* ~* C "mae e . TUESDAY. FEBRUARY % W oomeemmeaeneemenienenietenfenamemedeerient & » Hon. Mr. Gibson's Ex-- planation to the Leg-- islature. An Important Bill Introduced by Hon. Mr. Stratton--=The Remount Ktation--Manual Training. There were less. than twenty--five members present at yesterday's session of the Legislature. In the few minutes devoted to business a number of ques-- tions were answered and a couple of| bills introduced. To--day the budget de--| bate will be resumed by Mr. Pattullo and will go on to--night and for the next two days at least. Election Prosecutions. . Mr. Gibson, replying to a series of questions by Mr. Whitney in regard to| the West Eligin and North Waterloo elections, said that proceedings were instituted at about the time of the West Elgin election trial, and the Coun-- ty Crown Attorney was instructed to offer all assistance in the securing of witnesses, and in other ways which might appear necessary and material. This was done, as the correspondence shows. No further steps have been taken pending the investigation held by the commission of Judges, whose re-- port had recently been submitted to the House. Neither had any prosecu-- tions been undertaken in the North Waterloo case, the report of the trial ) Judges having been brought out since| / the session of the House commenced.|) ( The Government was now considering the question as to what, if any, prose-- cutions should be undertaken, and against whom they should be directed. The matter was rendered more diff--