The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1901, p. 2

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'curt by the personation "z come with-- Sanitation of Tsolated CampP®. > \ ---- 4 6 :m';z?:f:é a:td ;?e'ng:at.lon as de-- A Slll respecting uanlurya':i',:'t'g}&':: fined by the Ontario election act. n uggf{;;\lg% :f:g:olrig:c:; lary. ~It 1# a Will be No Commission. ;:e '3; considerable lmpc;rt'ancc; rt\?i t:lflo'l'e nin & Whatever _ steps | migh{ bef tal;%r: ,mployedth:c:}lo';\l:f;;n;;' Ti'xe object of n aptteme, Paineine ons inforn® ie 40 i to Ave the health suthoridos ently chan + with a view 0 ballots in the North W"e"°§ elretcet;o:l& contr?l l?lfnthe::nffgss'relulatlons and and whose names had beenfirtp:uon T establis tB'mprm,pd condition of these . the House, it was not the inte ofi msequel'lr here are many instances of e Lo e ie onl appollnt aln\{v of the regiel e \(; ly for both the men and mission on tthhe 333'?:' whrcl) Y :nade in-- hhc"?: ?trc;n?gs of 500 or 600 men hav-- i t:latt thee chagges of alleged irre-- l: been taken from the ice of the i olitles /est Elgin case found 5. lake below the camps. In such gularities in the West LC ed inad-- ces it was inevitable that this source h tae ba'llots ""lr:t:ett?:::rgry the gen-- ??azzét)lta:hould be dangerously pol-- vertently, along W o * $ cral elec):tlon. and not deslzne?ls'mg: luted and poisoned b:bélvx: daily offal, beridibmginn' t iJ purpoaeih noatt:rr nor ts rmmht.h(.rg;g?()-d act an officer of u. there Seen tatl;enb;nan; 'reason for Ln]go;"lc»(flrmhh Department may be 'f"d ,fherfn:::{," ation :}L';ho':lz-'d to visit lumbering, mining \ urther & * ; and railway construction camps in un-- . The Remount Station. | organized districts, to Inspoct, cleanse | Mr. _ Ross. repiving to MJ 3 Avitish and place such camps in the best pOS-- | said that the attention of the British sible sanitary condition. The act also | Government had. been drawn to the provides for the inspection of houses desirability of establishing a remount and premises occubled |by workmen, station. The reply was unfavorable, with a view to providing the breathing | but correspondence on the subject was space for each re uired by proper sani-- still going on through Lord Strathcona, tary conditions. q'l'hert- is also provis-- the Canadian High Commissioner, and ion for the employiment of a duly quali-- the Government had not abandoned fed _ medical practitioner for these their intention to press the matter. camps, and also for the erection of ; Mr. Whitney secured an order of the t p rary hospitals for the accommo-- | Trouse for copies of all correspandence dation of the sick. It shall be the duty | with or instructions to any County At-- :'"':" Provincial officer to see that the | torney, or any other person, with re-- gum .arrangements r6 n accordanc"' ference to the prosecution of any person uhpsanlmr requirements. or persons accused of complicity in the w'fh Ost oz' carrying out the require-- . ballot frauds in the West Elgin and C :sc ot' the act shall be borne by the North Waterloo elections. ::-rr;onl. firms or corporations answer-- ' The Factory Inspectors. able for the health of those in thelr' Hon. Mr. Dryden informed Dr. Pyne employ, | (East Toronto) that four inspectors Notices of Motion. | had been appointed to carry out the Mr. Russell (East Hastings) gives no-- provisions of the Ontario factories act, tice of a bill allowing municipalities to three male inspectors and one female. adopt proportional representation. For the purpose of factory inspection Mr. Whitney will ask if it is the in-- the Province was divided into three tention of the Government to enforce districts, eastern, central and western, 'by proclamation last year's amend-- one male inspector being assigned to ments to the mines act, imposing a tax each district. It was the duty of the on nickel matte or ore not refined in $ female inspector to inspect throughout Canada. & the Province factories and places of : busi;wss where the majority of the Manual Training. employcees were females, and especially % f 3 f to look after their interest. Inspector thg';ier!'{(:'r'l "0'},";',}{;"23",5'?'0'8",',"n',':fiufin Barber was originally a woollen manu-- tralnlr;g in its schools. The boards there' factureor, afterwards a commission have just decided to at once introduce agent, and was 57 years of age. Mr. geometrical drawing, etc., for boys, and | . B'_rown. was originally a journeyman sewing for the girls, in the publlc' aood"or'kor. and is 69 years oj_q; Mr. + schools and collegiate institute. They y oane, was a farmer and is 52, and | will be entitled to a grant from the Miss Carlyle was a milliner, Miss Car-- | Government out of the sum set apart vyle, Mr. Dryden added, is in full vigor | for technical education The school ind performs her duties with perfect | boards at Niagara Fall; are very pro-- satisfaction. _ She was absent from | 'm:uvea b;lng the first in Ontario out-- a E,?.: 'L..: rlgn;']nr:'{"r,l:'aftlo t:;:e ?lfi;;lttg: 3:' side of the cities to introduce the kin-- & f ter dergarten system. & t°'rah'i~"'aé%fé'ifi;;{;lmd at 3.40 p.m l Many of the veterans of 1866 who are q U PA | applying to the Government for land 1 Young Men to Vote. | grants state that they have sotr'm lWhS | n Mr. Hoyle (North Ontario) introduced | :;% ',i'{f,i to at ence go. uponsthe Is a bill empowering Judges to put young $ men on the voters' list who are within Notes, ? days of being of age when the list A new case of smallpox has been re-- i s prepared. | ported to the Board of Health at Nairn Centre, thirty miles from Sudbury, and P We o_ SCeee P TAReaeeeeeeeee

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