The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1901, p. 4

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'Mr. Whitney--You need not d@ mation to them-twiw 6 for I mike no.charge; I simply £4y. tigation was not w nted. was * that the presumption will be in the the evidence ? _ It should have been minds of the people of Ontario that the printed and laid before the House,. He friends of the Government were in pos-- regretted very much that no prosectu-- session of the facts long ago. tions were to :o:low. -- ~He cll;a}le;s:{l the Government to prosecute Pr tchett. i Claims for the Opposition. The bon. gentlemen were living in a e would. he went,on, watch with fool's paradise, and the people of On-- some interest the measures of law re-- tario would never condone them for not 3"""' which it was evident the peop!e progecuting those whose acts had creat--| demnded- and which might be brought ed that thrill of horror. and disgust: own during the session. In regard to throughout the public mind of this Pro-- the Premier's reference to the railway vince. _ (Opposition cheers.) to Lake Tomiscaming he had little to Ar. Whitney reforred to the Govern-- say at this point, in view of the fact N k h ' that the Government's position had not ment's record, and declared that fh¢, been declared one way or the ojther. Hie vplan announced with a flourish thatl hoped that the Permiler was not wait-- British warships should be built of On-- ing to see the Opposition's policy and tario nicke!l was as dead as Nebu»' then annex it. (Opposition applause.) chadnezzar. -- (Laughter.) The plans He combatted the statements made for reclaiming our swamps, announced | that the Opposition had not initiated with much tom--toming,. only gave au«--| any helpful measures, contending that | thority to give grants which were al-- in the matter of travelling dairies, man-- | ready on the statute book. The PrC-- hood franchise, /iectures to farmers, .mier was going to make everybody rich punishment for bribery in elections, re-- gby sending dressed beef to gritam, but forms in regard to itemizing public ac-- "a few days afterward a pro Inent sup-- counts, improvements in regard to ed-- | porter published a letter saying that ucation, the question of sawlogs, the | the only obstacle there WA that We development of new Ontarto and in pro-- hadn't the beef. (Opposition -- chéar®.) posals to establish agricultural schoois. He denicd the assertion that the Oppo-- | the Opposition had led the way. On the| sition had no policy, and declared that | question of Toronto University, to| if returned to power they would first | which he hoped to refer at length later| wipe out direct taxation. They would |in--the session, it was, he contended, | | not grant railway subsidies _ without }Wen 'known that great dissatisfaction| | eareful investigation first, and without existed among the authorities of that' | stipulating for being recouped and re-- |institution because they wore too great--| | taining entire control over rates for 1y hampered by political control. | j1mmc and passengers. Public schools Mr. Ross--Can the hon. gentieman would be remodelled, and examination T ive the mame of any professor.or any | expenses to pupils reduced to actual member of the faculty who has Ver cost. A substantial incréeage would be |suggcsted severance from the Govern-- .'rnmlo in the grants to public schools. | ment or has publicly expressed dissat-- ' The system of contracts with regard l isfaction ? | to public school -- books _ should Mr. Whitney said he could not at bf"' supervised. . The needs of the | present recall the name of any who haq Unjversity. of _ "Toronto. would _ be publicly expressed such views, but the immediately considered, as it was facts were iwell known, and his oh. cruelty to allow them to remain 'friend could, if he was not already in suspended between Heaven and earth. Do?soisstg;\ of it, get information on that 1 ie agid )ns agrlcultufire should be in-- |point. Mr. Whitney then referred | creased as soon as finances would per-- the great Clergue mfm,mme"é_' ,'.,';}"m'l': mt, with a view to lncrcaseg gl& to point he fully appreciated, with the agricultural schools. other membets of the Opposition, that! Law KReforms Mr. Clergue's enterprises were of great f | benefit to the Province. But th«ir con--| With regard to law reform he was tention was that the results desired| not prepared to «ay how far the Gov--| could have been galned without grant-- ernment ought to go. It was not a| ing such large concessions. In a |party question. It was sthe duty of | speech by Mr. Clergue himself it was | every member and every citizeon to do clearly shown that many of the onerous | what he could to lessen the expenses of | provisions of the bill regarding the | appeals in Ontario. He would abolish matter had been complied with before |all but one appeal to the courts in |.he' the measure was passed. -- He referred ;Provlnce. The Judges of the Court 6f| at some length to the Woest Elgin and |Appea.l and the Judges of the High} North Waterloo elections, condemning \ Court should all constitute for appeail the action of the Government in regard | purposes one Court of Appeal, and the to these. and stating that the issue of | appeal should go direct from the trial the West Eigin commission was delay-- 'gudge to a court of five of the other ed until the date of the two elections udges. That would do away with a ' in the western part of the Province. 'Iot of expense. Mr. Whitney concluded He complained of the refusal to al-- by declaring he was not afraid to (rust low counsel to attend the commission the people. (Opposition applause.) representing the Conservative party, Hon. Mr. Stratton moved the adjourn-- whereas shortly thereafter the Domin-- \ ment of the debate, and the House ad-- on Government appointed an election 'Joumed at 9.55 p.m. | commission, and one of the first things Note they did was to appoint counsel for orees both parties. He was sorry that the Mr. A. W. Campbell, Good Roads West Eigin commissioners did not feel Instrucior. addressed fAve meetings in it necessary to refuse to sit when the| Welland County last week. An effort wording of the commission was an inti--| will be maje to raise $150,000 for the \improvement of the roads of that

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