tion, prospect! e & 4 aans Tc oo mds ca 4 . A Progecntlons For' Corruption. _ _.; | on their lands, aya oc * 4 4 «Sabe tions | the Elizabeth mines. 4 $0 T\ 4h j Mr. Ross briefiy s{»:ke-of the prosecutions | M f a t o a in connection wlthm e cotglbpgg:.(: mt)l;:rg) ; Want-- Railway -- Aid. | 2 B lectio which ~nu 49 $ w¥ § cc:ags in aily ud more would yet take plwce. A deputation, headéd bngellu- Far-- » The Liberals who.were ~corrupt l44gned it well . and -- Holings, M.P.P.'$,: '3" the g'om the Consetn'-:atlve .:ql:ggl.dh'e,gatg%é Gozrrnm(-nt yesterday, ,""'( (A u): 'hen bon. gen n 0 1 the extent o 0 cakh, of. the House coulrnot.w on r'Le*masur'{ | .'-'e sg'rm')l('\dcign and 5:000 ac 'p&r'n:fle. benches by fair meanms, he prugeeded, theit | for the Bruce Mines'& Algoima Rail-- filénds adopted other "methods, and <at-- | for; the Bruce 4 wiz" resent | tempts were made to bay, members of the | way Company. Theére --pref | 4 Government. _ 'The Premier dealt _briefy | also Messrs. L. C. HMold4en,'B. G..Coryell | "'"'.h this bit of m""('fl' historv, and t'hen' ang John :\ICKO}'. The line now pro-- ' spoke of the Dowlnion« elections .of 1808, posed would be 15--miles. long and | comparing the number: of spolied: ballots in would extend from Bruce Mines to'the several specifiic cases with the numbercis P Lake copper mine 'The company the clections of 1900. (In the former year Rock * °;.,&}'000,' 'evsliobing 'th1 | the number was very large, ag'.w.mpfied has spent su & n devélopin this with 1900, and there 'could only he one'th-- mine, which, Although of low lrmge ore, p fetence, namely, that ballots bad been spoil-- is gaid to contain 3 pér cent, ol.copper ed on behalf of the Conservative, party. ~He compared with 24 'per cent. in -- the alluded to the Attornos:--Genérail's statement famous Calumet and Hecla mines in that it was not to be #xgposed that the Michica n. oA good agricultural' coun (orernment would do ndthing, in' some of Michigan. _ / ?b gricy * f the cases which had been referred to, and | try would also be tapped. said that prooeerllnfis would certainly %o« on | IEppuntareniematiententincatecenamiess 'bl1~ cases where the law. could be brought to ar. k. © Mr. Ross concluded with a declkration as to: the Government's reécoerd'of pure: clée-- tions for 30 years, and resomed.his . scat amid lonad cheers. 4 > * j 4 The *Amendment. / | The amendment by Mr.! llo(i"le was as fol-- lows :~--*'That this House :desires, to . ex-- | {\ress its regret that the Government has aken no steps to discover .abd bring to trial the person, or persone who --destroyed | or--removed from the vault of 'the Parlia--| ment Bulldings the box eontaining (the bal-- lots and other papers rt-latlu% to the elec-- tlon in the West Riding of the County, of | 3 Elgin, held in January, 1899; 'and also re-- F grets the declaration of <the» Goyernmeut # that no steps will be taken todiscorer and briag to trial such person, or, persons." ; The Division. . | The amendment was lost ou the following division :---- dut ¢ Yeas--Allen, Borr, BReatty (Leeds), Bow-- man, Brower, Carnegis, Carscallén, Col-- quboun, Crawford, Dempsey, Duff., Eilber, Evanturel, Fallls, For'gumn. Fox, (:ull?zh- er, Garrow, Harty, Hoyle, Jamileson, Jes-- sop,, Joyne, Kidd, Kribbs,, Little. Lums-- den, Marter, Matheson, Monteéeith, Morrison, Macdiarmid, McDonald,« MeKazs, MeLaugh-- lin, Pardee, Pettyplece, Reld (Durham), Robson, Thompson, Tncker, Wardell, Whit-- ney--34. A £0% Nays--Auld, Aylsworth, Barber,, Beatty (Party 'Sound), Blezard, Boyd, Rrelthaupt, 'Brmzland. Brown, Burt, Caldwell, «Carpen-- tor, Charlton, Clarke, Conmee, Datls, Dick-- enson, Douglas, Dryaen, Farwell,sFoy, Gar-- row, Gibsop, Grabham, Gross, Guibora, Har-- court, Hill, Hislop, MHolmes, Latchford, Leys, Loughrin, Lucas, Mnlco!m..)AI{camp bell, Munro, Mutrie, McKee, PAtMo, Pat-- | tulo, Powell, Preston, Pyne, Rel (Addl%fi- | ton), Richardson,_ Ross, Russell,, Smith, Stratton, Taylor, Truax--44. * + The following were paired :--~Mon. &r Harty. with Mr. Foy:; Pardeé, Lucks: Lums: dén, Powell; Ferguson. Reid (Addington); Péitypliece, Boyd; McKay, Pynée; Bowman, | Miscamobell. t 6 + | The motion to go Into supply--was carried | on the same divislon, reversed. N.A | The Ilouse wont into supglt abd .passed | ene item and adjourned at 1 .FS. ® ' The Public Accounts Committes will meet to--morrow morning. 6y 6 | Spent $60,000 on, Concession. 4 *4 * 9 _The _ report of the Angvo-Can'.dgln (Gold Estates, Limited, who hold'a con-- céssion to explore an area,in New On-- tario for minetals, on the work;atcom-- plished during the year 4 'shows.an expenditure of about $60, plora-- R