The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Apr 1901, p. 4

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~gfor it remaining on the statute sinking fund for the payment of the catton for it rema 8 . o r principal within a time not exceeding 19'% book. Toronto's 'Case." '~* _ _*!. thirty, nor less than five years." a i+ . & The reason, he thought, the House | 63 Mr. Foy (South Toronto) said there might allow this to go was that it was no reason why the act should ap-- should have been -- considéred when | f ply to a large and growing city like measures ,reg'udléx& gas companies ' Toronto, where more than one company were framed in 1899. The hon. gen-- could operate. The Legislature should tleman's proposed clause respecting | remove obstacles from the way of pro-- electric companies was a matter for a yiding an additional: company. The private bill, .'The amendment he (the \Electric Light Company had agreed not Attorney--General) vropnosed-- would re. to amaigamate with any other com-- lieve Toronto from the Conmee act so pany. -- Perhaps technically. they had far as concerned the relations with not done so, but strange to say they the Gas Company. had the same directorate, the same Mr. Marter then withdrew his pro-- officers and the same building for re-- posals, and the bill as amended was pairs as the Incandescent Electric read a third time and passged. Company. The Municipal Committee 65e 7 * hlad first adopted thl; a:gendment and ' Law Reform Withdrawn. the next=--day turned about and de-- y-- cided against the city. An arbitration edH?r?e' Itdv{ih(c;lirg%:l ";3",,{;",',:,"1:}},';;',, ; with the Gas Compa®ky under the act measure. He explained in somie little :'v"":g l')': Cl lnterml?able affait and | detail his reasons for so doing, chief of | o b¢+e very expensive . k \ which were the arguments advanced Mr. Hoyle (North Ontario) said that | as a member of the Municidal C by a deputation of legal gentlemen es I ' tee mits "Aan: representing the profession throughout mittee he had voted for the city, par-- the Province. Those gentlemen. had y ticularly as to their obtaining . relief fold hinm. that one effect of the' bill; ° s from the Gas Company, and he had \ would be to withdraw from one--half x h;ard no argument 'to cause him to | to three--quarters of the business now w phangs bis opihion. | transacted by thelegE Court z:t tl':e f { ssizes and transfer the same to *he Improper Procedure. |éounty Courts. While he had intended. Hon. Mr. (Gibson said the object of that the increase _ of jurisdictlogA s the Conmee act 'was to prevent the should give to the latter courts a g0oo confiscation of such plants by the ar-- amount of additional work, he had not bitrary act of a municipal corporation. intendced that it should go so far. It If the City of Toronto :wanted to es-- would appear, then, that the recurring tablish another gas company all they | circuit work of the High Courts would had to do was to come to the Legisla--| | be seriously hampered by the measure, ture to get permission to do so. He 'and that was not desirable. Then, as thought that if the Conmee act pre-- he had intimated on a previous oc-- vented it, if they really wanted to do |casion, it was advisable that livel and to, the Government--and thae Legisla-- | slander actions and actions on munic!-- ture would have no hesitation in pass-- 'pal by--laws should not come under & ing a private bill granting permission. the jurisdiction of the County Courts, & He did not think it was a proper pro-- and in any event he would have with-- -- cedure for the city' to come to the drawn them. It had also been sug-- 1 House,and seek to gain private legisla-- gested that the increasing jurisdiction 1 tion by this means. of the County Courts should be dealt Mr. Whitney said there was no justi-- with simultaneously with such changes fication whatever for the proposed am-- in the High Court in the matter of ap-- endment. _ The -- general .legislation peals as might be thought necessary. should apply to Toronto as to the rest That might call for Dominion legisla-- of the Province. tion, of which there seemfdcllttl(- pros-- pect this year. A Royal Commission Relief for Toronto. had been suggosted to deal with the | The Attorney--General moved the fol--| matter of law reform. This he did not | lowing amendment to the act, which think advisable. As the result of the } he thought would meéet Mr. Marter's discussion which had taken place and | views:--"Nothing in this section con-- the views expressed throughout the | tained shall be deemed to amend any country information had been obtain-- of the provisions contained in the act ed which would aid the House in later incorporating any gas company now bringing in a proper measure of law ;meratlns in any citly; nor shall it af-- reform. ect any acts amending such act of in-- s corporation, nor the right of any such Mr. Whitney Agrees, city under such acts to establish or Mr. Whitney approved of everything procure the establishment therein of that had been said by the Attorney-- further works for the supply of gas, General. The latter had done his duty provided that any city corporation in introducing the bill, and had also having under the act of incorporation \ done well in withdrawing it. Such a and amendments thereof of any gas \step would allow of the proper and ; company operating in such city *the | right consideration of a matter of grave right to establish or to cause or per-- importance, and one on which no step mit to be established additional or fur-- | should be taken without great care and ther works for the supply of gas in | deliberation. By next session it would such city. shall have power to con-- no doubt be found that a suitable struct and establish such further or measure could be brought before the additional works and to pass neces-- House. The Attorney--General would |sary by--laws authorizing the levying have every assistance from the Oppost-- of an annual special rate to defray tion in securing a proper and reason-- the yearly interest on the expenditure able measure of law reform. therefor. and to form an equal yearly The bill was then withdrawn.

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