26 . inerta~e~ are to be found in a vote of . Q,' . ' . t ' . . lion. Mr. Stratton promised to bring _ "el' toward. 'ly .'""r111ioe,5, "mi down the information asked for, and all new st-tenee. building. to cost 38-00.000,' other information bearing on the sub. for the l'niverait)' of Toronto: tt tote jeet. (f $56,001) to rover the expenses of elee-i A Question of Privilege. All)" in" "yi"." .uul. , "WWI". Tim Mr. Fov (South Toronto), on a ques- otu/atton and lllllllllL: roads of M401»... tion of p'riviiege, said that an evening compared with $ll!l.325 a year ago ; [ paper on Saturday last had said ..--"Mr. lutblie institution. maintenance. $8,0,. l"o.\'1_\\'an 'ei,',.',',"'),'.,') tto c',',',:',',',',)':', 3:222: - . t. .. - . . .., -- a , a o amen - L'17. eompurrd uith I""".":'"-"" MI loin. "w 1j,t,?zc.'t, lbutn was apparently not WWW? awouuts. a brief synopsis of ire-adv." lie explained that he was ready "bah appeared in yeeterday's Globe, ion Wednesday last and had ever since ~h-v\'.' that the tinnttt'w of the Provinee HM") ready, hut Wttt4 precluded 1t'c.Tifi . . . . . . . the rule had been invoked that t e n ttrv ma {"0" satufaeton condition. The should be printed bv the. King's Printer "C 'pt, tor th" J"'" Wire $5,466,043, "MI and should appear on the routine as be. the txpenditurea irl,0.'M.ti34, the _tit'ruTsl ting printed before he was at liberty to m moo Irving resptetively $4,192,940 """t't"'d: . and i.'4,tyt3,hl:'ri. The cash surplus in thei I PM Premier -l I'" glad. to we that . , I Ill} hon. friend is beginning to ob l,;lllh~ to the eredit of the Government.' 1m." the rules of the Home. (Laugh- inena>ed by $I3l.!|tti. and on Dee. 3L: iter.) tout. it "its iil,tt'rtl,t92. l The Budget Speech. "on. Mr. (down introduced a hill to l Col. Matheson (North Lanarkl asked iruthcr amend the devolution of vssttgtc, lit the pohtmaster had orders to dis. at! by providing m: an extension from itribute the public accounts and Catl- . . . (mate. "n: to thrrt 'HHN of the time m which 1 The Premier replied that he had been hrir l"""'"'" po-rc-ed of rettl estate iu~trueted to do in Its soon as they were tiii,ler " "ill. laid on the table. and. eontinuing. mid Mtlancthon saw"! Grant. that with the permission of the House , . he would deliver the budget .~peeeh on lh'.' liarr il."tl.'r.in) Halted align. Wt'dnemlay. :4I-liem. \t't'lllbn'xn. l ttt the lunnshtp'ul Col. Mather, thought that there .' t-ldlu'th'on, l "uni) "f '"ttlt'rin, "'"t'lV' ought to he a longer time between the idol"? '//'2","."h",.t film" tor the year roceiviv,ur of the public aeeounts and ' . ' . . . the budget speeeh. Hon. Mr. Hart-on" replied that the The Premier answered that the speech. "WWW!" "f. the 1nN"otorr, had _ .Vi't like the accounts, would be brief and but! rcrrioul. but be presumed the clear. amount had been aid. unless there was , . . . , Borne good reason go the contrary. Ai,icssment Commission 5 Report. _ Insane ""31"an lteeeipts. Mr. Whitney said it had been-rumor- ed that the ant-nament, ('Ulllllllsslttn had l Mr. lloyle (North Ontario) moved for reported a bill, and he inked if the Prom. in return showing the amount received ier could say anything in regard to from private parties towards the sup- bringing it down. Iport ot their relatives, or otherwise, in The Premier amwered that no bill had the insane asylunm of the Province dur- been reported hy the assesnnent er a- ing 191)]. He said he WR'4 Well "are mission, and one "its not expected. This that the public aeeounts for Plot) shou'ed week or early out week the 353051!- ret'eipts tor the a~ylunh Heart-rating meat emumiwion's final report would $sl.'Jol. and he understood that the ac be brought down. hut there would he eounts for 190l showed an inerra:w oi no hill on the particular phase of the $12,000 on this with a corresponding in- tt-to,rttetit 'iuostion which had oeeupied t'll'znw of expenditure. If he was cor- the attention of the Home a few days reetly informed. the receipts enumrratvd ago. A Government hill on the assess- eompriscd a large number of items out. ment question an a whole would be mide oi the mom-ya eontribnted by pri- brought down. \ate parties. It was desirable to know The llouse adjourned at 3.30, juat how the public iu,4titutions were eondueted. and the question was naked (with that end in view.