47 d - , "'""""-1, tars,es-, 7Q.) 15 V =emst-aagir+l1 fl Illlill ' s'"""------------.-.-.--,-.-... _ y TRAINING HE B ' t the blind children, from tive to eighteen! ------- l your; {at 189' hIt'Pliliiid adults are to dbe, or 1m: PROVINCIAL cure or t e rovince a. so rate 0- ""',,.1"l','l,td AT nourronn. imminent should be provided stir them, I 12th such lLorine of industrial work as _ " e may able to perform, and with . ,uW'm' "'"="'_,;:. "ll,,,'"',',':'.':' asuch regulations and menagement dur- "re reqter Ti '.""_c..r'"l mug their stay and as to their stay as Work " we " lthe circumstances call for." that ruled. i . - A Charge That Failed. Inspector Chamberlain', thirtieth an- ( He cites the case, previously made mul report of the Brantford limitation thr"' m .which two adults, one "no , . . . ad received a good common for the Education of the Blind was leid school and the other a college edu- upon the table at the Legislature yes- cation before becoming blind, Were ad- terday. In his introductory remarks the mitted to the institution. They were . 't . "vs:---"" submitting the soon able to read the books for the "up? Ol . . . blind, but "nould not, or from dislike thirtieth annual report of the Institu- i.i;,'.t'i'k not, take up the willow work." tion for the Education of the Blind at IThere was nothing else to offer them, Brantford, I wish to correct an erron- {and tthrithvho,,tedl t'hf'ir "meant" fault- oous impression which sonic people scorn i0? tigii'h'ng 1flPll2edlml 'Jll'fll'llct' to have m regard to this aehool, 'ttttt ,challenging the course of study and the which has only been brought to my not- ginanagement of the school, and made a lee during the past year, namely, that Pye.ber of charges. On the instruction ':it is an asylum for the care and sup- i,of the Provincial Secretary trn tnveUV l rt of the blind p0 ulation of the Prov till"', WRN made by the inspeetor, D.r. ,£|oce who have no U,',','.' or are umblc Mills of the o. A. 0.311(1 Dr. Tfodgins 5to support themselves. Now, this is of the Education Department... Thc' coin. "my the case, for it is a school cstnli- ?lt.intn.t.t were allowed a solicitor 'and lished by the Province for the purpoge fiill latitude in the investigation, the of giving the blind children of the Prov. 1'yTtptnt hearing all the F155"?- ince an education, and not for the care ' Alter a number ot "is Bpetil, 1n taking of blind adults (congenital born blind evidence, they utteriy tatl.td.t:o.. show cases. or those who have become blind that the management, discipline or from gecident or dit-se long Mter Chlld' "our't. of study pursued trom year to ,liood). However, a few adult cases, year differed from other schools for the . who had been educated in the common blind in Canada or elsewhere, or that ochools prior to losing their sight, have the !rr.egulyritie? they complained of ex- been admitted to the institution from isted in the school or had emitted at time to time for the purpose of learning ,the school ill. past year" to any greater the method of reading adopted for the extent. than. in oth.e.r. schools either for blind and also to learn willow and came (iii blind or for children having their work as a means of coming (or parti- 'tyesigltt. . Their ryy.e.seuuticn? were ally earnin ) a livelihood. But this" not sustained, ootMieting as they did experiment u, not proved as ailcc'essful with the testimony of the roost moment; as anticipated; few of these adults have teachers of the blind in this and other' followed the work of basket-making " eountries." . ter leaving the institution, preferring to The total attendance for the year was follow other occupations. I am strongly 138, the ayoragc attendance li8, ('rl boys of the (Timon (and have been for 80m; and 75 girls, as compared with l26 in . years) that the institution should be: I900. The average cost per pupil was ' entirely devoted to the education of $277.75, the, amount appropriated was $32,782, and the inspector suggests the appropriation of $31,835 for the current year. Reports of the Principal and the doctor of the institution are given, and a table Mowing from what IoetdGr ties the pupils come. I l l . ...J l ,7 - A, _ - - - T w