F , . ' _ . e T _ . I. ' W "MS l 1 3 the was" nession, Hon. Mr. Btrab q ton intimeted that the Government had under eonsideration . plan to provide - comnmdetion for epileptlcs. Meny among " . the large crowds In the galleries at both ' sessions thought thnt the prohibition -.tmtr-.qIr- bill would be discussed. but In this were disappointed. The meesure will not like- Dr. Jami ly be taken up this week. l Do Mon Would Cut t Reduction of the Members N n N amber of Mr. Jameson (South Grey) introdmced Legis I bill to reduce the number of members Iators the when. Assembly to sixty, the {hormones of the electoral districts to "P-_.-.- he determined in 1903, and in every tenth year hereafter try three eommiaaionert' . chosen by the Judges of the Supreme S I I I Y ' Court of Judicature from among them- E N O U G ll "Ives. _ . tSheriffs' Fees. ---- I Mr. Thmnpson (Centre Simcoe) intro- . " ' t , luced a bill reducing the fee payable to House Spa (is ), sheriffs 'lh t"It'ttl, h itriht11 C' n 'a. l against": sto tycente ort t lih . Busy Day on ( execution, and twenty cents tor each timatee. subsequent. execution or eertifleato at Q eldm, the 2GiiGGiotsolimited an now to 8400. --- Mr. Dickenson (South Wentworth) in . 'N troduced e bill to amend the toll roads: THE P ts, uproprietion not by providing , nip- ROHIBITION BILL ( chmery for srtsitrnting the values of cor . N I tain roads in the County of Wentworth, I which are continued into the City of ---- . 1 Hamilton and County of Bolton, these F, reshpot Being npperentiy provided, for " wm P T ' _ y t to reeds expropriation not of This v33"? Not be m... In i Wt "lion- Hes In J17f,'ST: land - Third W. PCs-ed, . """u-Vm- t "gee following bills were read ethird ' e t-- . I To incorporate the Brnntford Young _-"---.-.. , Women's Christian iiiautioet--atr. _ ) "new W. m. as the Pres n 'es' The feature of yesterd 's . College, otamv--Mr, ansden. the Le ism " mm" of _ R pectm' h Vill f Point Ed- . bill f,; 'itll."',:,',',',.', the introduction of was Mr US,. I Nre o r. . . - . . to reduce th "meson of South Grey To became" the Morrisburg Electric from 9 a membership of the How "We mpg: --Mr. Whitney. " 60. On the second readin The {allowing government bil s penned of the bill ratifying the am d g 1 the committee stage v-ao further emend ment between the Q F" ti agree- the devolution of "was not, lion. Mr. Commhmione ueen Victoria Park, Gibson. Respecting expert Witnesses. . n P rs and the Cunedian Ni. Hon. Mr. Gerrow; to amend the lend 't . ower.C0mpany, the Premier tr" titles wt, Hon. Mr. Gibson. l l net but interesting "mm", of t1)e "vantages secured to the Province I "on (Inclusion u to price. for 0.1%? ":1 Power again "upwind the tant In out" Government hes aeteddn this," and T, 'n"ttrforith. I. View to rotiUrvin qruarding public interests. WM]? at