TUBsDAY. MARCH 2%6, \ | Tl N "' STA 0 + | f P d l Address of the Imperial Authorities. 'THE COMPANIES ACT. | . | ; 'Froposed Changes Discussed in the j Legislature--Col. Leys Denies Re-- 'l' ported Threat to Resign, ! «ummenspesmmmenseamanscescmcmczns l | | 'At yesterday's session of the Legisla--' ture the debate on the memorial to the| Tmperial authorities regarding a re-l mwount station in Ontario was resumed'i and concluded, the address being adopt--| ed unanimously. -- Hon. Mr. Stratton'si bill to amend the Ontagio compn.nies| act was discussed at some length, and| some clauses were finally lefp over for further consideration. Before adjourn-- ment the Premicer stated that the beet--| root sugar, the volunteers bill and' other Government measures wil be: taken up to--day. Bills Introduced. | Col. Matheson (South Lanark) intro-- duced an amendment to the general road companies act to enable munici-- palities to appropriate taxes received from road companies to forim a fund for the purchase of stock in the road com-- ypanies, and that if they acquire the whole stock the road is to be toll free; and enabling municipalities lying with-- in three miles of the road to contribute likewise. Mr. Holmes (Haldimand) introduced a bill to amend the liquor license act by providing that tavern licenses may be paid hali--yearily in all other muni-- cipalities as well as cities. Committee on Fender Penalty. Mr. Marter (North Toronto) moved that the following members comprise the special committee to consider his hill for violations by street railway' companies of the law requiring fend-! ers and guard wires : Messrs. Dryden, Pardee, Charlton, Davis, Foy, Dicken-- son and Marter.