_ , was 'tttUtd/ire/tttgpg,',".?:, " t"f2",'h .. M... a aii , ml'dtar'i,"tg'o62,thht2t1l',2! _ nus.- the mm wu lost by tary of the commission that the evidence - It was understood that Mr. ttire a»: 1:11:11 in full. J,t'tt 1',gt the tionthathewould n no s a en taken or the ne- w" too poei tit of the commission. The eotnmiaaioir. notspeakifhe wastobefollowed by h _ » d Mt Ross while ers t emselves had also taken notes. Both Mr. Stratton an . , These notes and any other papers that on the other hand it was stated that Mr. had been used in the investigation were Station would have concluded the de- in the hands of the commissioners in hate on the Government side. making their rtsport. Be Md ttaired Mr Whit the Chairman of the board to furnish The {aware ot . my such evidence as they had taken or oh- l to take part in the debate was the oc- hauled in answer to the order of the . eaeiou of much s ion and comment ouse. 'lr. in the ",'c',ttbte,1tht, sudden elimsx y. Math---" is a most extra. '. was . greet disappointment to the 'gt?N thing that we were not inform- . or d l pllsrisl . ed of t is before. ' The principal speech of the day was Mr. Whitnerrlt is trifling with the' made b Hon. Mr. Davis, who,in . care- whole subject. The motion was made" in] addvrees of upwards of two hours, in due course, and not a hint-was given: dealt in a thorough manner with the of this fact before. Now to-day, after g, Government's policy with regard to the what we have heard, the hon. gentle- _ Crown domains, and subjected the Op- man tells us there is no evidence. Pail-ion" amendment to g searching Hon. Mr. Harcourt replied that his aim The decks "a new cleared hon. friend's remarks were not qtuite for the Premier's prohibition bill, which tair. m could have given no bin as will be the itr4 item on Mfg order to a question on whic he had no intl, m. , tre,',") {he 0:11; tt,'rgttt he had . a was con sine t e tinted pump - Xo Ammad Batt Jos. Beth Aet. let, which had been inpthe hands all The following public bills were in. the members for tive or six. long years. induced p-- and which contained much of the evi- Bon. Mr. Ryder-To amend the San deuce taken. Fault had been found with Jose sale act by providing that any the fullness of the pamphlet. Now it person becoming - that an plant ty was said it was not full ttlt: He or tree is infested with the safe must himself had no knowledge of t e pro-; destroy such plant or tree by fire or eeedings of the commission. other than by eil'ectual treatment by fumigation. that which was open to every member or by spraying withmrude petroleum, of the House. When the evidence had kerosene or soap, or by any other ma- "r, all been taken the commissioners con- tatal mired by the Minister; also suited and made their report. Such "that townships may, on peti- N( portions of the evidence " t ey thought Eon of teen ratepayers; am: . San material to their flndhttt were incorpor- Jose scale inspector. such inspector to ated in the pamphlet. The Chairman he the black-knot inspector. if there he would at the ear iest possible moment -ttit an oasis]. N have the notes extended. There was noth- Goi'. lays (Leresdtmr-ro amend the ing to loosen. Every jot and tittle dust railway act by making the tr,','; \ of the evidence supported the case of Non ysirirsg the use of approved en- \ the Government. (Ministerial applause.) dose amicable to street railway eom- Mr. Fey Concludes. pales now or hereafter incorporated or . ' established under any eaten) act. . Mr._Foy (South Toronto), in resum- Mr. Thicker (West "tngteserr--To mg his speech in the debate on the amend the County Councils act b pro- budget, denied that the Itret'1 funds adding that County Councils shall con- could he .used to pay the liabilities of stat of the Reeves of all villages and the Provrnoe, and said that their very l townships and the Reeves of towns not name indicated that fact. The center:- separated from the county. tion of the Premier that the Oppositions opposing of the supplementary revenue Behool Book Evidence. tax on corporations indicated their Below the orders of the day were (the 0ppotsitiorp'a) friendship to corpora- aalled Col. Matheson (South Lanark) trons was entirely erroneous and mu- ssked if the evidence taken by the ,leading_. The tax had been opgeed be [cause it was unnecessary, as t re was l t'tsiready a large surplus in the treasury. 'The 0ppoaitiop'a position was juatit)ed " by the fact that the corporations that f ' " were then re aired to my a Provincial V" . tax were " an same t relieved of a large proportion of their municipal tax- ation. Half a million ed the._pr3sent sur-