s Technical Echools. Hon. Mr. Harcourt introduced a bill to amend the technical school act. He stated in explanation that under the present act the board to be established was the Publlc Library Board, but so far no centre had seen fit to take ad-- vantage of the provisions under that form. Every coungy in Engiund, even the smallest of counties, had its Board of Technical Education, and it was de-- sirable that Ontario should follow in their weake and estabish technical schools on some foundation prudently organized. It was desirable therefore to give to centres the liberty to say something as to the formation of the toards. For instance, he had received & letter from leading citizens of one eentre saying that if the Board of Trade had something to say in the matter, and if representation could be secured by them, a scheme which would meet the wishes of all would soon be formulated. The sitting of the Legislature yester-- Ray lasted but twenty minutes, and was attended by barely a quorum of mem-- bers. Premier Ross and Hon. Mr. Gibeon were both absent attending a banquet to the Premier at Brantford. In their absence Hon. Mr. Harcourt acted as leader of the House. The bud-- get debate will be resumed to--day by Mr. Hoyle, who will be followed by Mr. Graham, and it is expected will be pushed on to a conclusion by Thurs-- day night. Annual Report of the Inspector «-- Essex People Want Action on Natural Gas Export--Notes. TECHNICAL A Bill to Make the More Workable. FUMIGATION OF TREES TUESDAY. MALCi 5. EDUCATION. IDr. Pyne (East Toronto) introduced a. bill to amend the municipal. act by providing that any municipal Counstl HBS * 0@ mLanay. (in unlimited a, blit. 10 «1DQHd ) ""~ ~"""" stwat) Coun'l providing that any municipal Counscil may appropriate money (in unlimited amount) to be expended in entertain-- ing the PDuke and Duchess of Corn-- wall and York during their proposes visit to Canada. Mr. Lucas secured an order for a re-- turn of correspondence between -- the dGovernment or the Provincial Board of Health and the Mayor of Wirdsuor, in reference to an outbreak of smallpox in the County of Essex in March, lg()'!). ~ 4e q220 LRA sareaza F4 1B 101 tA 4 snb a ABto. & Hon. Mr. Stratton seid he was awarre some correspondence had taken plage between Dr. Bryce and the Windsor authorities. Mr. Richardson introduced a bill to' expedite the withdrawal of farm lands ; from town limits. -- Many farms, he| says, were included in such limits at a time when it was thought the towns would soon become cities, and . their owners feel that they are now bearing too heavy a burden of taxation. The House adjourned at 3.30. Fumigation Work. The report of Prof. Lochead, inspec+ tor of fumigation appliances, was laid on the table yesterday. The professor rommonds the work of Prof. Hutt and Inspector G._ E. Fisher, who had charge of the Niagara district and the southwestern and northern portions of the Ontario peninsula respectively. In the course of his report he says :---- "When thke fumigation act was first put Into force in the spring of 1899 a few nurserymen were inclined to shirk their duty, not only on the ground of ex-- pense, both as to the chemicals used ; and the construction of the fumigation | house, but also cn the ground of loss of | time at a season of the year when work becomes very pressing. The chief ob-- jections urged during the inspectian of 1900 were loss of time and damage to peach and other stock by the process of fumigation, but 1J have pleasure in re-- porting the general willingness of the nurserymen to conform --to the provis-- lons of the act. Jt is conceded oy near-- Iy all fruit--growers that the act is a very wise measure, as they are pro-- tecteda against the introduction of nurs-- ery stock infested with the San Jos» gcale, while the nurseryman can send out his stock with the assurance that be is not to blame if by any chance the scale is Jistributed to clean orchards outside of the districts where scale is tnown to eaxist. Moreover, it is a well-- known fact that at least three--fourths of the nursery stock are sent out by the nurserymen of the Nilagara penin-- sula, the northeastera portion of which is tlndly Infested with the San Jose scale," He concludes with the following :-- "In view of the fact that the San Jose scale is still with us, and threatens to spread in spite of treatment with whale--oil soap and crude petroleum, I would recommend:. that :--(1) Ofiiciat fumigators be.appointed to superintend the fumigation at every nursery. 'The regulations could -- be carried out in | To Withdraw Farm Lands. Treatment Recommended. Toronto) !r}'troducgd