deaths in the 1 years, the work having last been done Province from this cause was 486, To- _ for; 1"f/t'iU/,','fli d t to the rontc: thugsi conérlblutting Jabout on;- . r. to r 's amen men s uar er. nee s a u . 'ms"tlli.d'"accnt 0will be in the nature of gisease had cause?! 21 'hilt/d 1:312; defining certain Jurisdiction in regard ronto. In regard to tuberculosis the to ke, t1sheriea of the /,,e,e',f,t t t {tear weaned to showTain 1tgitrt,rNt'i, otice is iven of an amen men 0 an a ecrease. e u ie, e was the fiUU'd act. This will refer.! glad to say. had become greatly agitat- A, among other things. to tire escapes onil ,ed on this question. The problem was factories. the Jurisdiction as to which. one that municipal authorities were' . is not now very clear. l bound to recognize and endeavor tol -- .. solve by all proper methods. In this: '. connection he said that Hon. Mr. Strat- l, ton's bill of last session. giving encour- l _ anment and aid to municipalities de-