the increaged s will be 50 per B "fl'l Court." I ha 1 o g 4 & cent., but still / CCP "introd P -- of | ab F 1 prob-- o o mhe application of tha imgoé':nf&"f'o"f':#.'yfi'n?::'?"'°' It is | oc istonn and that fo hew inat inon! | ;:l;te:lme of fee§ that shall b';';';;"d"fw: | option is ta be exercised. The conclusion e ai block system, though giving his that I have arrived at is that the coun-- workattention to it, ind endeavoring to se se Sst s da! _ To decide, . in the . mep °'." what shall be reasohnable and mittee or tribunal to decide, in the proper. to say that he has arrived nt county to which they belons, whother n tL sely what ought to be included Ithat should be adopted. The selectors f w;" I think that the tariff propesed \consist of the Judge of the County ' o not, from any point of vlewwbe | Court, the Sheriff, the Mayor of A nsidered unreasonable. I.admit that | it there is a city in the county, and it 'g:rf)e';e tsc; rga.t:'er of opinion, and when Phe County Areagntet, f 3 e discussed in sibly some changes may be 35}22 port powers of Selectors. E. Srhen it is prop »and "If it can be said that t! | 1 _ _"Then it is pro | iere are di-- | ! the evil, or rathe'x?otfg ;1{)':1:: dg; tt)? m('-?t t;,ne rff intferte;it § nint. then thet reore. ' sent process of examinations m: ?1'1'1- 'se?xt %;xoge dlvsj oo Interegts. tit mhay us covery, to make a change not onl 1s n [ said that th 8{: erl'f't"eres"' en .n : the County Court, but in the High f Aromine to Instend of ons Pourt 'exAmina--ions "as : well." T hgh t terest ,}n summoning two instead of one thought of simply providing that t;d Jur&;. is ':nterest then would be rather coste of examinations _ for -- diacovery itian. cWw holding of courts in' con. ? #hould not be included in the arty| erciic in chae the geheraiity of. county costs.. The abuse Has consisted iparty] admitted that the generality of county reasonably protracting these aming. Te esn cce ner hand" thareis noukt_ ons 'In cases where -- ordinaril n:hna- tion. On the other hand, there is popu-- | wou'd appear to be no great n g'('es ?re, lar representation in the Warden of the ) | for examinations at all. A:ppomt'ms s| County or the Mayor of a city,and then | are tnken out, alld every irequent! em?' we have the Treasurer of the county ' f Xsiminations. Are "Tli'eas;)nnbly) e| the officer chiefly concerned in the hus-- : ifacted, . even to asking auestions %ro~: banding of the public resources of the ' receiving answers by the hour on t';.d municipality,. There have been i: 0"""'1)1131%01' the: party under 8k ot stances where It has been found t ,"{ x ination. Judges of the High C'm' . there were only one or two actions lz b g'?n&ig:: es Oe is Seen Ab quSe, haps no criminal cases, and cou't:tp:;-' " ¢ scovery examinat ter court County Court Rersal «.;n safe also in saying th?ztiotx'f:)c'yagd Y Sessions have been diapogea:(.l,f 1(,:'""" al & dc;n that the abuse has been xmagn{ or two. The selectors can decid l nkt Ind therefore I have had butiithls (il:i + | instead of County Courts being hefl!tdhati culty in coming ,;0 the coficitsion th;'li J.nne or December of the folk;wj '"t bin r reredY should be afforded. The nd. (f:t tt#:lrvg:g;sia? c ouney «9 tr"':i provides that while disbursem fall be catied or sunimoned romimpak| connected with examinations 1 ents | f all be called or summoned for thn 8 | d be fixed for holdi he day | $ covery may hbe taxed. only the di vs4 P £ [ un Oondiee the Assl xed. only the dis>urse-- Mr. Whitney-- . Assizes. | 3(:;:!slt:r'lv'g:'t;fe taxed as against the the one t!me?y Both courts to sit atil * Mr.Gibson--"Not simulta < o i ne > Saving Jury Expenses. ii?L\:'?t)i)];o}"i';t':hz'}! take uy?"bsll;i'i):'};: "In dealing with the measure the ciNd We finishes. | The| Jurofé Aitending when m'ue'i,'fgf,'?u;,'f easure then would work out that 1;1(. | gess was before the court, and it has stead of two grand juries and two 'agigluft(s;?dnéhgt "'Omeumes there was fnaonélf; Te wouil" 'me.. "dik '"n'zs [ s usiness, provision h , we would -- hay » 9 ' been made. It is r s jury ave one grand | e o provided in the bil \jJury and one petit j that cases shall be ent e bill |gether, and ' ury coming to-- + fore the day for h'cvlr'i ered six days be-- tamw d'a . perhaps in two, three or | ¢ ; k6 a : loing the b £ e | if it appears that '1h2§pthe court, and courts y*:)( 5 th usiness of both » 9 + f course the | reqauirine to be Lried by a. jury, which has a prov e jJury law now | can be easily asc:m'min)e,dmij\'l 113{,, "(",'1"" of the fixr!o:l:\z "n','d" M Serabliy cur_| of the Coupt. ABG if there is no crimina: S lioa. " Pho Sersotore heve the rip cur-- | :) l;llinesn. which can be asc er?a:)h;:}ln:"'}tat: view 'or \\flr!;'tlegtloml few. necesegy" l & olerable definiteness fron * th at has been necessary in Attorney or the Clerk ortortl;uefl;'ee County nr: tl))t\fit'l t(;» limit the number of fur-- | | Sheriff shall notify the juror c ireagy taker o ces far that narproc nave | :?'umm('med not to attend ll;ai[:e?,d{ th.-y'nfi'g,?n;,flge (:,f that as freely as | ' \found as ma LC¥ e ho se ave done. I might & [Fesien toom ie Hengrarere avadiotels 110 dat the en Coor Tudets shail | no jury business bas bp:;e g?::lutely 'r::l'e.'-' as at present, power to pa_ss! ggt: there have been cases of ;me;l. "l'bo.'f i | clent number to justify som EBC -- --~Aurore a«tiing down L ould ce o | \'litim oli' this nature. P ePECT "x.z:;'n\'-h':\t)"]dbm of this nalure ""'c""'i Another matter whic sarily would not deal with risio Ing for. the Mm"_e\;;i;i;tllztr:hprqvld- ;,ourt. jurisdiction -- or procodug-i."s;;;{ :;;figsbitl'. bl;"' will be imrodurode 1'6'?5,?\ l;gn."{:)'i.(;\r:d, w ov l'a'.omminslom'»r o Biuk--| o the case of cc A »| <s, would consider any ig-- | :\2;,}:;'5'";]" esn been L;(::}B:tzt?; \;()::r:}, :ii(t); \:)';ucll\' might arise as to the n??::- i , erable time very slight, elt 4 5 changes in that act. I may | the General Sessio ght, either for| say, however, that the s o e | The provision ;.'.-nlhfl or the Assizes. an absolute ° T o manision" on | provide that * ® e concensus of opinion on | may be a combination there the part of C s n , or that hav ounty Court Judges, w g:su' of the County Court afimdu(\}ee::?" | have probably the best exp«-rlgx;:'e?z::& i ssions may follow on after the As%il:t} | :;'.?:'ft'ig;e n:.- most disinterested in con-- | s s 'C w ~ > _J._fl_m The ad{"'n's- C readv© the . Division