The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Apr 1901, p. 4

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30w % d '.-, ns + .,.w m wa 0 denied" "emp cally that-- n N @. Fy & : to. see | %at"gn Ahad fi"' § m" "'fi,'. that. that the Province is pre 4 and its 1 1 8 line to or f:g:z Deseronto on the in 't"'r interests safeguarded z;-" P io The Time hriy election day, or that Conservativas ment entered into. : Now is the time or. any otl;'eu Kad been refused paz-- to, act.' (Applause.) . age, or that the railway had in the f lert ;gli'ghtut degree influenced, or attempt-- . ~'Gexermmwent on, the .AIeML ... ed to influence, their employees in re-- \_The Premier' said :--The <«Govern= gard to their r{ght to vote as they ment have 'given their attention to the pleased." -- Mr. hitney's statements question raised by my hon. friend (Mr.. that Conservatives were denied con-- Curscallen). -- We noticed that Jegisla-- veyance. was, the letter stated, prepos--. tion was being--asked to confirm --the terous, . c agreements, and we are on the alert The clause carried on division. to see that nothing will b: dl?;le lm'e* ; l ha * udicial to the interests of the Province. Manitoba Railway : Bills. Te mmay asgulan, ot 'eourse. that the On the motion' to go into Co arrangement made. between Manitoba of Supply, Mr. Carngallen (Ecaa':";fll::? and fixe Canadian Northern Railway ilton) rose: to call attention to the po-- will tend--towards the reduction of gition--~of Ontario with regard to. the rates. 'That is the natural assumption P Manitoba railway agreements now be-- from 'the position taken by the Govern-- fore the Dominion House for ratifica-- ment of Manitoba,. . Its whole .object | tion. One 'of the lines concerned in the in entering into these agreements--was | Agreements was 'the Ontario & Rainy to secure better transportation rates for IRlver Railway. _ This line had beet| the Province, both in regard to traffic subsidized by. the Province of Ontario into Manitoba and from it. If by the 'to the total amount of _ $615,000. arrangements made rates are made These subsidies ha%.been granted upon more favorable, Ontario will share in the condition that the company should aF Te not amdlgamate with any other rail-- this advantage. That may or may not way without the sanction of the Lieu-- turn, out to be the case, What ° 'we tenant--Governor: in 'Council being ob-- want to see is that no attempt will be tained: 'The bill before Parliament ar made by Manitoba to exercise jurisdic-- Ottawa provided for the amalgamation tion over a railway in our own Prov-' of the o,,_mfigo & Rainy River with the ince. "Prima facie, it would be impos-- Canadian Northern. The first ques-l sible for Manitoba to exercise any con-- tion was, Had the Lieutenant--Governor | trol over a line in Ontario. However, it | given his assent to the amalgamation | \Is a peculiar position. When any rail-- | | of those roads ? _ The amalgamation way is built that comes under the Do-- would carry with it consequences, be-- 'minion act, that railway, no matter by | \cause the Rainy ['llver'llne had become \ whom built or subsidized, becomes a| & Dominion railway; the Canadfan |railway under the control of the Do-- | Northern had been incorporated 'under |iminion. ° In that case passenger and . special act of the Dominion -- Parlia-- \freight. rates are under the control of | ment. ' If that amalgamation was rati-- (the Railway Committee of the Privy | fied without. Ontario's interests being \ Council. Our jurisdiction is the,mtore'l safeg iarded it would be an extraordin-- { oustéd, so far as control of rates is con-- | ary state -- of. : affairs. > 'The Govern-- cerned, by the automatic action of the | ment. of ' Manitoba would then jfix \ Railway Committee. Any rates that it | the rates over a railway in Ontario \ might approve of as to passengers or whic]h Ontario had subsidized. If the freight would supersede any powers we l amalgamation once takes place the might have in that regard. f rights of Ontario would be very severe-- j x ¢ | ly prejudiced, and we would' have no MWere Not Notified. i s:;(éuntty in regard to any right to fix My hon. friend asks if the TLMeuten-- | w a ra eIs t(;'r that portion of the rail-- ant--Governor in Counclil has been con-- ung C# tht should ~remain exclusively ferred with in regard to the amalgama-- ominft e--jurisdiction of the Railway |tion. My reply is, there has been no .ommittee at Ottawa. > | communication with "trheh Licuvt%n:nt- | Might Hurt f £+** Governor in Council. We have not been | & ontario | 1consul'ted as to that amalgamation. It j 'lusiness men, merchants and others| \ may be fairly possible that those con-- | s Manitoba,'"' Mr. Carscallen said, "will | cerned, or some of them, may not know | osire to see Manitob& grow and pros-- of the clauses feferring to the amal-- I per, and it might be to their interest gamation. f even.that: there should be some dis-- But as to the general question, we ' criminating rates against Ontario. _ It are on the alert. <~Our solicitor is to at--| is not a local matter at all. -- The whole tend at Ottawa to see that the rights| Lominion is interested in this particular of the Province of Ontario Aare not: matter. --It seems to me that it is high prejudiced in any respect, and so far! time: to take action and see that we as able counsel can protect our rights ate not overeached ; by the, Province if they are invaded, so far as they can ' of Manitob@a or any other interest that suggest amendments to the act by ' may . be served by this bill becoming which our rights will be more fully law. _ I--have no objection to the Cana-- | protected, that will be.done, We have dian Northern. I would rather give | subsidized th&!rmuwax(') We have paild them 'encouragement® and assistance. only to the extent of 40 miles, and 280) But when. it comes to & question of miles are within the Province. What--| transportation, and where we can have ever protection may come to us on the, & say with regard to railway rates, and matter of subsidy not yet earned or| where a sister Province seeks to dic-- |called for the statute provides for. | tate rates 'that may -- be very detri-- Looking at the matter all around-- > mental to the people of this Province, first, that ,Rdanitoba --cannot encroach the Government cannot be too alert in upon: our rights ; ... secondly, -fl;;t the entering their protest at Ottawa,. and Dominion cannot even encroach upon HHHHNHereremmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmenmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnmmn s

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