"i'"'","".", you use Passed: v . . tario $tdiltltNlltrPi'tttlr, 185 .' _ 'sh". {W mu. were lilo aead him," ',iiaaiitri'iiiiii:.'iii'iii 'ltltt$llt s ', a third time and passed. - on the occasion '. , Berttito For the improvement, ot the putWe 1'dirlr, f??,"t name; ttlute, Mittw ..-Mr. Ross. . ' 'er on t)" o s, on, . soc- ;o'agend the municipal drainage act CRUD: if 'di, "f,',il'Slo'tuto its: tin-03a. -M . Gibson. was uy a are e as: V 'lTiAl'lrl the saw-log driving ttet-- Majesty was deeply moved by the Mr. Davis. . , _ testimony which the address bears Mt I ion the love entertained for his inherited I A Peraottal Discuss . in? Royal mother 2'td"',i malt1 tui sit}:- . to commit- ec. s in Ontario. an h s see 1"19t s . The 'h'p.'a1Tdf,,t,'t2 glowing mu- fiovernpr-Gentrru1 has received thel toe on . hibit trading stamps. King's commands to convey through 1t"r'.'ul,t',t,ht',/"i'l'l'i he had been ac- you to the Speaker and members of the Id f running away from the bill Legislative Assembly the ex res-ion of cue o . . -t . d denied that his sincere thanks foe their Bind assur- gtg' :gathuap cmgreagnhe had been ances ot sympathy and devotion. which present when the bill was up in the are highly appreciated by his Majesty. t forenoon. but was detained ',1"tg,t.'T, Mr. Richardson Explains. i '4refu,tdv""lc't'.' ll',", aggrgeoanimo. I Mr. Richardson (East York), rising l h bill an of the signers to a question ot prfvi1etrecatiid his-bill against t e ' m y h t d- to compel towns separated from coun- t were children. "gusting; 'td." ties to pay their share towards sup rt- . ing' '/."mu"/'i" "'ld1',1v"i'C; said ing county blah schools was s'l'd'ffrreti . :, r. t re ort to lost on a division. and was not with- i Mr. Graham had Ben a p drawn as " rted in The Gl be I the paper he pretended to manage, The .. no q . Brockrille Recorder. a report for that, Aid tor School of Mining. afternoon's paper, that the Conserva-l ' o t H M H h i tivtesmhad opposed the bill. which was 'Ho (ll, Jll'llttu "Noah" "ll n'Wa,'lhf,',',.t e s . ' .mo . l no e a e d "That for the purpose of aiding the Wants Mr. Graham Discipline . 'Corporation of the $9100! of Mining . . d th t Mr. and Agriculture at ingston in t e 3 63212:: tee"it',',',c'ee,.e"lp"tu, glouse. 'erection of suitable buildings for the. I should be disciplined for sending out accommodation of the-choc! and the 3 an incorrect report. Members c I both tlttatr,,ttg,Qtt, on A'f2'g2 fll,tit 9 sides were dividid on the question. It Ida e TY,',' ed 'fd',', sYWi1'le"d tti _ happened that th motion that the com- " rev {line "In f "ft goo n mittee rise without reporting the "till i'lf,'lil'f'rtt "ll esum o bl L','", a - was made by Mr. Reid (Addington) and num or ve years, Raye e n equal te1es.tlt: that it ,t',tg',dlntt/yl,ntf.' m the hgi.'"itr'itttnW'r'lt,'ei'e, that the Gov- "'s'l','..e'atllraef,',oi"e1"l5i saying 'the Con- ernment had again seen fit to adopt I servatives opposed the bill. He hoped the advice which the Opposition had i Colonel Matheson was not ashamed of", presented with a good deal of pertina- 3 being a Conservative. (Laughton) _ . city. but with-little hope of success. I The Premier declared that nothing Mr. Harcourt said he admitted his 9 had occurred to show that Mr. Graham hon. friend (Mr. .Whitney) VII right , had had the slightest Intention of shirk- "du,"." occasions, and this was one of I tird'trt,'/he,, said it was unnecessary The resolution was incorporated in i for Mr. Graham to telegraph his paper the bill respecting the School of Min-! 1 that the members who moved to kill ing, which was then read a third time', the bill were Conservatives. He had and passed. 1 endeavored to make the people believe; Bills Adopted. i . that the Conservatives tried to throwi The following bills were alao read . out the bm. ; third time and passed without discus- ? System Should be Abolished. Mon t-- . _ l The Attorney-General] 11tfgit"e me sd,re'"ttUvt.tsh.t'g,tf,'.u"n & North _ i mtrodue on o persona a ac s on e r . , . l, question. There was much to -rt.'."'tfkigU.he Town ot ktat_Portatre , be commended in the sugges- tii',' JiGiiiGi .by-law No 60 at the , tion that the iraddlng . stamp Township of King-Mr. Barber. ~ ? system should be stoppe altogether, Respecting aid by land rant to the , or left alone. In this connection he re- Thunder Bay Nepi on & tl Joe Ratt.. . . guttedt 12113;)"th .miimlt 2//','g,htt'i, t3 way 'dGiniiirG'-'.ik"r'. ffllltet2','ri, whom a was re re erre . a . . . I not tv aught' in a report 'iiiiiiiiiii'ij To amend the registry aet--Mr. am-: dennittmctioa one way or. another, Bon. _ , '2'Jtrpe; bone s',',?."',"" the system Keewatin Pulp Agreement. 2 ou a its . ' _ ' . Hon. Mr. Davis. in moving the rati-: After some further general discus- theatlon of the agreement with thei lion the bill w" reported etn . ottutd- Keewatin Power Company. providing ing vote by . mtuority ot48 to $0. for the establishment of a large pulp The King's Acknowledgment. gull in lreturnl for the gringo other?1 n u woo onaco narea, re- _ ' The Speaker retMt the foltowintr letter 1y gegies'ed the growth ot the pulp in- ' from Joseph Pope. Under Secretary ot ndustry in the Province. The pulp ex- _ ai' State. to tttjeutemsnt-Goveritii,' and 'rted last year. he said. amounted to ' i ttearring date Ottawa, Aprtt 8 "'"I am ".867 cords. but the law iriGGi%F l i l directed to acquaint you that the "3" export did.not come into effect until; i - _------------- a