'._ bv wmrr" . .'ti'g M, _ . ' J, V . ata,.., 0 ll - l 9' G _ "R"'-Y 4/ or . ' ing to these as competitors of the es- ", V f . " 'ms tablished steam railways, and he thought '. that steps should be taken to provide , for Governrhent control of passenger and freight rates. Mr. Lee of East Kent V ' spoke for the first time since his ah . li',itrrt',"i1 in the House and made a good pression. . Public Bills Introduced. r, . Pattullo Urges the d2t...t.11o'"hr puutbmerrid,i8tc Hon. Mr. Gitmon-Providisl technical Government Oontrol changes in the land titles ','d'lf af Rates Mr. Kribe--To provide 'for the printing by the Government of.. public . . statutes, school books, cosy books, ete., . required in the public an high' schools ----_ and. the universities. _ l . . Mind f,iggrtp? tttt muni-3 cipa ounc' s y a two-thir vote, to I (l UNICIPAL LAW i exempt 'riir'a'G' other than school "I . l, taxes for a period not exceeding twenty, 1 . i years any smelting or other reduction' works. --------. Mr. Conmee--To enable actions for tgrit through accidzlét to be continu y executors or ministra- " Ptgmtamsnt Advisory Board tori); gb"t2t', psi-soar; whohha; guilt. to ringt eact n es; the u sto. Bugttasted. ive such damages as the would do ifl, . gt , l . the person entitled to bring the action» had not died. I Mr. Preston-To allow loan corporations to invest in debentures of steel, iron or coal companies. . . MB. LEE'S FIRST ADDRESS Mr.. Brown-Giving the, County : Council YOWento specify bridges over streams ess than, eighty'feet in width, . ------_. to which by-laws o municipalities us- . . mining control of certain roads and The Hunter For East Kent lakes 'ttlt." "Yrl,,'gt..:'h'," ly, add gasoline a Favor-able "-oa"tlon-Jrhq De- to the class of ttttvit the manufac- _ has. on the Budget. ture and sale of w ich are controlled br, municipalities. _ I Budget Debate Resumed. Dr. Jessop (Lincoln), in continuing the , debate on the budget, said that while , .The feature of yesterdtvy'ts session of considerable benefit followed upon the he Legislature was the, speech by Mr. gre/rep', ','xnr,t",te,' Vthe tge,',,,' lt . . . crue any oaew o re Pattullo of Woodstock, Mt continuation enough to receive the reports, and wa'l af the debate on the budget. It V" not spread generally over the country. i a welcome change from the stereotyped He reiterated his previous statement addresses, and was delivered with vigor that a Urge "Will"; (12:73" i,ttt,2,tf, F . Ieen unnecessari y es y. 1 "Id earnestness: He spoke. strongly , County by San Jose scale inspectors, 'ter. of municipal ownership of public who were not sufficiently well posted " utilities, and, in the closing portion of to the scale and the composit one used his address, suggested that immediate to combat it. The tifflbeigufoucy of action be taken to guard public interests le,, Government g,ttgitt,' i E? the in connection with the man charters octor as f.n e ca cu a o quc y ex- . . y haust the timber wealth of the country. tpr electric railways being sought this session. The people, he said, were look.