" "pm that if "lithium" and calmneu' " 1tiiler5,Plf ., 7 ' , Nreret -ed by either P??? in the an important one, and I , " 5 85 ordinary method .of politics warfare, "tanno his vim. In _ the Me n there might be 8 disposition on the other letter, he trttidt--'ertte democratic 00" side to discredit it. I do not Pr. that ditione of the mm system of ptr.. either party would do so. but it has, liamentary government can be seen in sometimes happened in party eontiieU.': the growmg tendency of rrer,','e,.,,rtp..1 If this question can be. submitted P, to depart somewhat under Tee! cir- the co le as a uesiion on which the; cumstancee from the old prmcr ha of, P p q _ . . I. . best thought of the people can be en- Parliamentary tsovereignty m Iegi tron, listed. and in regard to which the and obtain immediately In expression strongest convictions of the people can, of opinion on some 11g1',tioie of grave, be expressed. without regard to theirl import on which t ere " a great: party affiliations, we would have a hob; diversity o.t.oyinion., and 'the future; ter and more conclusive and perhaps R, success of which inset; 'o'hie,yrtde,r,',rdihoit,il more judicial decision than We could get; Halal meas.ure iout 1ltdic'c'er,rr),,,aht "ll,d/ . t l ' "a . Wt receive . . on it in my ot fr ". y . legal operation. It is for this reasonl Is It Constitutional t that the Dominion Parliament and the The. question with which I am con-I Lyiitlatury of several Proviyet? have. fronted is this '. Is the referendum which I i 'li,tl,ingotirt't 12,'ep tr:te"e:1,,,e, n . ad ting a eonstitutional . . . - . . . Sid',: 'J2'U'/'/.',l'.' i notice that some; whether they N."? m tuy.or of prohibiting I of our nt'wspap.t.takt the ground that' {#0151110 /1g'iirritgg,t'tiliaeg0"ituhrt,dtl1,ii _ it is not constitutional, and, as a mat- t)!" 'UI Ir . I", r tl JI . ilt i ter ot course, the (lovvrnment are. smcrc-i tic" di- we, 1,',7tcifelleh't,, f,. IT egis a l ( ly censured for adopting this measure. i ion ca tng, WI I te tiU Jee . _, It is sud to he a measure by which we Plebiscitc and Referendum. ) are shirkinu our responsibilities. It is Whi . . l, . f" _. ' , . . . . tile. the plebiscite may be; [said to be "n-Briy,'ut, a diputme from compared to the Swiss 'initative,' ' British usages. The fact .tha.t. .m- are which gives the right to the - l,introdueing the measure in this form electors to move the Legislative adds to the responsibilities which I now bodies to take up and consider any sub; feel in the discussion on which 1.havel, ieci. of public interest, the referendum, entered. I am not merely introducing a which is also borrowed from the same bill for prohibition. but a bill which country, has een Iso an" es on sev- I will be quoted as a precedent for many oral ncbamfiemcient "'93" .to CrmtP as to the proper proce- . method of bringing into force a meas- (duro tit matters of this kind and in are. which can only be. successful when with" matters. l am aware. what a it obtains the unequivocal support of a Igrcat divergence it may mean, what a (N large majority of the people interested .great divergence from the practice of ' in its provisions. This democratic fea- this Legislature and of the Legislatures \, ture o the Swiss political system may of the colonies since constitutional gov- 's, ._.(b° !ispexs,,i,sis,i. a .wit,h the practice tha a - eminent was established here. Having _ {:?nyb:§:':: 'h ('23:??be 1:33:me "fd", Home misgivings in the matter, I put my- , . - . ' x . . self in communication with Sir John, ts ivt"/eo1itvh,Iet;vo"nri'e (if: 'l (1121;111:3133, isiiiii'liiliot'01?lkzoifi'tiiélliltiitiiiiilyJaaig); aul- "s, 'J/i'd1tu"ili't1.'v""ol acciiptipng or rejecting the wrote"him an ion a o as Dee 'i"i, t Canada temperance act, of permitting askin , him to ex iseii i i . in ' _ ts, a majority of the ratepayers in a muni- bimj p 5 op n on on wo i N cipal division to establish a free- library = p i. at the. public expense, ete." And here, w q Opinions of High Authorities. Mr. Ross continued, he. quotes a high >7 , First, did he think that the question l constitutional authority, Cooley, of .y of a referendum was a constitutional whose _.iet.ae,11g'td.aa,.7. all}: 233, £233; " mode oi "procedure, and secondly, when t '/If.nd,lfe,, lirvce an i,xiridiii'r 'lf Ox-i the, opinions of the electors had been 'nth "iir'iiiiiiii'; 'fi/i one whose o inions (i).rl','.:i'ietfi, byf tel procedure $91113 m: also carrv great weight as well gs Mr preroga tveo w. rown be ll in oe> . , . . , ..' . F f:,1,'itsi', ti ,',1',hitt' 'lg:; sannotfeisw its, "a: 'te,,'",.:)',.? c"'t',te,,tv.t1tuhtei,,ti/ cum: ion o anyio y an l canno . " -,., . . lr, F t (icricgute the final act by which it enacts} 'tec)".,",?':";,.'), J.?/Jn""t'yva,"l',i, 11:33:31; lo. My . . H , .... ' ' '_. . 'P. . e. ,i)id"'tiityi1nigi,,fltei/s,tutd'mtl'eer,c'rottt in case of a irrepressible conflict on a Lieutenant Governor in Council and the 2;" ti,tggJmtihvei'1yeUmu.httvee1t1i,",', . . . ' , . ' 23- . - (tttelf,': i),tgi'i't1tp,n"0,,ntl,ttt,'tg: (li) House; are dissolved and an expression on an ex ression of o inion by the elect- obtained from the electorate on this b or in ord'er to give vitality to that act. measure alone. which is again submitted l Sir John Bourinot's memorandum is a lo. the Legislqtlirl'e,};o be settled by a little long, but, as I said at the outset, met vote of l0t 1 ouse!r. I intend to proceed with deliberation