_--'--"-"""-'-""'---"'----. . out rttrm,v."esoe*tiua'tte. _ In Mhttst'q TH . '., _ andsem-al ornament-the URSDAY ' APRIL l bemr'nent sharply to task {unwitti- '_"' ' ------- Brewing the assessment bill. alleging that it was due to pressure by the eer- . porations. The House heldits first - morning session and did a consider- able amount of business. but members have now decided to return and com- . plete the business after Easter. Hon. Mr.Gibson's bill respecting sum- mary convictions was referred back ' and amended by making it clear that the old act of George IL, providing for -------_ . . security of ttio sterling for quashing ' -, convictions. does not apply to the Pro. . . Vincial laws. Government Brings 1n Third Readings. New Bill to Cover ' The following bills were read a third . time and gtaaered:-- the Point. Respecting the Irondale. Bancroft a Ottawa Railway compon--Mr. Par- dee. ----- To consolidate and amend the act re- specting High Schools and Collegiate _ 'rtatttutea.--Mr. Harcourt. BILLS If ITHDRAWN. Enabling and directing the Royal Col- ' lege of Dental Surgeons tor Ontario to . admit. William Herbert Fisher as a --.. student in his ttmM reisr.--Mr. Pardo. To amend the Ontario shops regula- o iti ' Fi At k tion tits-cle Dryden" ta f he poa1 on 8 area tac Autho ng mun c p gran or t. p - ' on reception of their Highnesses the Duke Government. 'tgf lynch": of Cornwall and Yoric-- r. yne. To amend the agricultural and arts ------- Bct.-Mr. fridgiand. ' To me d the municipal arbitrations l "pi-r,,') Carsoallen. 'l t o amend the industrial schoo s so . THE UNIVERSITY BILL "-Mr. Ctirscallen. To amend the general road companies l, .ct.--Mr, Guibord. _ f. --_ l _ Grant to School of Mining. _ The House reported the following Was-- Debate on the Grant to Kings- 32%??ng t"lTi,U',Le ug? 'f'g,'deriial tea lining ttet-Fa'.- stamp corporation of the School of 'ICG' mu T and Agriculture at Kingston in the erection of suitable buildings for the ,uccommodation of the school and the F better carrying on or its work there --------. "hall be granted out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province to the, corporation annually the sum of $0.000, In the Legislature yesterday atter- payable in equal halt-yearly par- ' noon P is: ounced the) "$3311. an amendment to the private withdrawal of " hill to amend Pe te bill before the House to the - effect. ggeaxgnettt act " recommended by the was taken up in committee Mr. Whit- Assessment Commissi n. lie said it ','/,','ru',th'if. "t it ways intended to keep med wise 'lst . , up 8 gran year . * was doe to it over to be The Premier replied that the House discussed in connection with the otherl' might at any time reduce or change important assessment questions to be; the amount itcit saw tit to do so. , reported on by the commission next; Hon. Mr. Gibson said the corpora- l tion of the school intended to erect Tear. In the meantime he introduced buildings on the strength or this grant.- anottzer bill. which is designed to no A Little Storm , away with the scrap-iron assessment. M Whitney did t bile t to thi . r. . no o c. s the chief immediate diniculty. Mr. grant. but it would be better for all Boas also withdrew his bill dying pow- concerned it the Government were e ed, had ttff head.