r""-"""""---'""-'-""""'-"---'" " T - x W In not? We". 1 ' had _ s" a. - a on (or the gracious which f) ( ttttiterate,'. t2C'i'lt it. ($0 hemhad presented to the House was _ am never a 'greater Britain' in the then declared "med- and the Kouse. ' 1 sense we are now. and never would on the motion of ',lh"R,?ep, tWourn- . have gem had not the colgnisil "grog: ed until Tuesday I . . xtrom anada. Austra a an e sew e . . _ )answered to the call and stood side by Notices of Motion. . Side with the best Bo1diere of the Brit- _ The following notices of motion were D lsh service to defend the integrity Of given '.-- l British Government and sovereignty. Mr. Joynt-On Tuesday next-A bin l ' ,(ApplauseJ It ms! have cost a Felt to amend the act respecting County l deal, and it did, but I think that the Council elections. A hilt to amend the l (result is worth all those expenses of assignment act. R. B. o., Chap. 147.i, blood and treasure. Whatever may be Mr. Barr-on Tuesday next-A bill ttr the ultimate itmue--and there can be: amend the municipal act. A bill to am- only one itmue--wtttitever the exppse.' end the act respecting the registration we feel that our contribution has re- of. manhood suffrage voters. tleeted honor upon ourselves. and that Mr. Barr-On Tuesday next-Order of in the opinion of those concerned in the the House for a return of copies of ap- direction ot affairs in the mother coun- plicatlons for admission into normal trr. Canada and the Canadians stand! colleges for the year 1901. the date of higher than cver before. t"tre",'r",ele,il, such applications. the number and We ttent our beat men. and t ey ren- names of those admitted, the date on it dered the best service that men could which the said applicants were notified l give, and brought as men": honor. of their admission. the number and l {(Applause.) If we can do anything to: names of those rejected, the date on l {show our appreciation. to make their which said applicants were notified of I "uture brighter-and I do not mean the their rejection. the cause ot the re- _ f 'Government alone. for we are all -unit- Jection of said applicants. the number [ fed on thi.--it itt the least we can th of teachers in training the normal col- for the toil. the long marches. the en- leges can accommodate.and the number ( :durance. the risks they incurred and of teachers in training not actually in I _ the sweat and blood they erpent for the attendance at such normal colleges. ' defence of Canadian honor and the Mr. Matheson-On Wednesday next--- ' great empire to which they belong. Inquiry of Ministry: What amount was t (Loud and 1ontt continued applause.) received during the year 1900 for bonus The B ire'tg r ate Era. on timber sales , What amount was ' mp G e " received during the year 1900 for dues 'It is not for me," Mr. Ross con- on pulpwood '? tinued, "to refgr to the address which The Attorney-General-On Tuesday his Honor delivered to us yesterday. I _ next-Bill entitled an act to amend the am only here to follow the course sug- County (hurts act. Bill entitled an act geated by my hon. friend, and postpone to amend the Judicature act. Bill en- any remarks I might make on one of titled an act to amend the Jurors act. "33: most i,',%ortt'et h"l'itgrt,te in that a rose unt t e ouse meets next week to consider resolutions of con- Beet Sugar Industry. dolence " well as congratulation. We A large deputation representing the have lost in her Majesty the greatest Ontario Beet Sugar Association and Monarch of this age. and one of the several Boards of Trades asked the greatest Monarchs or any age. She re- Government yesterday to assist the ' presented the highest characteristic in beet sugar industry ot the Province. her era, as well as the highest charac- I The deputation was headed by Presi- ter and the noblest ttttrtetmtanattip and dent Parry of Dunnville, a constituent diplomatic skill. She represented in of Hon. Mr. Harcourt, who introduced herself all that made Sovereignty lov- him to the Premier and his contreres ttlt and it may be long, very long, as the "Galahad ot the beet sugar ' be re Britain will be governed " " 'CRUBCJ' Others present were AM. Par- was governed under her administration. I nell. London; w. Cockshutt, Brant- ' or before any other Bovereitrn may ford; E. E. Miller, Wiarton; t A. G. l command the same ailection and ad- (l:l'Jllloltu, Alvinston: W. K. Snider. Bom- miration she commanded. She not only l bra; ex-Mayor Smith. Chatham: D. atgaiggted In making the empire great, Marshall, Aylmer; Thos. Elliott, Chat- "he made an era for the world. Eng- ham; N. B. Gash. Toronto, and D. H. land tttut only one that can compare Price, Aylmer. The latter, " Secre- _ with it in historical or literary develop- tary of the association. read a resolu- ment-the Elizabethan era. A long in- tion, passed at Tuesday's convention, terval. three hundred years, intervene. in which " was stated that the con- ed between that era and this. Whether sumption of sugar in Canada was such a long interval will intervene be- about M0,000,000 pounds per annum, tore such another era. equally signiii~ and was growing. Moat of this was cant, shall arise we cannot tell. It has brought from foreign countries. The been our honor and privilege to live in growth of the beet sugar industry in the trreateat era of the empire, tut TI the United States had been stimulat- recognized by all the world as an era ed by bounties. Recent experiments in Incomparable in the extension of hu- Ontario had shown that the soil and man liberties and In the development climate of the Province were suitable of the highest qualities of human civil- for the production or high-made su- .. lastion. And if we had the oratorica: gar beet, and the resolution suggested ' power of the greatest of Roman or o that the Government of Ontario grant 3""? orators all Jio,','it','r'/,'i'i1 122:: such assistance to the sugar beet in- one o us. we won u er . forth the grandeur and 81.017 Of that dustry as they felt able to give. Mr era which is just ciosed.' (Cheers); cw" _ - W -