The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Apr 1901, p. 5

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r 'Provincial rights; thir tem of the Province. . In Englan t Ing through that our rights are saf d the great cliiss and dounly towns, se o ie y wl o will feel, made Jmm?'.&%?@"&.{fi'?{{,'n 179 satisfied that no harm will come to the| ndustrial_ conditions of th _cou f l Province t&at can be prevm;'e.f, by the and lectured tp audiences of wa 1:"'3"' :gm )ot e Government., (Ministerial "i'%?. ln'rmc;q on subjects of 13'2.52.2 r8, s t i h 3+ ' was design ' Ccrie} Mr. Conmee (West Algoma) Gdeclared gion work. ;I:ufi:&v'::'vt:?t"{h: x!t:":.f that Ontario would benefit by the re-- versity of Toronto would to--day begn';' ' duction of rates secured by Manitoba. Sut?ri l:;t,ter condition,. financially °it > , _ ring the past twenty years its pro-- | F §chool System Criticized. s m tcuoraihad mixed mortwlthfise pcégle, ' | _On the motion to go into Committee .gx" t ore into the county towns, and ' | of Supply being again put, Mr. Whit-- o b'l'is 'hfl-?m". prominently before the ney moved in amendment that in view Univel tl" reality of the great work the \ of public dissatisfaction the sphere of Th au o rustoa doing. _ _ ~ ' the public schools be remodelled. and,| (}osecrg'ge""t'%p' 'fi Harcourt said the . whem necessary, widened and enlarg-- iried o pi+ ':" riously 'm.hon{:'?: ed; that there should be created a con-' book 1as tThe o b'ft'""' cheapest text» | sultative council, eomposed of. repre-- 3° f:,, 1° el?upl s, and had succeed-- sentatives from all (the. educational P owere, Ihat te was . imperalive. | bodies in the country, to assist the "h":flv"' i at. the latest. .text--books, ;adslnl;}er of Edczucaulon. the Mlnl;ter-l to ould be in use. A new geography, e his own discretion as to acceptin@ for instance, mus t their advice, and that the price of ',Engla"nd'.' or Canu.da.'t '"t.:r %&e'?t;'ee'z'ek | school books be reduced. ) |son, If for no other, that the map of & ! In speaking briefly to the amend-- whole continent had been changed \ ment, Mr. Whitney contended that the through the gallantry of British and § | present public school system was not Canfllan troops. New histories of | conducted with the fact in mind that both England and Canada would soon D5 per cent. of the children d:g not go| be issued, and the children of Ontario |\ further than those gchools. For that would always be provided with the !remn their edlication should be based best. But the Government, as always | upon the broadest possible' lines. At would try to see that they got the ipment !;. was too artificial. ch'e'lrpewtons!st;nlt' with quala' ity. | -- * System Defended: * ney--I hope you do not in-- tend to dismiss Prof. J:tollgn. :g "}::m:ufl thought it v{'u en}d{ of the :'ear? of. Lougen befote the e regretted that some speeches ~ Hon,. Mr. Harcourt-- -- made outside Of the House by leaders tion %l dinfinint' rt';-! u::tvu.i n: :\'\.lt:ac !mn"'eggcat'ltol:mt" atfta}qu ter:'lel plhunly servant..hwho on . this questloi'!u like | w e trail of political pre-- some other gen n, somewhat mis-- '{'m"' a'irhat f%%t comgl&tely dests(?yed ta\{';n. gentlemen, & t mis | r. value. e question of educa-- e amend | tion should be dealt with e&lrely apart straight p:rtn;":lfivi'srro'n dettl:: mgos?:rnf' from party politics.. He did not wish ment majority being ten, and the mo-- to be. ugdgr;too;l_,mntern ng that the tion carried on a similar majority. The \leader pf the Opposition s_t'.rled or balance of items in the main estimates o is meainget se o tieth it CZ bfploninins 3e C ues . 0 0 1 Y \Think that Mr. Whitney had consideréd of, ie thee In Ihe aupplemeDfary #6-- , the matter in a thorough way. In no » > country in the world was there so lit-- I © @imcoe Street Improvement. | tle dissatisfaction in regard to educa-- On . the it tional affairs as in the Province &f On-- ment Zl-!e Td arvovas in Siew of ht tarlo. In --England, owing to T ecent L ecesd ouse and grounds in view of the legisiation, the sciente schools were in c erawan of the Duke and Duchess of | danger, the continuation classes were on al referreqy York, the Attorney--GeN~ being neglected and about 56 per cent. t erred to the condition of Bimeove of the teachers were uncertificated. No 11y & I; was, he said, a d"{" ace to the | guch charges could be made against the city, and he had hoped that something educational system of thisg 'Province. would have been done before this. . He Systems must be judged by their re-- «objected to the attitude of the city to-- sults, and the académic and profes--| ward the Government on the question sional standing of those who réceived| and was not prepared to be coerced by . their education under. the system in | the city. . He had thought of bringing Ontario spoke for itself. . l in special legislation to compel the city . A Consultative Committee existed in' to take action, but had decided after| the lrape of the teachers' convention | some discussion with the city's re&-e-' now in sessiqn in the city, and in the| sentatives not to do so, in the hope that| Advisory Board. ~The statement fre--| they would--authorize the carrying out | quently made that 05 per cent. of the| of the necessary work. children never wenf beyond the public M{. Crawford said the Attorney--Gen-- schools was incorrect ; 27 per .cent. eral's speech was a clear intimation were receiving a secondary education. 2!':1' 3": g't"'emm°l'dt :°U'dt:° nothing, . ul o Lo y _ wou ave carry out Preésident 'Loudon's Position. -- | the work. > He thought it unfair t' aASs-- Prof. Loudon, his personal friend,| | sume so strong an attitude on 'the sor&e tlm;p alzo made a speech on the | question,. public school system of the Province.. | ' The professor had made his statements | Overcharging the Government. without reason, knowledge, or a clear |-- Hon. Mr. Stratton said the city charg-- insight into the system. The learned ed the Government excessive rates for grofe ssor, he said, spoke as a man who} water supplied to the Asylum, the Mer-- tood aloof from the nublic school sys--.. cer Reformatory and the House of Re--

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