es g:fi :'r'."n. Johnston, K.C., for a num-- ber of bondholders of the Electrlx Lig! + Company, urged reconsideration, 0 the ground that they had not k!}wo:'dt: that the bill was coming up on N nesday. Mr. Marter and Corporation Counsel Fullerton opposed reconsidera« tion. Colonel Leys' bill providing for the inspection of plumbing was thrown out. Mr. Foy's bill providing stringent regulations for the inspection of laun-- dries was treated in the same way. A I.meuure of the same nature introduced by Mr. Pettypiece, but with milder re-- iations, was passed. Mr. Carscalien's gflla. making several changes, but not of a radical nature, in the assessment act and the municipal act, were re-- ported. Game Law Prosecutions. Beveral convictions for infractions of the game laws were inquired into in the Public Accounts Committee yester-- day. Mr. E. Tinsley, Chief Game War-- den, gave evidence, and in reply to Colonel Matheson told what he knew of the case of three men in Adding-- ton County, A. WIld, John Lockridge and Robert Reid. These men were fin-- \ed $20 each for hunting deer out of season. 'The Deputy Warden, H. K. } Emith, of Belleville, however, saw them subsequently, and proposed to prose-- }cnte them again for the same offence on another day, as they had in the | first instance, in collusion with a friend, collected the informant's portion of the money from their own fines. To evade further grocecutlon they pald Mr. Smith and Constable Wesley Huff $15 each, of, which part went to the real in-- formant in the first case, and the bai-- ance to the man who served the sum-- mons. Mr. Tinsley said the officials were empowered to do this under the act, but Colonel Matheson called it blackmail. Mr. Smith will give evi-- dence at a later date, he being at pre-- sent in Muskoka. Colonel Matheson introduced a mo-- tion that the public accounts include a statement annually of expenditures on colonization reads according to elec-- toral divisions.> Hon. Mr. Latchford pronounced It a move designed for poi-- itical capital, and it was voted down. Brewers' Taxes, |_ _A deputation from the Brewers and . Maitsters'® Association of Ontario wait-- |ed upon the Provincial Secretary yes-- terday, asking for a better equalization | of the amounts paid to the Govern-- ment under the act to supplement the revenue affecting breweries and disti}-- leries. The deputation was composed of George Bleman, Gue'lrph. President of the association; W. T. Kernahan, Secretary; 8. A. Griggs, Walkerville; George Labatt, Prescott; Widmer Hawke, L. Relnhardt, Hume Blake, L. (Cosgrove, and E. Dickie, Toronto. The deputation contended that the effect of \ the act was to Seal unjustly with some [of those engaged in the business, and \the fees collected under the act were bnot equally distributed. m ; en en mm