mosee 146 mmwmm&s ;':F' Tson: s l ep on the table on Monday or> } reise he" p ty . & day. is wkecad sn ho tds se -- for the_ mm"':% % » heat, transportation, or To Improve m;n-mn other public service, as to the amount The Premier's bill for the improve-- of taxation to be imposed. The Gov-- ment of public highways has been re-- ernment had had & large number of: cast to meet the general view express--| Applications from small municipalities ed by those who gave evidence before: to the effect that the assessment bill the Good Roads Committee. 'The first he had introduced earlier in the session radical change as compared with the should not apply to them in its full priginal measure is that the appropri-- force. If those municipalitiee would ation of $1,000,000 shall be set apart at come into full swing of the act the bur-- once and paid over as soon as earn-- den --o0f taxation would be oppressive. od, instead of being spread over a per-- Many of such companies were paying lod of ten years in equal annual instal-- no dividends, although perhaps:-- not ments.-- The control of the County working at a loss. The present bill Councils is enlarged, though the rights left the municipalities authority to| of the townships where there is oppo-- make rélief if they desired to do go. sition to county roads are safeguard-- That power he believed they would ex-- ed by provisions for arbitration. Muni-- ercise* wisely. ~Such agreement shall cipal or Township Councils taking ad-- not be in force for more than three vantage of the act may raise by de-- years ~without re--enactment. <~The re-- bentures payable in twenty years their \ mission would not apply to school or proportion of the money to be expend-- 'local improvement taxes. The House ed on improving the roads. The clauses had passed numberless bills permit'ing of the original measure providing that such remission of taxes in the past, in the whole or part of municipal shares 'order ..that those ~small franchises of the appropriation may be expended should not be extinguished. on roadmaking machinery do not ap-- q pe?rdln the bill asdrevlsed. It is pro-- Mr. Whitney Condemns It. vided that the road mileage to be. de-- + signated and assumed under 'the act Mr. Whitney declared that since Con-- shali be as nearly as practicable in pro-- federation there had never been a bill portion to* the assessed 'area of cach which deserved more severe and dis-- township and county. tinct--condemnation than that .bill. (Op-- position applause.) It was not the pur-- Third Readings. port ofut'h':s bill to be fr"le'ndly to a fe\; s small lighting-- companies. What di u:le\ea?'lllo:::ssedlrfls were read a third the Xml Ppropose to do? To give Coun--: To 1ncorporate'the Norwdod & Aps-- cils the: right to exempt. corporations ley Railway Company--Mr. Blezard. without any appeal "fo the | people. Respecting the South Essex Electric When the Premier's predecessor intro-- Railway Company--Mr. Auld. > duced his tax: bill several years ago To incorporate the Niagara District, _t}&lcorporauons who had materially Wellandport & Dunnyvlile Electric Rail-- ted "In' carrying the bye--elections | way Company--Mr. Gross. rebelled, and--he would say now that| To incorporate the Windsor, Essex the notorious scrap--iron provision w'ml & Lake Shore Rapid Railway Com-- Insérted in the law to placate those pany--Mr. McKee. corporations. (Opposition cheers.) Last To incorporate the Magnetawan year, 'when the Aassessment question River Railway Company--Mr. Beatty was taken up, the Premier had recom-- (Parry Sound). mended an Assessment Commission. Respecting the Welland Vale Manu-- The--corporations were now objecting to facturing Company, Limited--Mr. Jes-- the assessment bill introduced on the sop. h recommendation of that commission. Respecting the Town of Fort William.| Whether that bill was reasonable or 1901--Mr. Conmee. unreasonable did not affect the ques-- Respecting the Town of Ingersoll-- tion. ~They were objecting day by day.l Mr. McKay. The, present bill --had been introduced into the House to placate those men, Morning Bessions. and to prevent them work:ng ahgains; The Premie ov that m | the Government. (Opposition cheers. sessions be lhl;u;n m:dmd h:fnr o%:lex:: For ten or fifteen years bills had been nesday next. He ho that the House introduced to permit exemptions, until would thus be conclude its last. year the situation became intol-- sesmsions before Easter. erable. and the law was greatly re-- | Mr. Whitney hoped that such might stricted. The Councils would now have | be the case. He suggested that the the power to exempt those coyporations] railway resolutions be brought down for three years at a time without the as early as possible. It would be too consent of the people. If this law pass-- bad to have such important measures ed the House there was nothing that dealt with in the last hours of the ses-- might be proposed there that the House sion. * Y would not let go through. The Premier promised to have the re-- ho solutions brought down at the earliest| . Cower of Municipalities, P possible moment. ' Hon. Mr. Stratton asked ;:'hyln}:ltmtl- cipalities should not have the rig 0o The Assessment Act. ' make such* arrangements with -- their The Premier, in moving the gecond public companies. Should the people reading of his bill to amend the mun!-- not bhave the right to make such ar-- clpal act. said it Anpowered munici-- Iraflgemmts * The bill gave to the palities to remit taxation in whole or municipal Councils: the right. they in part, or to enter into an agreement |should possess of dealing with the fran-- C chises in their jurisdi--~tion.