T fl plum/the result at is: New V L sale. Tu1eetsateo-ttsaktamrxmtA' t 'uetrurqe_teys.httt.e,tett1trt "Haves-othertimbersaleandaddan- ,iurlkGéitG"ptorinitesy.hitthoittd,ittttt1 other million to your surplus before lit the very mite. to continually declare; ing to the country." It was said t that the vines was bankrupt. (Min- ltimber sales had be. rendered neeessary isterisl applause.) Continuing, 6 dwelt by Ares,. it that were the ease. the Gov- . upon some leading features of the budget ernment was taking credit tor the Pro. aud estimates, namely, the surplus of Vines' 's misfortunes. recaps: for thed mitt 'de t:000 other " 'tures, an e as ex 1- ThatDakota Ranch. 'l'e'd"hel been kept below the estilheiate. Continuing, he referred to the "Da- During the debate he had not heard a ikota mneh" controversy, and said that speaker on the Opposition side any that Ithe Opposition objected to Mr. Dryden's a single expenditure last year should not |investment rt because he was a Cabi- have been made. That was a splendid net Minister. here would have been no tribute to the fintuteial administration. 'objoet'ion had Mr. Dryden been a private Col. Matheeon naked if that argument member. would hold good if the expenditures The hemier-Bow about the member were $1,000,000 more than now. for West Toronto! Mr. Davis replied that it would not, Mr. For-m is not yet Minister of because in such a case hon. gentlemen Arrieulture. (Opposition applause.) opposite would be able if they were care- . The Premur--Thnn he does not ful to point to some expenditures which count. (Ministerial applause.) should not be made. (Ministerial ap- Coll". Foyvtth read from "l, r"'itv1'.' t plause.) I ier's " y, written y . . . . IStead. in which that gentleman quoted l Developing New Ontario . . . I iMr. Drydms's investment as an indica- Proceeding, he referred to eritieisny ' tion that Canadians new knew on which that th.e Government had been. "low m f [side their bread was buttered, and that developing new Ontario. He pointed out It". was another sign of their friendli- that the Government had been .coPpell.ed t GG toward the United States. to tight for year} against the The Premier-He is ., pro-Boer. contentions of friends of hon. , Mr. Troy-a know that; but my " - gentlemen opposite, firet that the N (x mm. is that Mr. Dryden has "weft: land .and later that the minerals N yup" in the ma. of the enemies of 'and timber belonged. to them. Sir Oliver 3 the country and of the empire. (oppogi. [Mowat and his colleagues had fought "sl, tion " lttutre.) the battle before the .Privt Council. Pty-l Hon. gin Dryden said the company In taming for the Province Po/Pl square 'ss which he was interested did not have to I?ily of t.erri.tory with all rights as to I Ns. buy or sell land. They aim 1y put their timber aatd minerals, but hon. gentlemen i . cattle on the ranch for feeding purposes. opposite had not Pvtn any assistance If one was starting business in the lor. protested agaimst the Y.u.oy of , h Northwest Territory, land would hare to their friends " Ottawa. (Ministerial be bought or leased. The investment and applause.) He dealt then with the pro- not Bifeet the a icultural interests of great' of new Ontario sa the result of the the country in are least. Goyeryyten..t'ts policy: In 18.81 there were Mr. Foy answered that his argument only 12 miles of mlway " that eot.1ny still remained unbroken; a weapon had try, new there were 1,864 miles, with _ been placed in the hands of foreign com- ot.h.er lines, including the Government l titers. In concluding, he said that the railway "MS? coustrueuon oy, projected. I',,',',,".,'] had not given a satisfactory The p0pulutum. too, had rapidly ipcreu- . explanation regarding the withholding by tf, it" (in)? increase showed no - of l i the Dominion of '200,000 interest due to diminution. the Province. The mining and general develo ent . , . . . of the country whic had drovl'Q"1elil Ontanos Unique Position. If/geo?', in an max-95% way by . ' r. av w o also inciden referred . Hon. Mr. Davis, tyer. B few pre- to the mining development atySudbury liminary remarks on the importance of the out ut of ores there havin doubled a careful presentation and consideration. within {he at two ears If, indi of the work of the year, said there was) tions bein ptahat the ynext t: I m" . no Province and no State which could would witgiess a like incr o years . . . , . . ease. (Min- eompare with Ontanos flmutcitu y; isterial . plause) I tion. (Ministerial applause.) The We: He was surprised that several o 5 get speech this year had been one which] l position s kers had said that th JP ' would leave its mark along with many" "r'l2','tr"2,,' pit" acticall h e pine other budgets given during the last 25 Thi pr . y ex austed. . ns statement, which had been made years. The iinaneinl management and year after ear for the t 20 position of the Province he earned the was ver wide of the m iuThe years, commendation of the inde ndent press . tl "y t . la,', .' t re were of the count", and of guinea meni 2,: 19510 $3": 'ffll ';i2elilip',',,1tit everywhere. e asked if it was patrio-l ed quantities of pulpwood. Hey defeats! ed the Government's method of dealing with the timber wealth. Sales were