The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1901, p. 3

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# . ho n h ho "ney was" y e mmue uis capit k E"' yours sincerely, Henry A. Bran-- ";:{mmmfim_ 'Lfi; AvIt""(the s sard's affidavit was ridiculous, -- That 109 | B Mr. Whitney Differs. was an inconsistent attitude. . T . Pat-- | ' Oppositic c _ Mr. Whitney said:--I am pleased to ;fl::,'.l;g :er'f'llé:%?tdutl?:wed that h % [see the short turn which the Premier not a worker for the Liberal but has taken. There is a great deal to for the Opposition . * 4 'be said on both sides of this question. , : * > : "Ig F4 |?\'hen an affidavit, ridiculous on the Bills Advanced. | = e . n-- ; 't,"e':m','f ow Srocefile the 'other night The following public bills were then | my hon. friend the Premier not only given their second reading :-- \ | approved of it, but testified an almost a Mr. Fox--For the better protection of $ |childish delight at the reading of/ the are 5 ihein 'necessachy. that f laffidavit. Not only so, but his sup-- where a drain necessarily passes | porters were summoned in a hody through lands belonging to parties not ] + |to cheer and acclaim the editing of the| directly benefited the owners of the lat-- affidavit by my ~hon. friend -- from ter have no recourse to damages. The Brockville as he went on. | Attorney--General opposed the measure, E but it will be dealt with in committee. 3 Author of the Practice. 1l)r. Briddgland----'ro bamend the agri-- fs Hon. Mr. son 8 h mbers culture and arts act by providing that 6. |all seemed t.ocl':z o'f' tt::dvlz"f {:;t that agricultural #societies in Muskoka re-- | 9 | practice was to be deprecated.."I would ceive the full grant of $140 per year. A | |like to say, however," he continued, Mr. Lucas--To relieve trustees from B 3 '"that it was the hon. gentieman (Mr. responsibility when a breach of trust - Wa_itney) who initiated the practice is on technical grounds, and not owing f 3X here. (Hear, hear.) Although Bos-- to dishonesty. | y sard's affidavit may have given rise to Mr. Wardvll--To give authority to the $ some amusement in this House, that Cities of Hamilton and Ottawa to pay ; FR party swore to his affidavit in this their Police Commissioners. Hon. Mr.! country, and might be prosecuted for Davis expressed the view that action perjury. If affidavits are to be read should not be taken until the cities in-- d / :s -ucg. %e }a be}ter that they shmil'ld terested requested it. e made ore functionariles in _this + ;, f Province, so that the parties making Committee on Agriculture. 4 f them: could at all events be exposed to Before adjournment the Premier an-- f prosecution for perjury than that they nounced the following as the Commit-- j q A should be sworn to across the Detroit tee on Agriculture :--Hon. Mr. DPryden, River, and the parties making them Hon. Mr. Davis, Messrs. Barber, not liable. (Ministerial applause.) Breithaupt, Brown, Burt, Caldwell, { a | Carpenter, Charlton, Dickenson, Doug-- - Mr, Whitney Defiant. las, Farwell, / Guibord, _ Hil, Hislop, f Mr. Whitney asked how prosecutions Holmes, Leys, Loughrin, Lumsden, | for perjury could be initiated when it Malcolm, Mutrie McKee, Pardo, Pat-- C was onl)& lco;'>:l':33 }gf affld%)\:ltfl whicg| tullo, Richardson, Smith, Truax, Tay--. were read in the House. e last ha ¥ ; | not been heard of the affidavit to which :::" 'A""'"' Brower, Beatty (Leeds), Car-- | £ the hoa. gentleman (Mr. (Gibson) had J\ gie, Crawford, Dempsey, Duff, Eilber, : referred in such warm tones. '"No act d'allls, Fox, Jessop, Kidd, Little, Mac-- | of my public life," he declared, "has D'"'lgid Monteith, McLaughlin, Reid : ever given me more satisfaction than '(I' ";; am), Reld (Addington), Robson, -- reading the affidavits of Pritchett. He ucker, Whitney--49. Mrvem is not only amensble to punishment, The Premier stated subsequently that f but he has defled prosecution, both in it was intended to call the committee tne country and through his mouth-- logether at an early day. | plece in the House of Commons." |_ The House adjourned at 4.40 p.m. | . On Trial by Affidavits. i Detroit Veterans' Request. * Mr. Pattullo (North _ Oxford) said | _ Col. J, P. McMillan, who is interested ) that the hon. member from Hamilton | in the legislation now in progress in s ¢ had done excellent service in bringing| ,thfi Legislature in relation to lands for F the question to the attention of the | the veterans of 1866 and 1870, yester-- j Hovuse. "L was somewhat surprised, day sent a petition to the Government, , however," he continued, "at the re-- which he received from the Canadian 3 marks of the Opposition leader, who Veterans' Association of Detroit, sign-- $ ha« expressed pride at being not ex-- ed by thirty--six of its members resid-- f P actiy the father of the Pritchett affi-- ing in that city, asking to be included s ' davit, 1 cannot say that----" in the grant. They intimate that there * Mr. Whitney--You had better not say are about 80 there altogether. In a let-- it. It wili be untrue, to your own peéer-- ter from the President, Mr. John R. 6 sonal knowledge. Wood, annexed to the petition, it is _ Mr. Pattullo--The hon. gentleman is stated that quite a number of them in j 'proud of having read it in this House. the event of obtaining the grants will | f iI only desire to observe this, that the return t Canada and settle on the | Liberal party has been on trial by affi--| land, and that in the case of those who 'davits read in the House and ped--| from age and infirmity are incapable 'd:ed about the country. affidavits of| to go on the lands themselves their sons se'f--confessed scoundrels which have! will do so. The President also thanks + \been peddled sbout the country. 'The the Colonel, on behalf of the associa-- \great Liberal vbarty has been put on | tion, for the interest he bas taken in |trial by effidavits of that sort." Mr. their behalf. iPuttullo again congratulated Mr. Car-- | {scallen on the stand he had taken.: land pointed out that while Mr. Whit-- m ge en e o T m en

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