. . _ __., -~ bl Mm r MII *1Eyakirw" . 12 j _ott,tarto at Aie" m-mmm. Aa 'tltittthtgi'l! , , _ il a .3 i .r Honorary Commissioner James of the {vagina in .f.' 'rd'ird'5 . . l li . ty, l 'Pansnmerioan Exposition report! that, "a Blair. Mr. wm'..mm at. t. .apotartthstandtng the report from But- wolves' mnow aim commodity w No that the space available has been are seldom seen. whereas it used to " ( much more than. applied for. "my a common thing to see them trouttt ' manufacturers and others in Canada about In packs of s. score or more» no beginning to make tutplieatlon for l. room. Prom this time forward te, of-' Good Roads in the Peninsula... Metals at Buffalo will exerc se scre- , s- tiomry power in accepting exhibits. ; Mr. A. w. Campbell. fdotut,tl; and on that basis there is a small Instructor, reports that t e h "las- chance for Canadians getting some 'Council bf Bertie, after an ent IQ to space Where the character of the ex- tie meeting at Ridgeway. 11;: 63031:"), hibits appeals to the taste of the om- abolish statute labor. e d tor a cials of the Exposition. Council of Welland-has arrange . ds : Word has been received by Mr. T. 'series ot public meetings on the rose 'r. 'W. Gibson. Director of the Bureau of :question onarettrtmry PS: i',?,',',', tv"...'-') ' 'Mines. that Ontario has been allotted heads of the committee read sump Y . .1296 square feet in the mines build- 'Un the intereat.or good roads. ' ' Jrttt at the Pan-American. Mr. Gib- . Notes. , son had asked for 1.500 feet, but willI ' try, and worry along with the space al- Warden Gilmour of the Central: 'lotted. The replies to requests for Prison has invited a number ot the; mineral specimens are coming in most members of the House to visit that In- satisfactoriiy. and indicate most tep- stitution on Tuesday next at 11 mm. resentative exhibits in all our rain. , Mr. Robert Ferguson, the member for ersis. Including gold. silver. nickel, 'Kent. who was reported to be seriously copper. iron, tale, corundum, graphite. in. has arrived in the city, his health 'mietts. petroleum in all its stages. clay having much improved. vrodutts. the leading mines and de- "ca"lrA'al"--"-"l--"-i='""'-"" veiopment companies throughout" the Province entering heartily into the project. All specimens have to be on hand. by March 15. to enable the de- partment to properly catalogue. clas- sify and have them in place on the . opening day, May I. _ The Women's Institutes. . The'interest in the women's branches of the Farmers' Institutes. a new movement inaugurated by the Depart- ment of Agriculture last year. has in- . creased very rapidly, and. from n start . of two. they have grown to nineteen. The object is to give instruction to farmers wives and daughters in do- mestic science and other subjects or interest to women in rural districts. To this end the department has Just rublished a handy pamphlet. in which is giV'n in concise form a number of ' papers on breadmakintr, the improve-. ment of rural homes. foods, butter-i making. poultry raising and dressing. ' a . . Tuesday's Speeches. I I Upon the resumption of the Legisla- . tare on Tuesday afternoon the. first i order of business will be the moving i by 'Premier Ross of a resolution of condolence with his Majestythe King at the death of the late Queen. and also of congratulation upon his acces- sion to the throne of his ancestors. Mr. Whitney will second the resolution. and others may speak upon it before it is passed. it is now intended that . Ithe Premier wlll deliver his budget "rpeerm on Tuesday, February 19th. _ A Bunch of Wolves. l I _ A great centre of attraction in the ' {Parliament buildings yesterday after. _ "noon was Mr. E. B. Weart of French l ,River. in the Parry Bound district. who {came down with seven wolf skins to claim his bounty of $15 on each. Two of the animals were very large and