[ Col. Matheson W'fi:r C % onk."" EVER"H that ) . Stratton had . _the Ns came uin isbin 'mstances | E:-umt eamm under tha bill the case, in isolated h h'gn:d. T 4 confide enough in the honesty cf the P oo ce e craanle . clie bil)." was men iv%?' constituted the municipal i d out going to the people. The bill was 4 i duniiis to belfove That they would re-- ol C limited~to the companies taxed by the sent any attempt to corrupt them. 4 8 Ontario Government. This was the re-- a T o Pss . N L ;ha.lrd for :ge 'l'uutlgn they hag to payé Would Lead to Rivalry. , i ' s would <give them the chance 0 * s 6 1 lobbying the Councils, not the people, J ; Mr« M'"&"'Dbf'}m"?a;:vselm:?vezy'&% t f ' to ecxempt them from taxation. that thidb £ munic!palities, but open-- 1 % Dr. McKay (South Oxford) said that sat_e%ua 8 ofoT':-lvalg; Detrween thent. t 3 1 until two years ago municipalities had ;d 'the gs:_.'y ate Bills Committee they| U [ | the absolute right of fixing their rates h';d e hentin against _ the _ bonus O E ' of taxation.. He reminded the House lem, 5b use If Ned 1to Hvalty 'be-- | "l that municipalities as well as com-- Pn eaiev eaa' Of get-- | P | panies as £ b, tween -- municipalities desirous ge | f ir. %x%% TorB&a if ting new industries. . The Attorney-- J i o o6 M eme i on Saio General had taken strong grounds on f there was any danger in any bill intro-- 'the question. But the powers of the | _duced in the House they had none more imply exemptions or a ~ / present bill were simply exemp f seriousg g'd mg than this. The bonuses under another name. M ';"0"1 iportant feature of the bill was Mr. Morrison (West Hastings) saw U N that the people were not consulted as to C bility of a majority . o , § § danger in the possibility y A the exemptions. (It showed that the ; of the members of Councils being stock-- it ¢ corpo_umnp:'rumifie roost. | holders in large corporations, which -- W h Hon. --Mr. Davis said the men who was within their rights. _ Such stock-- i 3 were . municipal Councilliors were . re-- holders would be under strong influence. I |-fiutat!le and trustworthy, and could be Mr. Beatty (Leeds) spoke very briefly | |'depended on to watch the interests of against the bill. [0 j | the people. ~Nobody had objected to the The motion for second reading car-- \ scrap--iron law when it was put on the _ ried without division. Mr. Whitney de-- _ statute book. > > sired it to be understood that the Oppo-- 4 21 p sition did not approve of the nmyasure, % i | The Assent of the People. and might, on the third reading, sug-- |__Mr. Carscallen--(East Hamilton) said gest modifications, | a { 'that on every ocsulon when the Gov-- Purchase of Toll Roads. a 'ernment amended the assessment laws f a they went further away from the pro-- The Premier, in moving the second 3 tection of the people's rights, and fur-- reading of his bill to facilitate the pur-- 1 o ther in the direction of aiding great cor-- chase of toll roads by municipalities, Il ; porations. The assent of the people briefly explained the main provisions. U a should be required to such measures, The measure, he sald, provided the ma-- | l B f the same as in the case of bonuses. The chinery for arbitration when the muni-- id , Premier's bill was simply brought down cipality and the legsees of a toll road | to nullify the assessment commission's could not make a bargain. Where only I 4 $ report. one township is interested an arbitrator \ Mr. Conmee (West Algoma) thought f'h:l'llrlicll)leo:pt?qomti?u byo g"%?) l\gunlcipal i C C e petition of 50 ratepayers. 'that the bill was giving back to muni Where more than--one fownshIiD 18 con-- | > \clpalities power which they. formerly cerned petitions from 50 ratepayers of | , E 'held, or, if they did not formerly have each township are required, and the' || |the power indicated in the bill, it was case goes to the County Council. The P investing them with it now. He thought township, in case of failure to agree, the Opposition members were commit-- will appoint one arbitrator, the lessees l ting a wrong in throwing out insinua-- another and the two a third. If they f tions against the honesty of the mem-- fail to agree on a third the County # bers of municipal Councils. | Judge will act as arbitrator. _ Where f K Mr. Barr (Dufferin) believed that if more than one township is concerned _ the question "Whence the agitation for the County Council will appoint an ar-- j § this bill ?* were put the angwer would bitrator for them. It is also provided -- g ( be. "'There is a power outside of this that instead of buying a road oyt and 3 f House which controls this Govern-- out and issuing debentures to pay for ' ment." With all respect to the great the same, a township assuming the 'corpor.t]ons' many of which, it must be maintenance of a road may let the tolls i 3 |admitted, were helping in developing be kept up for a period of ten years, - the country,the measure was one which which would be long enough to raise i 7 malthframed in their interests and not the money to pay the lessees. $ 7 a i;t:resu of the people. Routine Business. ; 1 e Opposition's Plan. | | The bill was read a second time. as | R Hon. Mr. Latchford said that the plan | | were, also the following other Govern-- 0 1 3 $ of action followed by the Opposition ment measures :---- t was based on the hope that it would! To amend the Ontarlo shops regula-- | be popular throughout the country., tion act--Mr. Dryden. 1 \There could be no doubt that consider--| To amend the municipal drainage act ) able feeling had been aroused on ac--| --Mr. Gibson. t | count of some corporations trying to| The following were taken up in com--| a take advantage of the public.. He went! mittee and advanced a stage :---- | over the various changes in the assess-- | To amend the Ontario companies act-- ' h ment law, and expressed the opinion Mr, Stratton. -- that the present measure would be To consolidate and amend the act re-- found to work most satisfactorily. Hs specting high schools and collegiate in-- had no thought that under the measure | stitutes--Mr. Harcourt. | | members of municipal Councils would To amend the land titles act--Mr.| & be subjected to any temptation from Gibson . $