Carscalien mildly criticized its soige proviaigs smogne be moid E 4 clauses, while Mr. Pattullo and . Mr. ptirring up the factory inspectors to 1 ] | d Gross suggested that it be held over til\ their duties. s N j another session. Col. Gibson, however, wgvr'o?g'l';:_t-:::. «will find some other [ Announced his determination to press The bill was reported with amend |t } the bill. On a motion to go into Sup-- ments. is t | g' | the Opposition began at a late hour The Premier's bill to provide for the. 1}, zlydebcto p'l:: settlement --regulations, bett:'r auditing of %hg ltitt:ggs:s ':elt'ge t which resuited in a division at 12.30. Peepe bhe was reported w sE' The Companies Act. Law Reform Bill. g f Hon. Mr. Stratton's bill to amend| Hon. Mr. Gibson, in moving the se-- [ cond reading of his bill respecting legal l ' the Ontario companies act. was taken procedure and County Courts' jurisdic-- .:' ; vp in committee, and Mr. Stratton in--, tion, said that, so far as he had been t ' troduced an amendment, so that the | able to learn, the bill had in some re-- ; 1 annual meeting of shareholders of con--| E\-':;tsg:eta:ua:ae:t':zt})::? r;f,g:'gow:fi:' it cerns doing business under Provincial| iIntroduction of the bill he had receiv-- & charters must be held within the boun--| l:d a' greathma}:i\ly l:expr;néons tAot gplni ¢ daries of the Province, unless other--| on from the High and County Cour 1 8, a from the law lations wise provided for in the original char-- g}'m Prggtn:e.mwhich wer:.l':sltcd ':o F ter or supplementary letters patent. give their _ views. He -- was not 1 ds un mm e i «8 is Tave those Zepiter prepared ana Taie ve 2 posed the proposal--to give to new com-- before the members of the House, to i panies the names of companies now out give them the same advantage he him-- of existence. It would be unfair, he self possessed with reference to the F argued, to give to new organizations the opinions of many of those interested. fl; ;',::"" of concerns which had nerhapal The opinions were naturally conflicting, 2 widely advertised at conaldorable', but there was a pretty general agree-- j § cos ment that there should be no increase j Hon. Mr. Stratton said that there In Division Court jurisdiction, that to. ' } were on the rolls of the department do so would seriously interfere with 1\ 56,000 companies, of which about 3,000 the efficiency of what --was._cailed the f were not doing business. Of this 3.000 poor man's court. 'The effect of & large number were defunct. . Th: Increasing the jurisdiction would ': officers or directors could not be found be to entail -- on Judges greatly y in most cases. It was simply desired Increased _ work. _ The -- increasing t to authorize the department to give to of . jurisdiction would also. entail L other concerns names now tied up. the employment of shorthand report-- ;f' j Mr.. Foy (South Toronto) suggested ers, and increase the formalities of the { that the present act 'be amended hy court. Not only the Division Court providing that names might be given Judges, but the law associations, seem-- | to new companies If, after sending re-- ed practically a unit against the pro-- -- j gistered letters to the officers or direc-- posal. It might be said that they were. ; tors of defunct concerns whose nr'"'" interested parties, but, on the other appeared on the last Government re-- hand, it was fair to say that there was | turn, no replies were received. no popular demand for a change in this Mr. Carscallen thought the bill en-- direction. He did not know how much 'BPO':).!.CG too far on the rights of com--| truth t}mer% mignt btle in the charges pani that only those directly interested, such Co?!:fl:'::l. will be further considered "'i 4s Division Court Clerks, etc., were at T * the --bottom "of the a_g tatton." There [ Factories and Bollers, I might be some truth h't't'he accusations. | Mr. Dryden's bill to further improve | the factories act underwent some| | Co_unty Court Jurmglcflon. J amendment. The word "fireproof" was | On the question of increasing the | struck out of the phrage requiring a Jurisdiction of the County Court, he separate building for storage of inflam-- | said there might be some objection, and $ mable material when not in use. It doubtless would, because the measure - was also amended by Mr. Dryden, so as would necessarily be arbitrary. The t to require inspection of boilers not in-- increase of values. and the "fact that 6 sured in a boiler inspection company County Court Judges were often with-- # by an inspector, who has had charge dat employment were good arguments | of a boiler and engine for not less for'a change. The time of High Court ' than five years, or who holds a certi-- Judges was eompletely taken up, and | Acate as a stationary engineer. many .cases were always awaiting Mr. Carscallen said boilers should be them. ~It nrust be plain, too, that on required to be inspected each year. the score of local convenience alone a Mr. Whitney and Mr. Conmee ex-- great benefit would accrue. Many cases | rremd the view that the compulsory Could under the increased jurisdiction nspection would close up hundreds of be disposed of without waiting for the shopse. periodical sittings of the High Court. A ' I Some further general discussion fol-- certain amount of objection had been j lowed, and the clause passed. Mr. Dry-- made to this proposition, on the ground \ den amended the clause making fire that the material of the County Court f escapes compulsory on factories, so as judiciary was not high enough to cope f to apply to buildings of over two stories with the widened powers. That was a instead of over one story. matter of opinion. A line could not be