smmpmmmmesnmemememammeitema .. x sb e nrrocronmonentonatonge . j cR Posstoonn,, j ted that many municipalities had griev-- 1 | South Huron) , Hon. Mr. dipsoy sig iez -mégffm m«i"&,,# fom? _ A registr huniotyethunamflm o ag Wogn:id;n&lonudum hich . for the County of Huron, which has been last v"mt"'* rovidine 'that un m& ' :mhum?.smdgdu;::oryiw?% tlf:eehct)gn'; 'should n;'tpbe l::fle for-'ll es 'for f e' aeats Sn o ie ns ons { ed a difficulty in deciding as e u. Mr. Stration said D € o locality from which appointments shall would " take f said Dr. s bill from time to time be made. The duties the remedy whin he a. the poor man ot the "position, "however," have, been inger o edistencat griccrncs Ste sn stt aesci. . cMicgo rewlatrat. and practically have to submit to two trlals by a competent ex--officio registrar, and * wo o it is not expected that there will be| Mr. Whitney Condemns It. ' much further delay in making & per| Mr. Whitney said there was no doubt manent appointment." Dr. Barr represented a very strong Gratuities in the Service. opinion in this Province. It had, how-- 3 ever, been the boast of British institu-- | The Premier, replying to Mr. Little tions that the poor and the rich were 1 (Cardwell), said that in 1808 it was g::- f equal before the courts. To every ten ' vided, "where a.njv person shall after verdiets against -- municipalities -- there the first day of January, 1998, becot.nn were 25 against indlvtduafa. Why should a member of the civil or public service lack of mone{ be considered a disquali-- | of the Province of Ontario, he shall not fication in the effort to get justice ? be entitled to a retiring allowance upon They should be very careful in c retiring from such service, nor shall his the law unless they were P"m familygbe entitled to e::'hy lfueh x;ll:iv;iaince § make a thorough change. i | in the case of the d of sue or public servant." The civil servants who ({ Loan Company Investments. may receive or whose families may re--| 9 -- Mr. Preston (South Brant), in mo ceive gratuities upon death or retire| \ the second reading of his bill to ment were those appointed on or before 0 the loan corporations act, exjlained-- | the first of January, 1898. % gl@t, the ;n:;-sure proposed a furtll:er ex-- Clad 'nsion of the powers of these.organiza-- The W. A. Bcott tions. The inl:'(::stmenta of loan com--| Hon. Mr. Gibson informed Mr. Ble-- & panig.q were fora long time confined to_ zard (East Peterboro') that a report had. municipal debentures and mortgages on ' been received from the Judges to whom roa].esta.te. Two years ago, after care-- i was referred the matter of n.llag!d il-- \ ful investigation, they were given pow-- | legal returns of %ne and other timber \ ors to invest in terminating debentures | & eut by the late W. A. Scott between j of gas, telephone, telegraph and electric | f 1865 and 1871, and added that it would s lighting companies, angr banks and other ' | be presented to the House in due course. lloau].lcbmtp:xfiel. It was now proposed ! ncrals to allow them to invest in the termi | | Suits Against MMP'h Ltess ing debentures of iron, coal andm.nt::i' | Dr. Barr (Dufferin) moved the see-- companies, and he even thought tlutl . ond reading of his bill to amend the these powers might be exten ({'e"'iflmu s municipal act, providing that application allow investment in the debentures of f may be made to the court for security bect sugba.r and pulp industries. ior costs in cases of proceedings Ig:lnlt Hon. Mr. Gibson said that companies a municipality. He said many such ac-- dealing im the supplying of gas, heat tions were of a trivial character, and light, water, etc., to municlpal?:io'- were such a provision would be a safeguard necessarily of a more permanent char. to the municipality, for which there acter than those engaged in the Tron, was a wide demand. _ _ coal or steei business, and the former Hon. Mr. Gibson admitted that many were not subjected to the vicissitudes municipalities suffered from trivial ac-- of the latter. He would like to know tions, but it also occurred to individuals what the general view of shareholders every day in the year, and he did not in these loan companies was, and if the see why municipalities should be any bill were allowed to stand for a week or better provided for than individuals. On ten days an ider of this might be ob-- the otlger hand, under such a Jrovision 4 many a claimant rightly entitled to damages would pmctlcallf be denied any redress. Sometimes peo;;no.:twent too far i in bringing actions aga municipali-- ties, and not only juries but Judfes ; seemed yuf g:'one to give their verdict in favor of the individual and against the municipality. He thought the House was not prepared at the present time to come to the relief of municipal corporations to the exclrsion of indi-- viduals . q CS