The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Apr 1901, p. 2

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" _ ii3Rttim., 7 "New." ..' .. "up... ..,.. i., . 'rL'.tCC] 176 (ttit t,l!?h'lli . a"... " "'4, Y" , 'Wu" of m.yg, t V ' ttrr, on when ..r.. V - 1' .. sr.. - , tics-i r Tte' m" of "d, _ try The 1','la1'li",t.w" lost on the ly , y.f9hu.4 w, no. ttt 'utr such 'illiilllt , ition. i '4l"d.h'l'lltt "Barr, Boyd, Drawer. v ' TM At Ceipltar, ttpd not been h NW." t Carnegie. Cdrbuu1en, Crawford, .Demp-', ' t the beets.'but it had been that we had 'se'nyu ' Bilber. 'im s, Foal". oil-' . , no. market for rt,t'u'i' tutd are Kongo ldfher. goyle, Jamieson. Jessop. Joynt, , might tro Il') trt 'l'?' tdl tttMr 'li' x dd, Little, .. Lucas, nuke-on. MU.. . ttte 5"" , d still h,, un o campboll. Montelth. Morrison. Macdiar-' doomsday. 'd/L "has the [lid mid; Menorahs. MteLiiutrhnn, Reid ' mar st rom y con (Durham). Robson; Thompson, Tucker. , Induce capital to provide a market. Warden. wtgtney--84. . T . Cavity is Wanted. . m',,Wntiife."si Mlg',tr"" age??? l, . . owman. .'. re sup ' r 5am ' The get",') bill provided tor what Brownw Burt.. Coldwall, Carpenter, ther, h _ wos.rtd b. . marlttt for the Charlton, Clarke, Conmee. Davis. _Dielt- !, poets "in. tte per future. They had "nadis, Doiiirua,idett, Bhrwt0/ Gib- I mad the bonus -aamTrrtf as they" were" son. Graham. Gross. Guibord. Har- ' insulted in doing. Suppose we had a court, Harty. 'Hill, Hinton, Holmes. sctory to make 10,000,000,poundtr lit. 1artetttord,.Lera, Louxhrin. Malcolm. g our» per year. That would be ttttb. Marter. Munro,' Mutrie. McKay, Par- T ued it. 883'. '400,000. n would take dee, Pardo, Pattulio, Pettypiece, Pres- 5,000 acres of land to. produce beets to ton, Richardson. Ross. Russell, Strat- _ make. that quantity of sugar." A?! pt'o- f ton, Taylor. Trtiax--48. . f. N duce wheat tit that Value. at theaver- ' The following were paired t-cFttrttu- I age price and average yield, l son and Reid (Addington), Lumsden I would take 83,000 acres. Tttttrl and Powell. Smith and Krips. Beatty f fore' the production of sugar beets, (pan-y Bound) gnd Pyne, Barber and "r was more than six times as protittitt e ' ColquhOun. McKee and Beatty (Leeds). ra as wheat. Thus, the farmers would: I ', ".1, (tiiiiiiiiiitiii,; it without any bonus. , ~University Bill Amended.' . " nisteria applause.) T V . iv 11 Mr. Whitney thought horses were dif- a /',?g2,i"wi',i'"i%ir',"t2/inRl,' afar: '. . terept from que. TtttCrete pot ".31 mitten-*snd'arnended'in some parts-m ', l 'd1"lfrt1ei, to?" already _.ti'),f, 'hl'"ll'y, lars. A The $tetrtyrrthtsgrrts faculty Was; q e pr t Il',' n -Great Jtrita n. t e , added to the appointments by the Govr, principle o the bill was right, it would I ornment and tirtgii.Mtfit 'itiid'e'als'o' that be right to foster the horse industry: lt 'a'Wii'i'ra' ih'Gitser" of the senate. , as they proposed to do the sugar-beet ' The clouds: relating-to the federation 3 market. Supposing the manufacturers l, of Trinity 'Univprsit'y' were ' "in "at ' !and the farmers differed, the latter iiiru'cii"i,irt and 'new ones substituted ' N would ho at the mercy of the former. providing 'ttiiiiHihittsr tr/ was, em- r ( b bowered to enter into any agreement' Mr. Martel- Dissents. 'which it may deem expedient to' maket 1 Mr. Marter (North Toronto) said it) with the trustees for the purpose of . ' appeared to him that the bonus asked I effecting teturat)op; that suchasree- _ for in the amendment was quite un-i mm shall. 1ti/tpd'r5,'lt) unless - called for. He could understand that a seated. to-;by't c niversity Senate and . [ ne'W' industry of this kind just being spprov'sd by '3 Lteutstntuttiverrtor; ' V launched required a bonus. It a com. that upon an arrtytrtTt"tyrln,tr ap. F pany builds a plant it will want beets ' sentsd-to was senate. the federation . j and will not say it will not take may be declared by proclamation .of 1,-s' thrift" There wiiill be competition 'In the Lieutttmutt-fhtvehtor. . ' ' " s as in everyt lug else.. a dimm- _ , ,, ' ', .t , 1"if'iitn would regulate. the (industry. Land tor Science Buildintt. ' i we wanted was to get a start, and .._ '. the. " ito say the farmers should get a bonus t,d,','iid/i,h/,WgdTr, 3223393.):1." . e ir/lt going too far. (Ministerial tip-l . site on tfnivertsity0and by the Gov- k' ' P Iuitti0 . , ornment for a science, building. He T, r q Wrmairtl2ttteretets Protected. I tel this _ft3i,7tfnn"itl'etdr' lakml more. » , an an was n e . . Hon. Mr. Harcourt said that no one '; . Hon. chos- . ' had given the matter more considera- I en on College street was a command- , tion than himself during the past in: one and-vert- important: The ., ttitr1T, months. He iurreed with Mr. Premier had given ttteuttiversity'auth-' . rr nrter that if the bill resulted in the oritles assurance that all the remain- ta establishment of only one factory it mg frontage not used for. the science tq would be carrying out the object de. . building would he dévoted to education- H, hired. trt purposes. using the word in .the g The factory must depend upon the wider IMHO" It was sussested that an a tanner for supplies, and the wider the Art munum might, perhaps, be locat- t area over which beets were Brown the ed there by the city." He assured Mr. 'i more certain the chances of 'success. _ ' Whitney that not more land would be ' continuing. he pointed, out-ttrat un' taken for the builditttrttttut was'neces- 3 ' Saxony. the home of tseet-root. sugar. any, but at present it was impossible; the "trat experiments. lasting over a to sayhow much would be required. . $323 If, abhor; "rg1gtgt'i'gi, had re; The committee reported progress and I . eo an - . failure. " was the tiorrir ot' the Gov- will consider the bill tqrtylp today .- 'trgttTtent that the present measure The St. Joe Railway. l (iitiii;i, 'yard against a Mire experience In committee the Thunder Bawaépi- in 4ittxt6ittt. T C ' _ son a St. Joe Railway bill was amend- _ ed so as to make it clear that" the lands

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