es * ~;. "Ngtes. : ~: e Mr. Frank Hannum of the City of Ottawa has. been appointed Assistant Inspector of Licenses for the City of Ottawa in the room of Mr. St. George. who has been incapacitated and unable to discharge the dutles of his office for nearly. twuo years. . F The followiag have been appointed as the Board of Liconse Commissioners 'for the City of Ottawa :--Alexander G. 'MeceCormick, Louis N. Poulin -- and James~O'Connor. The Eastern Ontario Good Roads As-- sociation, recently organized, will hold meetings at Vankleek Hill on Wednes-- day next and at Lancaster on Thurs-- day nrext for the discussion of road problems. _ Mr. A. W. Campbell will attend. «_ The Metropolitan Railway Company's bill will be considered by the Railway \Committee next Friday. . snmmmmmnrmeamemeemmnmmmn mempasmas snnmnnenmttenizenemmmmeemaen uencemenenmmemen sSEVEXN MILLIONS. oN RAILWAYS. The Total Amount of Ald Granted by the Province of-- Ontario Since 1872--Public Works Report. The report of the . Commissioner of Public Works for 1900 has just been is-- sued. Details are given of all the work done during the year on public buildings and colonization roads, and [several interesting tables are included. |The total railway mileage now in op-- eration in Ontario is 6,724 . miles, of which 1,447 miles were built before Confederation, while 467 miles are now \under construction, as follows :--Iron-- dale, Bancroft & Ottawa, 8 miles ; On-- tario & Rainy River Railway, 280 miles; Algoma Central, Sault Bte. Marie to Michipicoton -- River, 136 miles : ditto Michipicoton Harbor to main line C.P. R., 28 miles, of which 12 are complet-- ed ; Manitoba & North Shore, 15 miles. The total expenditure on the main-- teance, repairs, etc., of public buildings last year was $93,8790 ; on capltal ac-- coun, including roads, $328,581, and| on aid to railways, §139,869. The | largest items on capital account were as! follows :--Colonization roads, $133,926 ;| mining roads, £9,910 ; Normal School,, London, $85,025 ; Victoria Asylum, Co-' bourg, $209,186 ; London Asylum, $15,--| 876 ; Kingston Asylum, $10,027. | | _A supplementary table shows the to-- | tal expenditures on all works since Con-- \federation. The grants ~to railways, which have all been made since 1872,| amount in all to $7,000,841, out of a| total expenditure of $21,428,780. Of | this $1,380,060 was spent previous to 1872. To colonization roads was given $:},-' 280,086 ; to mining roads, $68,622 ; on' the new Parliament buildings, $1,273,-- 930, and to equipment, grounds, roads, plant house, etc., . $227,435 ; Govern-- ment House, $183,860 ; Central Prison,' §880,352 ; Brock's monument, $4,805. semnnmmnemnmmemnermemmeccmemmanaes |